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Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:18 am
by CarCrasher
I must admit I am ashamed I didn't even know that source book 4 existed! As to the new writer I couldn't begin to guess. However I must proclaim that I am a lil excited about all the new source material! !

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 11:29 am
by gaby
Well I was hoping they give DR a Rest for a year or two so they can focus on BtS,s books.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:06 pm
by whassupman03

J.L. Duncan wrote:First, K.S. has said that he would write or has already written part of the BTS books already. I would love to see these books myself-even above many of the books that are currently due out for 2014.

And B, I'm hoping that the DR Books are smaller in scope (such as the last one) and the editing is lite. Perhaps then, K.S. might have the time to finally put out the BTS books. Personally, even if these books were just a PDF release-I would greatly appreciate it, or if the two volumes were scaled down a bit-and put into one book-at least that would finish the Main Books for the Line.

In my opinion, I would love it if the entire Dead Reign series was [also] released in PDF form. :-) Personally, I am the kind of guy to buy both physical and digital copies of books, with one as a backup. So even if I have physical copies of such books, I would still buy digital versions to allow me to take them with me without lugging my bags around with me all the time. :wink: Even so, I am definitely looking forward to the future of Dead Reign. Feel free to comment, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:20 pm
by Semi-Retired Gamer
J.L. Duncan wrote:As Kevin mentioned in a recent weekly update:

UPDATE: Dead Reign™ Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth™

Graveyard Earth™ is one of the projects we’ve had on the down-low. It is written by Matthew Clements and it takes a look at the worldwide zombie apocalypse. It also asks and answers the question, if you were caught overseas, perhaps in the military, could you find your way back home, and what kind of arduous journey would that be? I approved the cover sketch yesterday and artist E.M. Gist will start painting away. More on this Dead Reign™ sourcebook in the weeks to come. Target release date is April, 2014.

Meanwhile, in a renewed effort to support all Palladium game lines, a different writer is working on a Dead Reign™ sourcebook for a fall release.

Who is this, "different writer?"

Care to speculate? ;)

Hmmmm......interesting. I just got the core book. I'm digging it so far & I plan on getting the source books ASAP.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:09 pm
by whassupman03

Semi-Retired Gamer wrote:Hmmmm......interesting. I just got the core book. I'm digging it so far & I plan on getting the source books ASAP.

I highly recommend the whole series Semi-Retired Gamer. Personally, I got every piece of Dead Reign material published by Palladium Books except a few articles from The Rifter. There are two of them that I know of, which are in Issues #45 and #48 and will be bought in digital PDF format (One will be bought today with the next bought on Wednesday - there is also an article in Issue #40, which I believe is when Dead Reign was first mentioned in detail.). My methods of improving my ever-expanding library is to have a very sophisticated spreadsheet-based budget that entails every source of funding, what to buy with them, and when to make new purchases. And I always buy on certain days, which keeps my private library on track. What can I say? Digital format is one of my favorites (Because I only have so much space in my bedroom :mrgreen:).

Even so, I highly recommend that you keep track of Dead Reign's material from all sources, whether already published, about to be published, or planned for the future. Nevertheless, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon.


Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:54 pm
by Semi-Retired Gamer
Cool. Yeah, I believe I'm going to pick up at least the first 2 source books this Friday. Thanks for pointing out the Ritter stuff. I'll be getting that too.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:17 am
by The Dark Elf
I like the fact that they released a new game and continue to support it (even though I am a campaigner for supporting the defunct games like PFRPG). Supporting the other lines cannot come at the cost of not supporting those currently supported.

DR is a great game and definitely needs more releases especially the tables as they are a major factor in DR (I nearly never use random tables in other RPGs). Not got Fear the Reaper yet but the Graveyard Earth sounds really useful and make DR playable for me as a campaign.

No idea on the writer but Ive not read a book PBs released that I didnt think was worth the buy (one or two came close -Skraypers, MoM but theyre still worth the money).

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:48 am
by whassupman03

Attention! Attention! Our mystery author for Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth is… drumroll please… Matthew Clements![sup]1[/sup] In addition, this sourcebook will have plenty of information on the world post-Wave, how to get home across this dangerous world of zombies, the shape of our troops overseas, and other things, including different safe havens and the survivors who lead them.[sup]2[/sup] Personally, I am really looking forward to the day when this book is released, for the sake of my undead sanity. :frazz: So please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


[1]: Source:
[2]: Source:

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:08 am
by gaby
This Good to have something set out side of the US.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:41 am
by whassupman03

gaby wrote:This Good to have something set out side of the US.

I agree with you Gaby. Of course in my opinion it wasn't a matter of if but when. When you look at the original Dead Reign articles in Issues #40 and #45 of The Rifter, you notice that they also covered the world outside North America. Currently, we may have a rough idea of what the world will look like by reading those articles (Though it may be extremely different in the final cut... :wink:). Eventually, we would have had to expand our knowledge to the rest of the world to keep the Dead Reign saga going. Anyway, I have to go for now, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


P.S.: For those of you who want to collect every Dead Reign article from The Rifter (Like me... :-)), don't forget Issue #64 - it has several pages with a bunch of cool stuff (See for details.)! Therefore, it is a worthy buy, so thank you for listening.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:17 pm
by Semi-Retired Gamer
whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

Attention! Attention! Our mystery author for Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth is… drumroll please… Matthew Clements![sup]1[/sup] In addition, this sourcebook will have plenty of information on the world post-Wave, how to get home across this dangerous world of zombies, the shape of our troops overseas, and other things, including different safe havens and the survivors who lead them.[sup]2[/sup] Personally, I am really looking forward to the day when this book is released, for the sake of my undead sanity. :frazz: So please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.


