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Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 9:01 pm
by Mediapig71
In this weeks update, KS asked if fans would like a Heroes Unlimited hardcover. I'm not sure where to respond to that, so I am putting it here. I would love a hardcover for the HU rules (my fav Palladium game) but I would really prefer a new edition offered in hardcover, rather than just a hardcover version of the rules I already have. A Heroes Unlimited "Ultimate Edition."

Even if they do just reprint the rules as a hardcover, I would prefer a cover like the Rifts Ultimate Edition... new artwork, rather than just a cloth cover with foil. It's the game's 30th anniversary... let's do something special!

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:01 pm
by Incriptus
I guess it would look nice next to my Heroes Unlimited, Heroes Unlimited Revised, and Heroes Unlimited 2nd edition books, but without improved (even if just editorial) content I would have to wait till I had everything else.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 10:11 pm
by Daniel Stoker
If it's a hard cover of the most current HU book with no changes, then no not at all. If it's a revised/updated one... heck yeah.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:19 pm
by Glistam
I think I'm confused. Doesn't HU2 already come in a hardcover? Or is my hardcover just a special/limited edition?

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:39 am
by palladiumjunkie
Yep. There is a HU2 hardcover already, and it was a limited special edition printing. I guess Kevin is talking about doing another special anniversary edition hardcover.

Press Release wrote:2014 is the 30th Anniversary of the Heroes Unlimited RPG (originally released in June 1984). We’re almost out of the current print run, so we’ll be sending it in for reprinting. But I’m thinking, it might be cool to print 300-400 copies of a Thirtieth Anniversary “Hardcover Edition” of Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition (i.e. the current rules). And to celebrate the Anniversary, offer it at a low, reasonable price of $40 available only from Palladium Books; while supplies last. The content of the book would be the same as the current softcover except for the blue cloth hardcover (a different blue than the old hardcover) and gold foil printing. Signed and numbered by the Palladium staff.

The question is: Is this a good idea? Is an HU2 Hardcover something you would want? Please let us know. We need to make that decision over the next week or two. Think it would be fun. Personally, I love hardcover books.


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:01 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
I cannot afford the $40 price he quoted in the update, so my answer would be no. Besides, if it is just the same material reprinted, what would be the point?

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:32 pm
by Daniel Stoker
Ahhh, so it's the same book. Then my answer is no I've got no need for that.

Daniel Stoker

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:17 pm
by Reagren Wright
I'd have to agree with crowd. If it was the same material, with the outdated scholastic
skills and education random chart. I'd have to see some new art work too.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:06 pm
by NMI
Reagren Wright wrote:I'd have to agree with crowd. If it was the same material, with the outdated scholastic
skills and education random chart. I'd have to see some new art work too.

Of course, I would like to see some of the stuff that you have written in the book too!

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 9:54 pm
by slade the sniper
If it had new in modern day technology, with expanded content and new artwork, then YES, I will buy it, for $40 to $60. If it is not new content, then I would not even want it as a gift, since space is at a premium for my gaming shelves...


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:06 pm
by talmor
Reagren Wright wrote:I'd have to agree with crowd. If it was the same material, with the outdated scholastic
skills and education random chart. I'd have to see some new art work too. THAT the issue with '98 edition? I thought the major issue with it is the tech--a computer less impressive than my phone costs something like a million dollars per the rules. I didn't realize the education chart was an issue. Of course, I love random tables, one of the reasons I dig Heroes Unlimited, even if I had to rewrite the random power tables so players would actually get super strength more often than, say, Clock Control.

As for the Harcover, I'd vote "no." I actually don't like hardcover is general--my Palladium softcovers from the 80's still hold together quite well despite my YEARS of abuse, while my carefully kept hardcovers from other companies are falling apart.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:54 pm
by NMI
I've sent Kevin Siembieda an email with a link to this thread. At the very least, your concerns and constructive ideas will be seen.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 8:21 pm
by jaymz
NMI wrote:I've sent Kevin Siembieda an email with a link to this thread. At the very least, your concerns and constructive ideas will be seen.


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 1:08 am
by slade the sniper
As long as the tech is upgraded...I will buy it...seriously...just update the book with modern tech. New art, new powers, that is just gravy...


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:08 am
by jaymz
I wouldn't bet on much work getting put into it for the Hardcover. That will just make anyone who doesn't buy it want a non hard cover version released for the updates. I'd rather see them not bother, and focus on the books we've already been waiting years for.

