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Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:27 am
by tsh77769
For example...

True Atlantean Cyberknight (awesome stats and tats)
Altess Cyberknight (MDC human)
Psi-Stalker Cyberknight (absolutely lethal vs. supernatural)

Machine People Gunslinger (unlimited ammo)

True Atlantean Juicer (they live longer, as per Juicer Uprising, they should also have a longer time for detox).


Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:22 pm
by kaid
I think the race I would most like to play in a game currently would be a junk crab. I love playing operators and the thought of a giant hermit crab with their technoshell just amuses me to no end.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:39 pm
by Eashamahel
True Atlantean Juicer just hurts my heart.

Most of my choices are going to be NPC's that I use for games, since I almost always am running the game.

Orc Headhunter
-One of my favourites, a perfect 'brute' character, kind of a techno-barbarian and a very classic higher end D-Bee bandit, with the lower end being Vagabonds. I've found that they just have this immediate impact on people, no matter what game they come from, they just know that these guys are going to be brutal, savage, and dim, but tough and capable in a straight up fight. They make good bands led by themselves, good members of larger groups like Brodkil, and good leaders individually for really low end bandit groups (like most Pecos raiders, as I think they are mentioned to make up the majority of the Pecos Raiders in the RMB). Also good Crazies and Juicers, but just doesn't have the same feeling to it, the majority of the group should be Headhunters, the 'newer' recruits Vagabonds, and one Crazy just to be a really iconic, vicious character (that one sitting in the corner licking his knife...).

Goblin City Rat
-Again, a good twist on classic fantasy for RIFTS, and a good Assassin/thief style character to be part of the crew. Generally not the super-hacker master of tech so much as the minor augmentation version of the Orc above, the scrounger and scout. Lower end ones or those with very little access to tech are generally, again, vagabonds.

Partial Conversion Ogre
-A good leader, just a bit more big and initimidating, plus smarter. He get's the best choices of 'gear' (and parts...), with the added fact that he's more 'human' and that makes the whole group somehow more terrible.

Elven Ley Line Walker & Cyber Knight
-Just seems classic, the two that players generally just immediately understand and assume are good at what they do.

Troll Witch
-Lives in it's cave, eats wayward children, is known and feared by locals. Or alternatively is a frightening creature of the slums who others go to for it's 'wisdom' and insight, who causes as much pain and hurt as possible.

Human Shifter & Juicer
-To me, these two are the characters who best embody humanity in RIFTS, the sacrifices for power. Arguably the Crazy has a worse outcome/makes a greater sacrifice than the Juicer in the end, but many of the less intelligent races might not even see the loss of sanity as a problem, especially if their kind/culture already lends itself to cruelty and violence, but even dim witted bandits want to LIVE. Juicers (not forced conversions or anything, people who know full well what is up) are giving up the only thing they actually have for some reason or goal that, in the end, will likely amount to nothing. Shifters are a great example of a character who who can spend their whole life walking the line, or just start by jumping right over it. A Principled Shifter can start off with a link to a greater supernatural being who they know really nothing about, other than the fact that they can give the Shifter power. A perfect way to start down the wrong path.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 1:54 pm
by Natasha
Troll Witch is awesome :ok:

I would not mind playing a psi-X but the only Rifts group I found in which I can actually be a Player instead of Game Master I do not think it would work with their characters and play style. And so it goes, I have never played a psi-X and it is increasingly look like I never will since I cannot find anyone who wants to be Game Master.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:28 pm
by Eashamahel
Troll Necromancer is a similar idea, but the witch just seems better, the troll giving itself over to powers beyond itself, just a truly wicked, bitter creature, ugly inside and out, and also a classically evil 'seer' type creature. Something that lives in a cave and throws bones to read the future, hass a big iron pot filled with...something that you never want to taste, and a necklace made dozens of the same small, white bones... a creature who can curse you or command lesser creatures (or even potentially more powerful ones who fear it's un-natural wrath more strongly then the faith they have in there weapons) to do it's bidding, or who maybe you have to interact with as you need to go to consult with it for help from, but you know the price is going to be something terrible.

I've used a Wolfen Necromancer before, it's just an intimidating creature. There was an old Palladium book with a picture like that as the cover, but I've never seen a good sized, quality pic of it.

I hope some other people hop in here with some of the combo's they enjoy using.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 7:30 pm
by Crow Splat
demi-god with ley line walker powers + samurai. The character is just so useful to have around in just about any situation.

