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Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:46 pm
by CarCrasher
When you and the group decide to settle down and try build a home what sort of defense do you make?
A concrete wall? The resources are still there, free for industrious minds. Grab a couple dozen flatbed loads. Build a walled fortress to defend against all the unsavoury elements of the new world!?
Perhaps they have decided to live a nomadic lifestyle? Always on the move never knowing what's around the corner? Let the forum know your thoughts.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 2:23 pm
by whassupman03

For defending Safe Havens, one could use this blog article for inspiration…

…so hopefully this will help. This article can be especially helpful when simulating the defense of a Safe Haven set up by Road Reapers, since they use local neighborhoods as defensive lines (See Page 30 of Dead Reign Sourcebook 4: Fear the Reaper). Anyway, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon everyone.


P.S.: This blog has a lot of articles and information that might be useful for emulating various groups in Dead Reign, so I recommend that people give it a look-over.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:26 am
by CarCrasher
Thanks for the great article! Gonna add those ideas to my game.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 10:38 am
by whassupman03

I'm glad that the article will be useful to your game CarCrasher! :-D Personally, I figured that the article would be of some merit to anyone trying to play out the defense of a safe haven, especially one set up by the Road Reapers. From what I can tell, according to Dead Reign Sourcebook 4: Fear the Reaper, the Reapers often use the current urban terrain rather than build walls for their safe havens due to the massive amount of effort necessary. So I thought that this would go well in someone's game. Well I have to go, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 8:41 pm
by whassupman03

CoalitionMerc wrote:my thoughts of a defensive wall for a stationary haven are three jersey barriers per section, two on the ground one upside down placed between the first two filled with concrete, repeat a few times and you got a super strong super heavy wall that will take a beating and still function well.

I think that Jersey barriers (a.k.a. K-rails in the Western US[sup]1[/sup]) are a good idea for walls CoalitionMerc. During the Iraq War, they were often used as cover by US troops stationed in Baghdad as of 2007.[sup]2[/sup] With plenty of open ground, a well-equipped force could build two concentric walls of these (Or at least some over major crossings such as streets and highways to use as roadblocks and ambush positions), and plant lots of defenses between them, such as signal flares, mines, Punji traps, etc. Also, an innovative force could improvise their own defenses, such as building tripwire-activated bells and soda cans, fougasse bombs, and other measures (A force in rural areas could use lovely little bear traps as well. :twisted:).

Of course in anticipation of Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth (With its take on troops and other people stranded overseas :?), one could implement HESCO bastions as well.[sup]3[/sup] These are basically giant sandbag-like "concertainers" that can be used not only for flood and erosion control, but for fortifying vital installations. Coming in various sizes, a soldier filling 20 sandbags an hour would easily lose a race against a front end loader doing ten times the amount of work in a HESCO bastion. HESCO bastions can also be stacked up and built into walls suitable for any use. Just two feet of thickness can stop rifle bullets, shrapnel, and other small projectiles, while four can stop most car bombs. Even so, five would be great for stopping Rocket-Propelled Grenades (RPGs) as well.[sup]4[/sup] We even have a concertainer that comes in a shipping container, where we simply drag it out of the container and get several hundred yards of wall ready to be filled with barrier material in less than an hour. An overseas military unit, say in the Middle East, would have access to such barriers, while others are often used by civil engineers in the US as well.[sup]5[/sup]

Anyway, those are just my two cents for the day. Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.

whassupman03 :ok:

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Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:01 pm
by eliakon
large buildings, if you drop furniture and debris down the stairwells you can pretty well seal off the lower levels. clear it out room by room, and your good to go.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 10:57 am
by whassupman03

Personally, I'm a fan of The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. He also mentioned doing so in the book. So I can agree with that idea. :-) In terms of clearing the building out - a good way to role-play it (In my eyes :wink:) would be to carry out an actual adventure to do so. With a medium- to large-sized group, one could split the group into teams, clearing one floor at a time.