That's just a personal preference though.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 10:47 am
by Sureshot
For me to even consider buying a HU hardcover it would have to include:

-Streamlining of some of the power categories.
-Better Art.
-Allow HU to emulate all kinds of superheros.
-Fix some of the wonky superpowers
-Allow the purchase of the book in PDF

I'm truly uninterested in buying the same reprinted rehased book twice in hardcover. There just seems no reason to do so. A small update to HU to allow it to do what Champions and Mutants And Mastermindsas super rpgs is possible. without making the older material obsolete.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:23 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
As of the last update, Kevin has decided to go through with producing 300-400 copies of the hardcover.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 1:26 pm
by Sureshot
Stone Gargoyle wrote:As of the last update, Kevin has decided to go through with producing 300-400 copies of the hardcover.

Oh well. So much for giving any feedback. Kind of defeats the purpose if the majority are not interested.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:06 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
Sureshot wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:As of the last update, Kevin has decided to go through with producing 300-400 copies of the hardcover.

Oh well. So much for giving any feedback. Kind of defeats the purpose if the majority are not interested.
I doubt he even paid any attention to the feedback, even though the reason he is going through with it was that he supposedly got positive feedback encouraging him to do so.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:03 pm
by slade the sniper
jaymz wrote:I wouldn't bet on much work getting put into it for the Hardcover. That will just make anyone who doesn't buy it want a non hard cover version released for the updates. I'd rather see them not bother, and focus on the books we've already been waiting years for.

That's just a personal preference though.

Like REF Marines (yes, yes incorrect term, but personal preference) and Warpath?? Given the choice, yes, I would prefer those titles since I have house-ruled HU2 into something unidentifiable from it's origins...but I am an addict and I buy all sorts of Palladium crack :(


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 6:54 am
by Glistam
Sureshot wrote:
Stone Gargoyle wrote:As of the last update, Kevin has decided to go through with producing 300-400 copies of the hardcover.

Oh well. So much for giving any feedback. Kind of defeats the purpose if the majority are not interested.

Just because one or two dozen people on a forum on the internet were uninterested does not prove that the "majority" were not interested. There's other ways of giving feedback which are more discreet that you don't see here. A vocal minority is not automatically a majority.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:52 am
by Sureshot
Glistam wrote:Just because one or two dozen people on a forum on the internet were uninterested does not prove that the "majority" were not interested. There's other ways of giving feedback which are more discreet that you don't see here. A vocal minority is not automatically a majority.

True a internet forum may not be a majority. Yet imo it should be a good indicator if the fanbase want it or not. Since gamers here are PB fans. I also felt like they wanted to publish the hardcover anyway whether we the fans wanted it or not. So asking for feedback felt and still feels like a waste of time. Then again I'm not the market for the hardcover as I have absolutely no interest in buying a expensive rehash. Nor will I recommend it if a poster were to ask if it's worth buying. I do think they are misjuging the amount of fans that HU has. At most I would have printed 50-100. Since HU does not allow gamers to do what Mutants and Masterminds or Champions rpgs can it's imo not as popular. If they do sell out of all the copies then I am man enough to admit that I was wrong.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 1:07 pm
by Stone Gargoyle
This was not the only thread in which responses to the question were posted. Pepsi Jedi had started another one in another area of the forums. There seemed to be slightly more interest there in the hardcover, but still not enough to justify saying they got a positive response. I am convinced that they were going to do it regardless.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 5:20 pm
by slade the sniper
Glistam wrote:A vocal minority is not automatically a majority.

Tell that to mass media :badbad:


Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 9:38 pm
by Sureshot
Stone Gargoyle wrote:This was not the only thread in which responses to the question were posted. Pepsi Jedi had started another one in another area of the forums. There seemed to be slightly more interest there in the hardcover, but still not enough to justify saying they got a positive response. I am convinced that they were going to do it regardless.

A rpg company that pays out of their own pocket to release a product even a rehash does not have to ask the fans if they want it. They should yet they don't have to imo.It just feels like they were going to do it anyway. Give the illusion of wanting to get feedback yet going ahead anyway if the result was negative. At the very least if I were them I would print 50 copies of the hardcover. I just can't see 200 let alone 300 copies of the hardcover selling out.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:11 am
by Ranger
slade the sniper wrote:As long as the tech is upgraded...I will buy it...seriously...just update the book with modern tech. New art, new powers, that is just gravy...


Or leave the level of tech out and just leave it up to the GM/Players.

Re: Heroes Unlimited Hardcover

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:19 am
by jaymz
Ranger wrote:
slade the sniper wrote:As long as the tech is upgraded...I will buy it...seriously...just update the book with modern tech. New art, new powers, that is just gravy...


Or leave the level of tech out and just leave it up to the GM/Players.

I think in some ways that is what he meant by update....make it more "generic" in description as to be able to move ahead with the times.