Kill Cat Headhunter Assassin. With the right type of cat you can get some awesome prowl skill and deliver sneaky death.

Atlantean Nomad is a really fun alternative to a vagabond. Things can get a little dicey if you venture too close to Coalition territory.

I did join a campaign late one time and everybody else was playing exotic races and OCCs so I just said screw it and rolled a human wilderness scout. It was a lot of fun running around with a group of super powerful d-bee "supermen" with nothing but my wits and my laser rifle.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:31 am
by H.P. Hovercraft
Similar to the Troll Witch (which is a combo I've also used -and loved- before) is Goblins and Major Psi-classes.

In Rifts:England one of the "big" threats is the goblin kingdom of Wales. Goblins?? As a major threat!?!?

But once you realize that their psionics level is "standard: same as humans," a whole new level is opened up to an enterprising GM. You now have Goblin Bursters, Goblin Zappers, Goblin Psi-Nullifiers, Goblin Psi-Slingers, et al. Nasty little buggers with nasty (not-so) little abilities. Pretty soon our PC's were curb stomping anything short and green and looking their way out of sheer paranoia!! (and in England to boot!)

...........on a similar note: I once allowed a player a Kobald Psi-Slayer which can be pretty nasty, too. *psi-dagger to the throat and then a Jack*** Wee Man grin later, "he-heee."* (Not game-legal really as Psi-Slayers are a "Human only" PCC, but I digress..............If it's fun, do it!)

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:14 am
by drewkitty ~..~
(race/class) NS DMA.
(race/power cat.) NS Mystic Study.

NS cause they are both SN and mundane, so are not limited from any classes but PCC's
DMA, cause they can have two MA forms. Of which ones with chi powers can be selected.
MS, they have a better spread of spells then any magic class.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 1:23 am
by boxee
godlings "demon spawn" burster/summoner
godlings "titan spawn" conjurer/zapper

"hidden" crazy- has no rods sticking out

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 8:29 am
by flatline
I'm kind of partial to Changeling Temporal Wizards just because they need to roll a 12 on 2d6 to meet the minimum requirements for PE.


Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 05, 2014 12:40 pm
by rat_bastard
Rulian Translator / Rogue Scholar: Rulian Traslators can learn an infinate amount of languages, Rogue scholars can teach secondary skills, languages are secondary skills.

Schnellig Spinne with Battle magus: Racial auto-dodge, four arms and incredible senses combined with the incredible bonuses of the battle magus make a terrifying combination. The inclusion of Spinne forcefields makes it even more terrifying.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 3:01 am
by tsh77769

What is NS DMA?


Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:14 am
by Crow Splat
It can be a touchy subject with some players so you have to be careful who you use it around, but any race with a high MA and PB and the Preacher OCC.

There are so many ways that you can play it as a PC and so many story hooks you can use as a GM. Plus the looks you get from the people that aren't involved in the game when one of the players says "I take the preachers crucifix and stab him in the eye with it," are totally priceless.

I still wouldn't recommend using it in a more PG rated group or with newer players.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:45 am
by Eashamahel
Nah, whenever someone rocks a New West Preacher, you just take a Priest from Pantheons. It's the same thing, but the Priest's God(s) are actually real! :)

Also, let me take a second to say that the Octoman is perhaps the greatest RCC of all time, and makes absolutely any OCC better.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 12:07 pm
by Crow Splat
Yeah except that most of your players aren't going to be devout followers of Zeus or Freya. And when you have a player still in high school go home ad say that they killed a priest of Haephestus in there game, their parents aren't going to ban them from coming back.

You replace that with Christianity or Islam or any other religion common to your area, then you have the potential for an issue that's easily avoided. My current group can handle it but I have had players that couldn't before.

Back to the OP: Cyber-horseman of Ixion that goes full conversion Borg. Probably my favorite type of cyborg. It's just a whole lot of kick-ass wrapped up in a really big metal package.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 8:59 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
tsh77769 wrote:Drewkitty,

What is NS DMA?


NightSpawn Dedicated Martial Artist.

NightSpawn...original name of the NightBane setting.
DMA...class in Ninja and Superspies

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:01 am
by Thinyser
Silhouette Temporal Warrior: Huge PPE base, Shadow spells as natural racial abilities, temporal and normal spells from the temporal warrior class, extra attacks and autododge. Plus insanities are great "color"!

Jeridu Juggler/knife thrower: paired weapons with 3 pairs of arms! extra attacks, bonuses to thrown weapons, bonuses to skills that require dexterity.

