Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign RPG

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign RPG

Unread post by whassupman03 »


Having numerous family members who have served in the United States military, I am a great admirer of those who serve in the military, both in-game and in real life. They risk their lives just to preserve our own, and I believe that it's an honor to have them. I have studied plenty of military RPGs in my day, so I will give the floor a chance to sound off on a particular question - what military units do you use (Or would use) in your Dead Reign games? My belief is that some of you have served or have family who served, and I would like to give you the chance to speak your mind in the eerie silence (Or shriek :frazz:) of the undead world. And if you would like to use units that you yourselves served in, feel free to do so! We're on an open floor, so let's have some fun with it! Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.

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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by CarCrasher »

I was in the 26th Field Artillery Regiment. Artillery units would I think be the least useful in a zombie fight. To a degree anyway. The training received is more about firing big guns from a stationary locale. While the range for those is massive what real use is it unless laying waste to an area many kilometres away? Don't get me wrong artillery does get regular weapons training so they aren't useless that way. It's just the resources required to make full use of an artillery unit is staggering.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

The units initially used to maintain order during the first stages of 'The Wave' would be National Guard units. But regular U.S. Army and U.S. Marine units would be called in as soon as martial law was enacted.

Nevertheless, most military personnel regardless of this MOS would be used in a peace keeping or infantry role to maintain order.

Also keeping mind that during a large flu epidemic some bases might be ordered to quarantine themselves with the idea being that once the flu died out these units could be used to restore order.

U.S. Navy warships at sea would remain at sea. Again the idea would be to try and keep those personnel unaffected by the epidemic.

So somewhere in a remote location (or sitting off the East and West coasts of the U.S.) there could be a sizable military force. That is if the flu wasn't airborne and no one on those ships became infected. But it appears that according to the Dead Reign main book it was airborne. So even these remote isolated bases and warships (submarines might be the exception) would also have Zombies.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


CarCrasher wrote:I was in the 26th Field Artillery Regiment. Artillery units would I think be the least useful in a zombie fight. To a degree anyway. The training received is more about firing big guns from a stationary locale. While the range for those is massive what real use is it unless laying waste to an area many kilometres away? Don't get me wrong artillery does get regular weapons training so they aren't useless that way. It's just the resources required to make full use of an artillery unit is staggering.

Am I right that you mean the Canadian unit? I ask because you were very knowledgeable in terms of Canadian military rations in another thread.[sup]1, 2, 3[/sup] Either way, I would be glad to have people of all nations post here! :-D

jedi078 wrote:The units initially used to maintain order during the first stages of 'The Wave' would be National Guard units. But regular U.S. Army and U.S. Marine units would be called in as soon as martial law was enacted.

Nevertheless, most military personnel regardless of this MOS would be used in a peace keeping or infantry role to maintain order.

Also keeping mind that during a large flu epidemic some bases might be ordered to quarantine themselves with the idea being that once the flu died out these units could be used to restore order.

U.S. Navy warships at sea would remain at sea. Again the idea would be to try and keep those personnel unaffected by the epidemic.

So somewhere in a remote location (or sitting off the East and West coasts of the U.S.) there could be a sizable military force. That is if the flu wasn't airborne and no one on those ships became infected. But it appears that according to the Dead Reign main book it was airborne. So even these remote isolated bases and warships (submarines might be the exception) would also have Zombies.

This is especially so since we have hundreds of thousands of military personnel overseas. Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth would likely cover this aspect well. :mrgreen: Of course, if you read the literature well, we may very well have a substantial military presence in Alaska post-Wave, if you are a fan of the versions published in Issues #40 and #45 of The Rifter (With the fifth sourcebook pertaining to the world outside North America, I believe that it is theoretically possible that some of the material in Palladium's back issues may make it to the sourcebook in some form or another.). Having read these articles, they also mention substantial foreign military forces (Notably those of India and Russia) organized at division level and above.[sup]4[/sup] But I am a believer in integrating the versions in The Rifter with the full series. For now though, I have to go, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night (Keep the posts flowing everyone!).

whassupman03 8)

[1]: Source:
[2]: Source:
[3]: Source:
[4]: Source: The Rifter #40, pgs. 51-52
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

I'm pretty much of the opinion that even if military units managed to isolate themselves from the Wave (as presented in the RPG book) once personnel came into contact with survivors or Zombies they too would probably come down with the flu/plague. Those that died would become Zombies. Of course medical personnel might have orders to put a bullet into the head of someone who died of the flu in order to prevent them from turning into a Zombie.