Maybe the group can "leap-frog" the floors, much like the island-hopping strategy in the Pacific Ocean during World War II.[sup]1[/sup] One team could clear a floor, then the second would take the floor just above it. A reserve team would be at the ready in case one of the previously mentioned teams got into trouble. While the second team is clearing the floor above them, the first team could take time to clean up the floor they just cleared, prepare it for possible habitation, or even take time to rest a little bit (Done in shifts to keep the zombies away of course :D). This would be more like the Pacific Theater during World War II than you may think - whenever the US military took an island from the Japanese, they built airfields, ports, military bases, and other infrastructure to keep the war running.[sup]2[/sup] In terms of strategy, the group that is clearing the building could do something similar, such as setting up the recently-cleared floor for use by live humans, whether for shelter or salvage. Now that the second team cleared the floor above them, the first team can prepare to clear the floor above that while the second team sets up the floor they just cleared, etc.

Well that's all I can think of right now. If you have any concerns, feel free to reply. :-D Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


P.S.: I also have the latest edition of World War Z (Including both the DVD and digital editions of the movie), as well as some of the paraphernalia. I am hoping that I can try to get the supplementary novel to World War Z, Closure Limited (See for details.).

[1]: Source:
[2]: Source:

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:23 am
by CarCrasher
I like that idea. Leapfrogging your way to the top floor makes a lot of sense. I think my plan though would proceed to the next floor after the all clear is given instead prepping for occupancy or salvage because a tertiary team could do that. Also if it was tall enough building I would leave the first 3 or 4 floors vacant as buffer zone to stay out life sensing range. I would also put up defensive lines on those floors. Trip lines to set off traps like spike arms or shotguns, automatic weapons, arrows perhaps even acid splash traps. Deadfall traps or even holes in the floor that have concertina wire tied in it for the unlucky fall victim. Just some ideas I have.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 6:54 am
by Saustin65
CarCrasher wrote:I like that idea. Leapfrogging your way to the top floor makes a lot of sense. I think my plan though would proceed to the next floor after the all clear is given instead prepping for occupancy or salvage because a tertiary team could do that. Also if it was tall enough building I would leave the first 3 or 4 floors vacant as buffer zone to stay out life sensing range. I would also put up defensive lines on those floors. Trip lines to set off traps like spike arms or shotguns, automatic weapons, arrows perhaps even acid splash traps. Deadfall traps or even holes in the floor that have concertina wire tied in it for the unlucky fall victim. Just some ideas I have.

Love the idea of trapping the lower floors, but i wound not use any type of fire arms. Since these would make lots of noise and draw in more zombies to the area.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:24 am
by whassupman03

CarCrasher wrote:I like that idea. Leapfrogging your way to the top floor makes a lot of sense. I think my plan though would proceed to the next floor after the all clear is given instead prepping for occupancy or salvage because a tertiary team could do that. Also if it was tall enough building I would leave the first 3 or 4 floors vacant as buffer zone to stay out life sensing range. I would also put up defensive lines on those floors. Trip lines to set off traps like spike arms or shotguns, automatic weapons, arrows perhaps even acid splash traps. Deadfall traps or even holes in the floor that have concertina wire tied in it for the unlucky fall victim. Just some ideas I have.

I'm glad you like the leapfrogging idea. Personally, I didn't think of using the tertiary team for setting the building up for use, but thank you for bringing it to my attention. :-) But in terms of a buffer zone, that is a good idea as well. You could set the lower floors of the building up as a fortified defensive line of sorts with plenty of booby traps, so I believe that as long as you stay out of sensing range you're A-OK.

Saustin65 wrote:Love the idea of trapping the lower floors, but i wound not use any type of fire arms. Since these would make lots of noise and draw in more zombies to the area.

That is also a good point Saustin65. Gunfire may alert zombies to your presence. Of course it is possible that if you had access to sound and flash suppressors for your firearms, you may be able to minimize such effects. Still, if zombies storm the building, you will need a way out to get out of dodge. :-D

Anyway, I have to go now, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.


Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:13 pm
by CarCrasher
A group of bandits are sneaking thru the building without your knowledge. A gunshot would be able to alert you of unwanted presences. Also if that same group is sneaking into your haven set off the trap it would cuz some terror in the ranks. It would slow them down and in some cases might cause panic and they start blind-firing in all directions using up the ammo meant for you. But traps are about you prefer.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 7:22 pm
by whassupman03

CarCrasher wrote:A group of bandits are sneaking thru the building without your knowledge. A gunshot would be able to alert you of unwanted presences. Also if that same group is sneaking into your haven set off the trap it would cuz some terror in the ranks. It would slow them down and in some cases might cause panic and they start blind-firing in all directions using up the ammo meant for you. But traps are about you prefer.

Gunshots from a group of bandits or other vicious folks would alert you to their presence, but one thing to remember is that a lot of panic fire can cause trouble. While the lower floors would be a booby-trapped maze of vertical fortifications, a large amount of noise even at that level may attract the most deadly sound of all - the Zombie Moan. Combining the panic fire with any booby traps may help to whittle down the bandits, but if there is too much noise, the defenses could be overwhelmed by a bunch of zombies marching upward like fire ants. :demon:

An example of noise-related disasters in tall buildings involves a Hook, Line & Sinker (H.L.S.) adventure seed from The Rifter #64. In the adventure seed, an entire building was demolished with explosives, the massive amount of noise caused the tall building the PCs were in to be swarmed by a mob of zombies. Sure the demolition of an entire building is much noisier, but this may be the case for simple panic fire and tripped booby-traps, particularly ones with automatic weapons and shotguns as you mentioned earlier. But while there are likely suppressors for such weapons, I would believe that they are much rarer than the ones for rifles, submachine guns, and pistols. Therefore, I really can't think of many sources of shotgun and full-sized machine gun suppressors (If you can get your hands on machine guns, of course :D).

I loved the fact that the building the PCs were staying in was similarly wired to blow sky high. :eek:
Now I have to go. Plenty of info has been applied to this topic, and I am grateful. Hopefully I've been able to help, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.


[1]: Source: The Rifter #64, page 33

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 11:37 am
by Icefalcon
For fast escapes from fourth floor windows, there are inflatable slides that are sometimes used as emergency fire escapes in taller buildings.

Having said that however, I would never use a building in a city for a safe haven because there are too many other things to worry about other than zombies. First among those would be how to get water to the various floors without power (reach would also cause havoc with general hygiene and waste disposal). Second would be the rapidly multiplying pests, such as rats and cockroaches (which plays into spreading disease). Third would be security because eventually you will have to leave the building for supply runs thus making some kind of path out (which also means a path in) and you eventually WILL be seen by either zombies or bandits making your staying out of sensing distance not as effective.

No, I would rather have a series of linked tree houses in the forest somewhere. At least then you have plenty of maneuver room (especially if you install zip lines) if anyone comes for you.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:12 pm
by whassupman03

Icefalcon wrote:For fast escapes from fourth floor windows, there are inflatable slides that are sometimes used as emergency fire escapes in taller buildings.

Having said that however, I would never use a building in a city for a safe haven because there are too many other things to worry about other than zombies. First among those would be how to get water to the various floors without power (reach would also cause havoc with general hygiene and waste disposal). Second would be the rapidly multiplying pests, such as rats and cockroaches (which plays into spreading disease). Third would be security because eventually you will have to leave the building for supply runs thus making some kind of path out (which also means a path in) and you eventually WILL be seen by either zombies or bandits making your staying out of sensing distance not as effective.

No, I would rather have a series of linked tree houses in the forest somewhere. At least then you have plenty of maneuver room (especially if you install zip lines) if anyone comes for you.

