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Re: Playable Races from Genesis Pit Sourcebook

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 3:11 am
by Lt Gargoyle
yes its an Invid Spy.

Re: Playable Races from Genesis Pit Sourcebook

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 9:19 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Dace wrote:I've noticed that the Genesis Pit Sourcebook makes new playable race options. Is one of them Invid? I was thinking of doing a new game and making the human Invid as a playable race option. Does this book make it possible? If not what kind of race options are being made possible?

As an aside, how much of the older book material is compatible with the newer books?


The Invid Simulagent is not another race it is an Invid RCC.
Yes, the Simulagent is a PC class, if the GM will let you play one.
There are Human, Zentradie, Trirolian, human-Zent mix, human-trirolian mix are the 'races' available to PCs (other then the invid classes for their humanoid children)