This doesn't mean that I don't think the Alaska airlift didn't happen. But if the Alaskan airlift did occur those who were airlifted out were survivors of the flu/plague and the military personnel were also the survivors of their respective units. Would some sort of expedition be made to 'reclaim' the lower 48 states? I'd say yes, but it wouldn't happen for some time. The plot hook of 'hey, the Air Force is airlifting people out to some safe place' is a good one as it gives players some place to go if running a game set during the breakdown of society. Even afterwards military aircraft might drop leaflets, with maps and routes to the Alaskan safe haven, which in turn might be the focus of the game, but getting there is going to be a long hard task.

I am also a firm believer that some of the first 'safe havens' were probably formed by the survivors of U.S. military units.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


jedi078 wrote:I'm pretty much of the opinion that even if military units managed to isolate themselves from the Wave (as presented in the RPG book) once personnel came into contact with survivors or Zombies they too would probably come down with the flu/plague. Those that died would become Zombies. Of course medical personnel might have orders to put a bullet into the head of someone who died of the flu in order to prevent them from turning into a Zombie.

This doesn't mean that I don't think the Alaska airlift didn't happen. But if the Alaskan airlift did occur those who were airlifted out were survivors of the flu/plague and the military personnel were also the survivors of their respective units. Would some sort of expedition be made to 'reclaim' the lower 48 states? I'd say yes, but it wouldn't happen for some time. The plot hook of 'hey, the Air Force is airlifting people out to some safe place' is a good one as it gives players some place to go if running a game set during the breakdown of society. Even afterwards military aircraft might drop leaflets, with maps and routes to the Alaskan safe haven, which in turn might be the focus of the game, but getting there is going to be a long hard task.

I am also a firm believer that some of the first 'safe havens' were probably formed by the survivors of U.S. military units.

I agree with you on every aspect Jedi078. :-) However, creating a permanent safe haven in Alaska may prove challenging to say the least. Alaska's industrial base is limited, which means that a large percentage of necessary materials - everything from machinery to military equipment - has to be shipped up there at high pre-Wave cost. While people may believe that the fuel problem is solved by the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System running all the way from the North Slope to Valdez, the big problem is that the pipeline only transports crude oil, which can't be burned in engines and machinery safely.[sup]1[/sup] Crude has to be refined into finished fuels and materials in order to be suitable for use, and there isn't sufficient refinery capacity in Alaska to keep the entire state going, among other things (You can refer to for plenty of information about why taking refuge in Alaska may be problematic.). Therefore, in order to turn Alaska into a permanent safe haven, it must be provided with a full industrial base and enough agricultural capacity to sustain the population...

...and alternatively, you can use Alaska as the basis for your campaign. Let's use an analogy here, referring to the post-wave Alaska/CONUS relationship and using its British Isles/Mainland Europe counterpart before D-Day in World War II. Following the evacuation of Allied troops from the mainland after Germany won the Battle of France and claimed most of Europe, the British formed the well-known Commandos, which were specialized units designed to launch raids on German targets from the United Kingdom.[sup]2[/sup] Essentially, they launched these raids to harass the enemy while achieving enough victories to both damage the morale of the Axis Powers and improve the morale of the Allies by promoting these successes, at least until full-scale invasions were launched to end the war in Europe.