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:33 am
by boxee
Thinyser wrote:Silhouette Temporal Warrior: Huge PPE base, Shadow spells as natural racial abilities, temporal and normal spells from the temporal warrior class, extra attacks and autododge. Plus insanities are great "color"!

Jeridu Juggler/knife thrower: paired weapons with 3 pairs of arms! extra attacks, bonuses to thrown weapons, bonuses to skills that require dexterity.

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

What is the godling? Love to hear more!

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:38 am
by Morik
Dwarven Gunfighter. One of my players is rocking it.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:48 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Thinyser wrote:snip...

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:30 am
by Thinyser
boxee wrote:
Thinyser wrote:Silhouette Temporal Warrior: Huge PPE base, Shadow spells as natural racial abilities, temporal and normal spells from the temporal warrior class, extra attacks and autododge. Plus insanities are great "color"!

Jeridu Juggler/knife thrower: paired weapons with 3 pairs of arms! extra attacks, bonuses to thrown weapons, bonuses to skills that require dexterity.

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

What is the godling? Love to hear more!

Its in "conversion book 2: pantheons" P.16

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:32 am
by Thinyser
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Thinyser wrote:snip...

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

I know thats not REALLY what he was asking for...

Oh I see you mean you cannot combine an RCC with an OCC well why don't you jump on everyone else that posted RCC/OCC combos too instead of the ONE poster that actually NOTED it wasn't exactly what the OP was asking for... :roll:

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:53 am
by Eashamahel
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

I think you underlined the wrong part here? The Godling is the RCC, but even a 2x Warlock powered Master Psychci Godling doesn't have an OCC.

I'm personally a huge fan of the small table in the RMB that's for rounding out your character, where you can potentially be a variety of D-Bees or an Alien. It's enough to add a little bit of flavour, but I have found what it really does is to give people a good starting off point for their character, which they can expand on. It has led to a lot of good, unique characters and 'races', without apparently every other human like mammal in the galaxy being a Mega Damage being.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:53 am
by Eashamahel
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

I think you underlined the wrong part here? The Godling is the RCC, but even a 2x Warlock powered Master Psychci Godling doesn't have an OCC.

I'm personally a huge fan of the small table in the RMB that's for rounding out your character, where you can potentially be a variety of D-Bees or an Alien. It's enough to add a little bit of flavour, but I have found what it really does is to give people a good starting off point for their character, which they can expand on. It has led to a lot of good, unique characters and 'races', without apparently every other human like mammal in the galaxy being a Mega Damage being.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:56 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Thinyser wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Thinyser wrote:snip...

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

I know thats not REALLY what he was asking for...

Oh I see you mean you cannot combine an RCC with an OCC well why don't you jump on everyone else that posted RCC/OCC combos too instead of the ONE poster that actually NOTED it wasn't exactly what the OP was asking for... :roll:

All of the others I saw were (or could be seen as) Race-Class combos.

RCC is a Class. OCC is a Class. Combining a Class and a Class makes a third Class.
RCC does not mean Race.

If you had said it was a Godling that was trained in the XXX class (other then it's otherwise manditory RCC.) then it would of been a Race-OCC combo.

As you did it you were just presenting a 'Normal' char with out any twists and turns except for the 4 elements of warlock magic. (Even if I would not allow the char just because of the opposing magic elements. i.e. if you have water then you can't have fire, or if you have air you can't have earth because they are opposing elemental energies. Yes, I know this was not written into the text but it is something that If you take one side of a coin you have to take the other side of the coin. ....The Fusionist class from RUE...I still thinks it's stupid, but it would of been a better choice for the two "warlock's powers" powers for this application.)

Yes if you want to be nit-picity too you could point out that a Mystic Study is not an OCC but a Power Cat from HU. So I will do it for you. :P
And since I have/own the NightSpawn MB, I am of the opinion I can play NS. This is so I can by pass the Stupidness that started to creep into the NB text with the RDC and latter NS books. :roll:
Eashamahel, Godling is a "Race" (using the term a bit loosely for dieties break most of PB race rules) with a manditory RCC. If you note I was only picking at the mis-usage of the term RCC to mean Race. In a liberal since, they could take a OCC if they were trained for a specific job. Unlike the gernal "they can fight and have a few other skills the GL RCC gets the GL.

Yes, I seperate the RCC from the Race even if the whole is mistakenly presented as an RCC.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:06 pm
by boxee
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Thinyser wrote:
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:
Thinyser wrote:snip...