Exactly! :-D Living in the Big City in a grid-down situation with no electrical power means no drinking water, no communications, no heat, no light, and (Very important) no sanitation. Remember, in a big skyscraper, waste flows down, so the situation on the ground floors will be a sanitation disaster and a unhealthy nightmare. :ugh: In addition, without power, the prisons will have no security (So mass escapes will happen... :eek:), there will be no 911 (Not that it would be useful in the world of Dead Reign... :?), and anyone who has chronic health problems will suffer greatly, whether they are part of the Wave or not. And the Wave will bring the refugees out of the cities through specific lines of drift (e.g. freeways and highways), and the zombies will catch up to them. :twisted: These reasons are why people shouldn't try to stay in the Big City during a disaster, both in the role-playing world and in real life.[sup]1[/sup]

Still, many will try, and while some of these people will succeed in surviving, they will be outnumbered by those who fell to both human and undead opponents. Bandits and raiders may often be escaped convicts from the insecure prisons, and the zombies will only increase in numbers when urban survivors fall to them.

These concepts may scare away a lot of people, but there may be situations where people who did leave may come back at least temporarily and salvage what they need for their rural safe havens. Essentially, safe houses in the urban labyrinths of the Big City may act as forward outposts where temporary expeditions may beg, borrow, scavenge, and steal what they need to survive, such as food, water, tools, weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, construction materials, vehicles, fuel, and other things like that. In the end, these expeditions may become necessary, because there is only so much to scavenge in the rural regions of the world, much like in Resident Evil: Extinction, where the nomadic convoy had to travel to Las Vegas to get what they need to keep going. Cities may be the only answer after the rural areas are stripped clean.

Of course this is a brand new idea for me, but hopefully I can comment on it later. Even so, if you have anything to add, feel free to do so - I am all ears. :-) Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day. And please enjoy your Valentine's Day too! :heart:


[1]: Source:

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:44 am
by Trent
whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

CoalitionMerc wrote:my thoughts of a defensive wall for a stationary haven are three jersey barriers per section, two on the ground one upside down placed between the first two filled with concrete, repeat a few times and you got a super strong super heavy wall that will take a beating and still function well.

I think that Jersey barriers (a.k.a. K-rails in the Western US[sup]1[/sup]) are a good idea for walls CoalitionMerc. During the Iraq War, they were often used as cover by US troops stationed in Baghdad as of 2007.[sup]2[/sup] With plenty of open ground, a well-equipped force could build two concentric walls of these (Or at least some over major crossings such as streets and highways to use as roadblocks and ambush positions), and plant lots of defenses between them, such as signal flares, mines, Punji traps, etc. Also, an innovative force could improvise their own defenses, such as building tripwire-activated bells and soda cans, fougasse bombs, and other measures (A force in rural areas could use lovely little bear traps as well. :twisted:).

Of course in anticipation of Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth (With its take on troops and other people stranded overseas :?), one could implement HESCO bastions as well.[sup]3[/sup] These are basically giant sandbag-like "concertainers" that can be used not only for flood and erosion control, but for fortifying vital installations. Coming in various sizes, a soldier filling 20 sandbags an hour would easily lose a race against a front end loader doing ten times the amount of work in a HESCO bastion. HESCO bastions can also be stacked up and built into walls suitable for any use. Just two feet of thickness can stop rifle bullets, shrapnel, and other small projectiles, while four can stop most car bombs. Even so, five would be great for stopping Rocket-Propelled Grenades (RPGs) as well.[sup]4[/sup] We even have a concertainer that comes in a shipping container, where we simply drag it out of the container and get several hundred yards of wall ready to be filled with barrier material in less than an hour. An overseas military unit, say in the Middle East, would have access to such barriers, while others are often used by civil engineers in the US as well.[sup]5[/sup]

Anyway, those are just my two cents for the day. Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.

whassupman03 :ok:

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But where would a common person get such things in large supply during a zombie invasion ?

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:22 am
by Trent
whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

Icefalcon wrote:For fast escapes from fourth floor windows, there are inflatable slides that are sometimes used as emergency fire escapes in taller buildings.