Essentially, one post-Wave equivalent would be composed of special units formed from surviving military units in Alaska which would launch daring raids to not only kill zombies, eliminate dangerous human threats (e.g. Bandits, Retro-Savages, and the Cults) and evacuate noncombatants, but to obtain vital resources of strategic importance to allow the Alaska Freehold to become self-sustaining, including agricultural, industrial, and military equipment. Resources such as these would not just be simple salvage and scrounging operations, such as acquiring guns, ammunition, food, and fuel, but to acquire the machinery necessary to make them on-site. So instead of sending the Alaskans fish, they need fishing poles, and the equipment needed to manufacture fishing poles (Though the Alaskans have plenty of it! :lol:). Missions like these were often launched even in World War II, to acquire samples of German equipment to reverse-engineer in the UK and other Allied nations. Reverse-engineering Axis equipment was in fact a big part of Allied intelligence - one example of German equipment captured by these raids was the Würzburg radar system acquired through Operation Biting - also known to the educated as the Bruneval Raid. British Combined Operations at the time achieved a technical intelligence victory by deploying 120 British Commandos (Not to mention the RAF pilots and Royal Navy crewmen assigned to get them there and back...) in February 1942 to retrieve the radar system from Northern France.[sup]3[/sup]

Now I have to go, so please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good afternoon.


[1]: Source:
[2]: Source:
[3]: Source:
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

whassupman03 wrote:I agree with you on every aspect Jedi078. :-) However, creating a permanent safe haven in Alaska may prove challenging to say the least.

Which is why it would be a long time before anybody in Alaska tried to reclaim the lower 48.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by CarCrasher »

Yes that would be Canadian military.

My thoughts about the quarantine of military to help with restoration after the epidemic while it is correct I am of the thought that the wave would have affected those units also. I personally don't think that the wave was a contagious event and it affected every one at the same time regardless of location or being quarantined. That's just my thoughts about it.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


jedi078 wrote:Which is why it would be a long time before anybody in Alaska tried to reclaim the lower 48.

Yep - it would take a long time, because you would have to consolidate your position in Alaska, and when you have all your assets in place, strike D-Day style. :mrgreen:

CarCrasher wrote:Yes that would be Canadian military.

My thoughts about the quarantine of military to help with restoration after the epidemic while it is correct I am of the thought that the wave would have affected those units also. I personally don't think that the wave was a contagious event and it affected every one at the same time regardless of location or being quarantined. That's just my thoughts about it.

While the cause of the Wave is unknown pre-campaign, your mileage may vary, because for all we know there may be more than one cause - for example, it may have been due to a flaw in the Altrucure formula, but that flaw may be sabotage by the Followers of Brulyx, who had substantial pull in US government agencies such as the FDA to keep the flaw hidden and the vaccines going. You also have to remember that while it may or may not be contagious, one thing to know for sure is that if it happened on part of the miracle cure, it was already in the bloodstreams of billions of people, meaning that even if it was contagious it wouldn't have been able to spread through such means in the time it took for the Wave to hit, because it was already there. Of course it depends on what your PCs seem to find out. But out-of-game, be creative and enjoy yourselves so you can develop an effective storyline in-game! :-D


P.S.: Personally, I thought it would have been Canadian - I was able to find something on it on Wikipedia. :wink:
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

Six years as a 0231, Military Intelligence Specialist, in the USMC.
Been all over over the world: Main land Japan, SK, 29 Palms more times then I care to remember, Yuma.
Deployed for a year in Afghanistan in a Joint NATO environment.

The military in DR.
First be a lot of disbelief, as one would expect. But as The Dead turned more and more, at some point I think small team tactics (platoon level) would come to the forefront. Assuming being cut off from higher headquarters, Battalion level and higher, the Companies are on their own. I think there would be a serious break down in comms. Have to rely on face to face or secure comms.
As things play out, it would become less and less about the military and survival. Gaining access to food, potable water, secure locations, supplies.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


Deckard1973 wrote:Six years as a 0231, Military Intelligence Specialist, in the USMC.
Been all over over the world: Main land Japan, SK, 29 Palms more times then I care to remember, Yuma.
Deployed for a year in Afghanistan in a Joint NATO environment.

The military in DR.
First be a lot of disbelief, as one would expect. But as The Dead turned more and more, at some point I think small team tactics (platoon level) would come to the forefront. Assuming being cut off from higher headquarters, Battalion level and higher, the Companies are on their own. I think there would be a serious break down in comms. Have to rely on face to face or secure comms.
As things play out, it would become less and less about the military and survival. Gaining access to food, potable water, secure locations, supplies.