EDIT: Not really a RCC+OCC combo but a Godling with the Double Warlock option taken twice (all 4 elemental spell lines available) and Super psionics. No explanation needed I think.

And it is not the race and occ the OP asked for.

I know thats not REALLY what he was asking for...

Oh I see you mean you cannot combine an RCC with an OCC well why don't you jump on everyone else that posted RCC/OCC combos too instead of the ONE poster that actually NOTED it wasn't exactly what the OP was asking for... :roll:

All of the others I saw were (or could be seen as) Race-Class combos.

RCC is a Class. OCC is a Class. Combining a Class and a Class makes a third Class.
RCC does not mean Race.

If you had said it was a Godling that was trained in the XXX class (other then it's otherwise manditory RCC.) then it would of been a Race-OCC combo.

As you did it you were just presenting a 'Normal' char with out any twists and turns except for the 4 elements of warlock magic. (Even if I would not allow the char just because of the opposing magic elements. i.e. if you have water then you can't have fire, or if you have air you can't have earth because they are opposing elemental energies. Yes, I know this was not written into the text but it is something that If you take one side of a coin you have to take the other side of the coin. ....The Fusionist class from RUE...I still thinks it's stupid, but it would of been a better choice for the two "warlock's powers" powers for this application.)

Yes if you want to be nit-picity too you could point out that a Mystic Study is not an OCC but a Power Cat from HU. So I will do it for you. :P
And since I have/own the NightSpawn MB, I am of the opinion I can play NS. This is so I can by pass the Stupidness that started to creep into the NB text with the RDC and latter NS books. :roll:
Eashamahel, Godling is a "Race" (using the term a bit loosely for dieties break most of PB race rules) with a manditory RCC. If you note I was only picking at the mis-usage of the term RCC to mean Race. In a liberal since, they could take a OCC if they were trained for a specific job. Unlike the gernal "they can fight and have a few other skills the GL RCC gets the GL.

Yes, I seperate the RCC from the Race even if the whole is mistakenly presented as an RCC.

I thought they just wanted cool characters more then race and class. Psistalker is an OCC AND RCC and still is not a seperate class and race.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:30 pm
by eliakon
Could we skip the OCC/RCC/Race thread nerd-rage hijack for this one, and just stick with posting cool combinations?

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:37 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
boxee wrote:I thought they just wanted cool characters more then race and class.

Yes, that is what the OP asked for.
Psistalker is an OCC AND RCC and still is not a seperate class and race.

No, A PS is a Race with a RCC. Note there are Two RCC options in their listings in the RMB and RUE. CS and Wild.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:44 pm
by Alrik Vas
Agree, no hijacking.

I think godling-samurai wins.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:33 am
by Eashamahel
Morik wrote:Dwarven Gunfighter. One of my players is rocking it.

THIS is an awesome idea! I have long struggled to find a combat OCC that works well with my idea of Dwarves. Juicer Berzerkers are a neat concept, but not for the average one, and a Dwarven Crazy is neat idea once, but still, I've always just come back to Dwarven Headhunters as the rough and tumble default dwarf fighter. Now, I will be trying the Gunfighter!

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:52 am
by Giant2005
True Atlantean Shifter.
I'm not a fan of LLWs (I find them too generic and boring) bt find the ability to sense Ley Lines to be too important to give up - True Atlanteans bring that to the table of Magical O.C.C.s that are missing that staple.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:57 am
by Eashamahel
I'd be interested to know how LLW are 'generic and boring', but that's for another thread.

I also notice that there are at least a handful of posts in this thread that aren't about trying to get the most bonuses/special abilities crammed into one class as possible, and that's nice to see.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:00 pm
by FluidicAztec
I'm currently building a Nightbane Fallen Angel (with Chosen One traits from Rifter 20) and the Catholic Priest OCC from Warlords. He'll be from the New West region.

I've also got a Dwarf Psi-Tech who uses a Predator X-10. He's pretty awesome.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 12:25 am
by H.P. Hovercraft
Eashamahel wrote:
Morik wrote:Dwarven Gunfighter. One of my players is rocking it.

THIS is an awesome idea! I have long struggled to find a combat OCC that works well with my idea of Dwarves. Juicer Berzerkers are a neat concept, but not for the average one, and a Dwarven Crazy is neat idea once, but still, I've always just come back to Dwarven Headhunters as the rough and tumble default dwarf fighter. Now, I will be trying the Gunfighter!

I second this combo; totally fits with what a modern Rifts Dwarf might be!