[1]: Source:
[2]: Source:

Sounds great!

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:12 am
by The Dark Elf
Yey. Matthews writing is great!

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:47 pm
by whassupman03

J.L. Duncan wrote:No-read the OP. :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, in a renewed effort to support all Palladium game lines, a different writer is working on a Dead Reign™ sourcebook for a fall release.

Mr. Clements is already sourced as working on Graveyard Earth in the OP. There are 2 books planning to be released this year one from Mr. Clements, and one from a "different writer."

Oops... my bad. :oops: Anyway, I am still looking forward to both Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth by Mr. Clements and the subsequent release in Fall 2014, no matter who will be writing it. :-)

J.L. Duncan wrote:
whassupman03 wrote: P.S.: For those of you who want to collect every Dead Reign article from The Rifter (Like me... :-)), don't forget Issue #64 - it has several pages with a bunch of cool stuff (See for details.)! Therefore, it is a worthy buy, so thank you for listening.

I strongly approve this message. :P

Yeah, I enjoyed this article a lot. Personally, I am hoping that future Dead Reign articles appear in The Rifter as well (Especially in the next two issues - those are the ones I am subscribed for under the Super-Subscription Offer. :D). But thank you for your work on it - I appreciate it. Right now I have to go, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon everybody.


Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:35 pm
by CarCrasher
I will be for sure getting source book 5. I tend to my games in places other then the states. As for source book 6 depending on what it is catering to I will get it.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:06 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
I'm doing a new book for Dead Reign.
I'm planning on finishing it before the end of the summer, and hopefully it will see a fall or winter release.
If you guys like it then pester Kevin about the Chaos Earth zombie book I wrote. Been waiting on that one for a while now.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:57 pm
by whassupman03

J.L. Duncan wrote:NP-whassupman03. And thanks for sharing with me that you enjoyed the material that I wrote. My hope is that you'll find some way to plug that content into your games.

You betcha! But anyway, thank you for putting such hard work into the Dead Reign universe; it is the latest greatest hit for me right now, and I greatly appreciate it.

RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:I'm doing a new book for Dead Reign.
I'm planning on finishing it before the end of the summer, and hopefully it will see a fall or winter release.
If you guys like it then pester Kevin about the Chaos Earth zombie book I wrote. Been waiting on that one for a while now.

Nice! I'm kind of new to how Palladium works with freelance writers and their material, but will it be a novel of some sort? Personally, I'm asking because if it takes off I would definitely buy a copy. :-) Though in the meantime, I am looking forward to future sourcebooks as well. :-D Hopefully your work with Dead Reign takes off and soars, so good luck and Godspeed. :angel:

Anyway, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.


Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:41 pm
by RoadWarriorFWaNK
whassupman03 wrote:Nice! I'm kind of new to how Palladium works with freelance writers and their material, but will it be a novel of some sort? Personally, I'm asking because if it takes off I would definitely buy a copy. :-) Though in the meantime, I am looking forward to future sourcebooks as well. :-D Hopefully your work with Dead Reign takes off and soars, so good luck and Godspeed. :angel:

thanks. I'm planning on it being the best Dead Reign book of all time. :)
it won't be a novel; it will be a sourcebook for the game. with new zombies and character classes and setting info and all that.
There will be a narrative at some point in the book since that's really my bag, but not a novel.

if, however, you're looking for a good read with some zombies and apocalypses, i happen to have written a very fine book that is available for sale. paperback and electronic versions. It's in my tagline.

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 6:44 am
by Semi-Retired Gamer
RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:
whassupman03 wrote:Nice! I'm kind of new to how Palladium works with freelance writers and their material, but will it be a novel of some sort? Personally, I'm asking because if it takes off I would definitely buy a copy. :-) Though in the meantime, I am looking forward to future sourcebooks as well. :-D Hopefully your work with Dead Reign takes off and soars, so good luck and Godspeed. :angel:

thanks. I'm planning on it being the best Dead Reign book of all time. :)
it won't be a novel; it will be a sourcebook for the game. with new zombies and character classes and setting info and all that.
There will be a narrative at some point in the book since that's really my bag, but not a novel.

I am all over this! I look forward to the release!!

Re: Two New Dead Reign Books for 2014!

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:55 pm
by whassupman03

RoadWarriorFWaNK wrote:thanks. I'm planning on it being the best Dead Reign book of all time. :)
it won't be a novel; it will be a sourcebook for the game. with new zombies and character classes and setting info and all that.
There will be a narrative at some point in the book since that's really my bag, but not a novel.

if, however, you're looking for a good read with some zombies and apocalypses, i happen to have written a very fine book that is available for sale. paperback and electronic versions. It's in my tagline.

Ah! I love interactive publications, because it's nice to be able to play a part in the material inside books like the sourcebook you will write. :D Of course if I get an opportunity, I might very well take a look at your previous novel. :-D But hopefully, your Chaos Earth novel takes off in the meantime. Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon.

whassupman03 8)