Welcome to the conversation Deckard1973! :-) I am delighted to hear of your service, and I similarly believe that things would come closer to survival than to actual warfare. And while most surviving units would be composed of platoons and companies, who knows? There may be a few battalions and regiments here and there that have somehow been able to survive using clever methods and a lot of luck. However, the actual number of units of all kinds depends on their local surroundings - based on where they are, it may be much harder to consolidate command and communications over a large unit, whether here in the United States and overseas. Quite frankly, it depends on exactly how hard hit such regions are. Openly speaking, I am definitely looking to the Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth, since it will likely cover parts of this. Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night everyone.

whassupman03 8)
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

I agree with you too Deckard1973 (I was an 1833 AAV crewman and then an MSG in the USMC from Jun 97 to Sep 2003).

I too think squad and fire team sized elements would last the longest. IMO comms would be one of the first things to go.

Team up a squad of grunts with an AAV (it runs off diesel) and being amphibious it can travel down rivers, across lakes etc etc. Since punching and kicking an armored vehicle is a useless tactic the AAV could just stay buttoned up and run over Zombies. The biggest issue is of course fuel, and the fact that the AAV is noisy.

The same can be said of most any APC/IFV but capabilities will vary. For example fording rivers and crossing lakes will be a much more risky operation for a Styker, or LAV-25 .

Also it should be pointed out that the 'Soldier OCC' does not really portray military characters (or even FBI, SWAT etc etc etc) too well.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

jedi078 wrote:I agree with you too Deckard1973 (I was an 1833 AAV crewman and then an MSG in the USMC from Jun 97 to Sep 2003).

I too think squad and fire team sized elements would last the longest. IMO comms would be one of the first things to go.

Team up a squad of grunts with an AAV (it runs off diesel) and being amphibious it can travel down rivers, across lakes etc etc. Since punching and kicking an armored vehicle is a useless tactic the AAV could just stay buttoned up and run over Zombies. The biggest issue is of course fuel, and the fact that the AAV is noisy.

The same can be said of most any APC/IFV but capabilities will vary. For example fording rivers and crossing lakes will be a much more risky operation for a Styker, or LAV-25 .

Also it should be pointed out that the 'Soldier OCC' does not really portray military characters (or even FBI, SWAT etc etc etc) too well.

After I got out I was working as a DoD contractor. I was on the team that did the C4 hardware re-fit of the C2 AAV.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

Deckard1973 wrote:Six years as a 0231, Military Intelligence Specialist, in the USMC.
Been all over over the world: Main land Japan, SK, 29 Palms more times then I care to remember, Yuma.
Deployed for a year in Afghanistan in a Joint NATO environment.

The military in DR.
First be a lot of disbelief, as one would expect. But as The Dead turned more and more, at some point I think small team tactics (platoon level) would come to the forefront. Assuming being cut off from higher headquarters, Battalion level and higher, the Companies are on their own. I think there would be a serious break down in comms. Have to rely on face to face or secure comms.
As things play out, it would become less and less about the military and survival. Gaining access to food, potable water, secure locations, supplies.

Welcome to the conversation Deckard1973! :-) I am delighted to hear of your service, and I similarly believe that things would come closer to survival than to actual warfare. And while most surviving units would be composed of platoons and companies, who knows? There may be a few battalions and regiments here and there that have somehow been able to survive using clever methods and a lot of luck. However, the actual number of units of all kinds depends on their local surroundings - based on where they are, it may be much harder to consolidate command and communications over a large unit, whether here in the United States and overseas. Quite frankly, it depends on exactly how hard hit such regions are. Openly speaking, I am definitely looking to the Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth, since it will likely cover parts of this. Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night everyone.

whassupman03 8)

Thinking on this tread gave me a DR campaign idea:
After 4 weeks out "In The Field," your unit returns to base to find the base is mostly deserted, but bodies litter the streets. At HQ, you find a lone Marine, the Generals aide, still alive. He is dirty, bloody, and ranting and raving about zombies!
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by gaby »

A Shipment of the drugs that was go to Alaska das destroy in a Accident during the trip ther,The Cult thought in arrvie and start the Wave.