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:03 am
by PSI-Lence
it's never come up (as i have never played with any american's who are much more likely religious ...though i never thought any who played would be) but now on principal i want to make some demon or sub demon priest (i have a few npc's from the russia book and new west , some converted i think from wormwood too)

i never really tried to "uber" a char but i just started thinking are there any player 'races' (or RCC since i still only use the old/house rules that let an rcc pick an occ) that are immune to physical attacks? if there is than having them be a mystic knight would really limit what could even harm them
(i would think a few NPC's might , it could even trigger a quest to find a rune weapon of some sort in order to fight it at all)

most i have played have been human , for occ's had fun with a lot of support classes , cyber-doc with the skills to handle bionics, a wilderness scout or rogue scholar

i know there have been some i really liked the concept of but they remain un-play tested npc'sand i could't think of any offhand (none with me now)

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:47 am
by Morik
H.P. Hovercraft wrote:
Eashamahel wrote:
Morik wrote:Dwarven Gunfighter. One of my players is rocking it.

THIS is an awesome idea! I have long struggled to find a combat OCC that works well with my idea of Dwarves. Juicer Berzerkers are a neat concept, but not for the average one, and a Dwarven Crazy is neat idea once, but still, I've always just come back to Dwarven Headhunters as the rough and tumble default dwarf fighter. Now, I will be trying the Gunfighter!

I second this combo; totally fits with what a modern Rifts Dwarf might be!

His racial mechanical aptitude goes great with the Gunfighter weapons expert and all the mechanical skills the class starts off with. Dwarven strength and the right amount of physical training will explain away all questions on how you can "quick draw" a rifle.

He's a tough, no nonsense, gunfighter who founded a Mercenary group in Juarez with a human psi-tech as partner/co-founder. Turlee Overfoe be his name and watch out for his temper 'cause he has beat a ton of my Skivers NPC's into a coma with his paired Neural Maces. He HATES cyber snatchers. They have tried to get his ear implants on more than one occasion. When It looks like he is in real trouble, he will pull his Wilks Rifle out or his backups.

They have even cleaned up the city some and taken on some dirty cops. Turlee is level 9 now. He is a huge fan of Juicer football and always wears his Juarez Maulers jersey on Sundays.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:00 am
by Pepsi Jedi
Larmac Paratrooper.

Why? I love the Larmac as a Dbee species. Love how they look, and how most of them are lazy and just wanna be left alone, but when motivated they can rip your arms off and beat you with them like a wookie. I love the art work for them in DBees of North America ... ithers.jpg . Mine tend towards the lime green side with darker green markings.

For the most part they're lazy and slovenly and would rather just eat food, hang out and chill, but a few select ones are more motivated. It's noted that some of them break the mold. A number of adventuring OCCs are open to them, stating that the most ambitious can take more dedicated fighting ones such as Merc Soldier and such. In the paratrooper write up it has 'Racial restrictions: none. If you roll well with your Larmac you can make the attribute cut off as well.

So you end up with a very nice elite special forces character with a good range of skills. A good starting selection of weapons with a number of clips for each. You get great pay, which the Larmac will like, but likely blow through on new toys or just wasting it away, which means more merc missions to pay for more toys and what not. The Larmac are 'minor' md beings, so they're not just stupidly powerful off the bat. Robotic level strength. Which again is better than 'human' but not 'I pick up the death's head transport and use it like a club to hit the dinosaur" type strength. Natural night vision. It specificly states, (Not just hinted at), that they can go through desert environs' with out suffering heat exhaustion or dehydration and can play in temps -40 below zero naked and be fine. These again add in great versatility to a soldier. It takes them 4 days before they -start- feeling effects of dehydration and a week with out food. (Though they love to eat and drink far more than they need). Our groups don't usually use Horror Factor unless it's truely called for. I.E. thunder ducks don't make 1000s of people wet themselves if they fly by but if a cat at your campfire suddenly turns into an 90 foot tall great horned dragon, then sure we roll... but that being said if you DO use Horror Factor, the Larmac Start off with an HF of 12. They actually are at +5 to save vs horror factor themselves (though the Paratrooper OCC makes that moot, but some people don't like that part of paratrooper so if your gm disallowes that ability the +5 save vs horror factor is nice) 2D6+3 MD recovery per day is nothing to sneeze at.

When highly motivated or fighting to save his own life, they get +1 attack, +1 inits, and +1 to parry and dodge. coupled with the Paratroopers bonuses they're quite impressive right out of the box.