Having said that however, I would never use a building in a city for a safe haven because there are too many other things to worry about other than zombies. First among those would be how to get water to the various floors without power (reach would also cause havoc with general hygiene and waste disposal). Second would be the rapidly multiplying pests, such as rats and cockroaches (which plays into spreading disease). Third would be security because eventually you will have to leave the building for supply runs thus making some kind of path out (which also means a path in) and you eventually WILL be seen by either zombies or bandits making your staying out of sensing distance not as effective.

No, I would rather have a series of linked tree houses in the forest somewhere. At least then you have plenty of maneuver room (especially if you install zip lines) if anyone comes for you.

Exactly! :-D Living in the Big City in a grid-down situation with no electrical power means no drinking water, no communications, no heat, no light, and (Very important) no sanitation. Remember, in a big skyscraper, waste flows down, so the situation on the ground floors will be a sanitation disaster and a unhealthy nightmare. :ugh: In addition, without power, the prisons will have no security (So mass escapes will happen... :eek:), there will be no 911 (Not that it would be useful in the world of Dead Reign... :?), and anyone who has chronic health problems will suffer greatly, whether they are part of the Wave or not. And the Wave will bring the refugees out of the cities through specific lines of drift (e.g. freeways and highways), and the zombies will catch up to them. :twisted: These reasons are why people shouldn't try to stay in the Big City during a disaster, both in the role-playing world and in real life.[sup]1[/sup]

Still, many will try, and while some of these people will succeed in surviving, they will be outnumbered by those who fell to both human and undead opponents. Bandits and raiders may often be escaped convicts from the insecure prisons, and the zombies will only increase in numbers when urban survivors fall to them.

These concepts may scare away a lot of people, but there may be situations where people who did leave may come back at least temporarily and salvage what they need for their rural safe havens. Essentially, safe houses in the urban labyrinths of the Big City may act as forward outposts where temporary expeditions may beg, borrow, scavenge, and steal what they need to survive, such as food, water, tools, weapons, ammunition, medical supplies, construction materials, vehicles, fuel, and other things like that. In the end, these expeditions may become necessary, because there is only so much to scavenge in the rural regions of the world, much like in Resident Evil: Extinction, where the nomadic convoy had to travel to Las Vegas to get what they need to keep going. Cities may be the only answer after the rural areas are stripped clean.

Of course this is a brand new idea for me, but hopefully I can comment on it later. Even so, if you have anything to add, feel free to do so - I am all ears. :-) Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day. And please enjoy your Valentine's Day too! :heart:


[1]: Source:

There are alot of small towns out there across north america and with a low human population and many of whats left afraid to venture far from what they know it might not be a case of picking rural areas clean . This county alone has over 15 named communities not counting the county seat . Many fairly remote . Plus many coal mines , a state park , clusters of light to heavy industry in surprisingly remote areas , Truck stops , county airport , rock quarries , State police post and a good amount of other resources and thats in just one county in Ky. . Hitting major cities may not have to happen as often as we think . As far as safe havens most counties out there have old high schools fairly far outside the county seat that have not been used or have seen only light use in other capacities for a good while after new and more modern schools are built . these old schools are often of concrete construction with high chain link fences around them . Being in low populated areas makes them a good start and buys you time to fortify them even further while still giving you access to farms and small towns near by . As you grow you become better equipped and can then afford to expand your search area for resources . Just a thought

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:10 am
by Trent
One resource for said walls is grain silos . The sheet metal and frame work is all there . Disassemble , relocate , reassemble , repeat . Two sets of walls with 2 to 3 feet between them , connect with rebar or other frame work every few feet and fill the space between with the dirt and rock (packed) that you gain from digging a outer ditch . Top it off with 3 to 4 feet of metal work at a 45 degree angle extending outwards . If you can find enough metal you can layer it to make it stronger . The shape of silos also make for good defensive towers . Silos are designed to stand up to alot of stress and weather . Just start with securing a small area and then expand as needed or as resources allow . That should be done no matter what materials are used . And dont count out wood . Sure its flammable but it can be treated and even covered with light metal sheeting to protect it .