You also have a 15% chance at psionics. (Not as much as humans but.. 15% is better than 0%.

So, there's the Dbee race I love, with a OCC I love, coupled together they make a pretty fierce combat troop, who is prone to laying around and eating till the time to fight is there. Fight like a scaled (But mammal!) devil, with some amazing bonus. They're tough and fun, with out being stupidly strong. (Godlings, etc) amidst mortals. ( I know it's just me, but I don't -like- playing things like Cosmo knights or gods, or that sort. "Too powerful" is not fun for me)

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:09 pm
by eliakon
Brodkill Preacher. Yes a Brodkil Preacher
"Anyone can repent brother, just look an me and rejoice"

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:07 pm
by Thinyser
eliakon wrote:Brodkill Preacher. Yes a Brodkil Preacher
"Anyone can repent brother, just look an me and rejoice"


Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:17 pm
by 13eowulf
Thinyser wrote:
eliakon wrote:Brodkill Preacher. Yes a Brodkil Preacher
"Anyone can repent brother, just look an me and rejoice"



Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:17 am
by Eashamahel
Pepsi Jedi wrote:The Larmac are 'minor' md beings, so they're not just stupidly powerful off the bat. Robotic level strength. Which again is better than 'human' but not 'I pick up the death's head transport and use it like a club to hit the dinosaur" type strength.

Although the Larmac is pretty amusing, I don't think there's a single PC race in RIFTS that is actually that strong.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 10:54 am
by DevastationBob
I got a lot of mileage out of a Quick-Flex Gunfighter.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 11:49 am
by Alrik Vas
Quick Flex Gunfighter is pretty strong, yeah.

Though dorf is bett4r.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:42 pm
by tundro
I had a dogboy (blood hound) Justice Ranger that I really enjoyed playing.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:19 pm
by Morik
A great NPC I used was a Cobbler Goblin Master Assassin. Now that I think about it could be cool to role play.

Tundro I think a blood hound would be one of the best breeds of dogboy to play as a hunter/peace officer. I bet his tracking abilities came in handy.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:24 pm
by Eashamahel
That or a Husky Tundra Ranger.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:38 pm
by RiftJunkie
Phlebus White Rose Mystic Knight :D :twisted:

Great attributes, extra skills, ambidextrous, extra attack (on top of MK), nice bonuses, shape-shifting to infiltrate evil MK's......

Best of all - he freaks out to no end about the thought of going home to Madhaven! :eek: :lol: Great roleplaying

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:32 pm
by Ashendale
My two favourites;

Grackletooth Headhunter - his whole left side was cybernetic from an accident in a local war. He was a demolitions expert. I liked the combo because of the unique cybernetic opportunities and the stat boosts that fit his character type (rowdy, loud, friendly gun-nut) but mostly picked the OCC for backstory reasons.

Fallam Operator - I know, I know..."what?" Yes, Fallam are a warrior race, but I picked Operator for, again, backstory. He was deafened by an explosion early in his fighting career (BTW, if you ever get the notion to play a toon with a disability, do it, it's so much fun!) And in his savage, tribal race would have been killed for his weakness, so he had to prove worthy! His intelligence was his best stat (besides the race's naturally high PS and PE for being gigantic) so he became an inventor! A weapons engineering specialist to be exact! He built weapons and MDC fortifications to help his tribe in their daily battles and was spared. So, sure, he was 9ft tall and could crush your head like a sparrow's egg, but he had NO combat skills and was clumsy when it came down to it. He was super smart and creative, but bad at fighting skills.

As you might have noticed, I write a backstory before and during character creation! My RCC/OCCs are usually heavily influenced by it :)

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 9:53 pm
by Crow Splat
tundro wrote:I had a dogboy (blood hound) Justice Ranger that I really enjoyed playing.

Dog Boy plus any OCC is my favorite go to character. Their natural abilities plus their all the bonus dice they get to stats make them a solid choice for just about any class.

Re: Favorite race and occ combo's and why...

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:38 pm
by Eashamahel
Ashendale wrote:My two favourites;

Grackletooth Headhunter - his whole left side was cybernetic from an accident in a local war. He was a demolitions expert. I liked the combo because of the unique cybernetic opportunities and the stat boosts that fit his character type (rowdy, loud, friendly gun-nut) but mostly picked the OCC for backstory reasons.

One of my friends favourite combo is a Grackletooth headhunter or Gunfighter, depending on where the game took place. It is about the ultimate rough-and-tumble fights to the end D-Bee.