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 7:28 pm
by say652
Any place surrounded by a pit fifteen feet deep about fifteen feet wide. Preferably a junk yard dump drain oul old gas whatever in and watch the bbq.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 12:45 am
by Trent
say652 wrote:Any place surrounded by a pit fifteen feet deep about fifteen feet wide. Preferably a junk yard dump drain oul old gas whatever in and watch the bbq.

And thus was born the Bar-B-Q Reign Revised 2nd Edition RPG Dead Meat Series .

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:30 pm
by Trent
Would like to get an idea of how big players are building their safe havens in land and population size

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 8:44 pm
by whassupman03

Trent wrote:There are alot of small towns out there across north america and with a low human population and many of whats left afraid to venture far from what they know it might not be a case of picking rural areas clean . This county alone has over 15 named communities not counting the county seat . Many fairly remote . Plus many coal mines , a state park , clusters of light to heavy industry in surprisingly remote areas , Truck stops , county airport , rock quarries , State police post and a good amount of other resources and thats in just one county in Ky. . Hitting major cities may not have to happen as often as we think . As far as safe havens most counties out there have old high schools fairly far outside the county seat that have not been used or have seen only light use in other capacities for a good while after new and more modern schools are built . these old schools are often of concrete construction with high chain link fences around them . Being in low populated areas makes them a good start and buys you time to fortify them even further while still giving you access to farms and small towns near by . As you grow you become better equipped and can then afford to expand your search area for resources . Just a thought

I apologize for my absence from the Palladium Forums in recent times - it was suspected that my computer became infected with malware after visiting the forums, and I had to make sure that this was or was not the cause (Notably since I had to have my computer restored to a previous version to erase anything malevolent... :badbad:). As a result, I am revisiting this website on a probationary basis to make sure that this was not the website at fault, since it has been a while now. Therefore, I welcome Trent to the forums, because I have been absent and need to catch up.

Your take on visiting urban areas is a good way to sum it up - I considered urban areas as salvage opportunities for a time long after the Wave - and after watching the movie. :wink: Still, visiting urban areas is still useful if you are in the business of rescuing other humans or killing zombies, though this is only for the best of the best, unless you use Brad Ashley's secret highways, like railroad tracks, subways, sewers, etc. Either way, you will need a lot of skill and luck in order to do so, and that is what adventurous role-playing is good for. Plus to answer your question about HESCO bastions; I think that they would be much more plentiful overseas, especially in the Big Sandbox of Afghanistan. But in terms of CONUS, I don't know exactly where and how to get such barriers, but I tend to believe that they may be available to government agencies like the Army Corps of Engineers or disaster relief agencies such as FEMA and statewide agencies of a similar nature (Coastal engineers use similar barriers for controlling floods...). Hopefully, that answers your previous questions and comments. :-)

Well that is all I have to say tonight, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good weekend.


P.S.: Don't worry, I didn't forget about your grain silo idea - it is a sound concept, and companies tend to fabricate them as kits to ship to farms nationwide.

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 9:55 pm
by Trent
whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

Trent wrote:There are alot of small towns out there across north america and with a low human population and many of whats left afraid to venture far from what they know it might not be a case of picking rural areas clean . This county alone has over 15 named communities not counting the county seat . Many fairly remote . Plus many coal mines , a state park , clusters of light to heavy industry in surprisingly remote areas , Truck stops , county airport , rock quarries , State police post and a good amount of other resources and thats in just one county in Ky. . Hitting major cities may not have to happen as often as we think . As far as safe havens most counties out there have old high schools fairly far outside the county seat that have not been used or have seen only light use in other capacities for a good while after new and more modern schools are built . these old schools are often of concrete construction with high chain link fences around them . Being in low populated areas makes them a good start and buys you time to fortify them even further while still giving you access to farms and small towns near by . As you grow you become better equipped and can then afford to expand your search area for resources . Just a thought

I apologize for my absence from the Palladium Forums in recent times - it was suspected that my computer became infected with malware after visiting the forums, and I had to make sure that this was or was not the cause (Notably since I had to have my computer restored to a previous version to erase anything malevolent... :badbad:). As a result, I am revisiting this website on a probationary basis to make sure that this was not the website at fault, since it has been a while now. Therefore, I welcome Trent to the forums, because I have been absent and need to catch up.

Your take on visiting urban areas is a good way to sum it up - I considered urban areas as salvage opportunities for a time long after the Wave - and after watching the movie. :wink: Still, visiting urban areas is still useful if you are in the business of rescuing other humans or killing zombies, though this is only for the best of the best, unless you use Brad Ashley's secret highways, like railroad tracks, subways, sewers, etc. Either way, you will need a lot of skill and luck in order to do so, and that is what adventurous role-playing is good for. Plus to answer your question about HESCO bastions; I think that they would be much more plentiful overseas, especially in the Big Sandbox of Afghanistan. But in terms of CONUS, I don't know exactly where and how to get such barriers, but I tend to believe that they may be available to government agencies like the Army Corps of Engineers or disaster relief agencies such as FEMA and statewide agencies of a similar nature (Coastal engineers use similar barriers for controlling floods...). Hopefully, that answers your previous questions and comments. :-)

Well that is all I have to say tonight, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good weekend.


P.S.: Don't worry, I didn't forget about your grain silo idea - it is a sound concept, and companies tend to fabricate them as kits to ship to farms nationwide.

Army Corps of Engineers , FEMA (who would show up 6 months AFTER the wave) and the like would be good places to start but wouldnt the competition over resources be very high ? And then there is the question of moving said material to a suitable location . And all while fighting off the undead . As far as areas of high population , great for rescuing people and getting out fast but would it not be hard to pick and choose building supplies ? But then again , most heavy industry is located on the outer edges of large cities and with so many falling sick in the early days of the wave i doubt any went to work so those places would be low hazard at first . And TY for the kind welcome . Is a honor to meet you .

Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:25 pm
by whassupman03

Trent wrote:Army Corps of Engineers , FEMA (who would show up 6 months AFTER the wave) and the like would be good places to start but wouldnt the competition over resources be very high ? And then there is the question of moving said material to a suitable location . And all while fighting off the undead . As far as areas of high population , great for rescuing people and getting out fast but would it not be hard to pick and choose building supplies ? But then again , most heavy industry is located on the outer edges of large cities and with so many falling sick in the early days of the wave i doubt any went to work so those places would be low hazard at first . And TY for the kind welcome . Is a honor to meet you .

My belief about the Army Corps of Engineers and disaster relief agencies like FEMA is that since governments including our own have been incapacitated due to the Wave and its billions of undead enemies (And a lesser number of enemies among the living), there would be no one coming to help the scattered survivors, though rumors of things like secret government hideouts at Area 51 and NORAD or fleets of naval vessels at the ready may state otherwise. The idea I came up with is that if people knew where said resources were stored by such agencies, they could go and grab them pending the availability of transportation and armed fighters to defend them. Such intelligence as to these locations could be had by people who used to work for those agencies, or at least independent people who knew the specific information, whether by knowing someone who did or having read about them. But having the equipment and training necessary to grab those resources is also important, with an emphasis on training. You may have the heavy machinery and weapons to defend it, but if you don't know how to use the equipment or at a bare minimum know how to survive in infested areas, you will at best fail the mission - and at worst become one of the undead minions that do the infesting. Even more likely would be efforts by survivors to improvise with more common materials such as your grain silos, CoalitionMerc's Jersey barriers, etc. In the end however, that is is all I have to say, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.


Re: Your Safe Haven! !

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 9:53 pm
by Trent
People would have to become scavengers . Out of the box thinking and creativity will save the day . But really all this is a moot point . With new godzilla out and new judas priest comeing the forces of evil wont stand a chance .