This is why Alaska is a safe Haven in my Game.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


jedi078 wrote:I agree with you too Deckard1973 (I was an 1833 AAV crewman and then an MSG in the USMC from Jun 97 to Sep 2003).

I too think squad and fire team sized elements would last the longest. IMO comms would be one of the first things to go.

Team up a squad of grunts with an AAV (it runs off diesel) and being amphibious it can travel down rivers, across lakes etc etc. Since punching and kicking an armored vehicle is a useless tactic the AAV could just stay buttoned up and run over Zombies. The biggest issue is of course fuel, and the fact that the AAV is noisy.

The same can be said of most any APC/IFV but capabilities will vary. For example fording rivers and crossing lakes will be a much more risky operation for a Styker, or LAV-25 .

Also it should be pointed out that the 'Soldier OCC' does not really portray military characters (or even FBI, SWAT etc etc etc) too well.

AAVs are very special vehicles - their heritage comes from other vehicles like the LVT(4) of World War II fame - most famous for the evacuation of civilian internees from Los Baños, which were held by the Japanese after the Occupation of the Philippines and evacuated after the Allied invasion.[sup]1[/sup] One could conceivably emulate a similar operation of different scale in Dead Reign, whether it be from a Death Cult stronghold or a coastal community surrounded by zombies or malevolent humans of equivalent caliber. :-) And it doesn't have to happen in the Philippines - it could happen at other places as well.

Deckard1973 wrote:LOL!
Thinking on this tread gave me a DR campaign idea:
After 4 weeks out "In The Field," your unit returns to base to find the base is mostly deserted, but bodies litter the streets. At HQ, you find a lone Marine, the Generals aide, still alive. He is dirty, bloody, and ranting and raving about zombies!

That would definitely do it! :lol: Such a campaign sparks a level of disbelief and chaos, yet presents other opportunities as well.

gaby wrote:A Shipment of the drugs that was go to Alaska das destroy in a Accident during the trip ther,The Cult thought in arrvie and start the Wave.

This is why Alaska is a safe Haven in my Game.

Having a lack of Altrucure-generated zombies would definitely be attractive to survivors throughout CONUS and likely Canada. Perhaps a mutual partnership could be established between northern regions of Canada and the Alaska Freehold to improve the chances of survival. Even so, such a partnership would also present an opportunity to provide a "land bridge" to CONUS via Canadian roads, if they could be cleared and made safe. But in the meantime, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good night.


[1]: Source:
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

Deckard1973 wrote:After I got out I was working as a DoD contractor. I was on the team that did the C4 hardware re-fit of the C2 AAV.
Man is that thing loud!

Yeah I saw a pic online of what the inside of the AAVC7A1 looks like now. Which is IMO is a serious breach of OPSEC.

Deckard1973 wrote:Thinking on this tread gave me a DR campaign idea:
After 4 weeks out "In The Field," your unit returns to base to find the base is mostly deserted, but bodies litter the streets. At HQ, you find a lone Marine, the Generals aide, still alive. He is dirty, bloody, and ranting and raving about zombies!

I might use that idea for a group in my RPOL game if it gets enough players.

whassupman03 wrote:AAVs are very special vehicles - their heritage comes from other vehicles like the LVT(4) of World War II fame - most famous for the evacuation of civilian internees from Los Baños, which were held by the Japanese after the Occupation of the Philippines and evacuated after the Allied invasion.[sup]1[/sup] One could conceivably emulate a similar operation of different scale in Dead Reign, whether it be from a Death Cult stronghold or a coastal community surrounded by zombies or malevolent humans of equivalent caliber. :-) And it doesn't have to happen in the Philippines - it could happen at other places as well.

You must have missed the part of my post where I said I was an AAV crewman.....

Wikipedia will tell you which countries actually have AAV's (China supposedly has amphibious tanks), and it's pretty close to correct. In the U.S. you'd most likely find them near Camp Pendleton Ca, 29 Palms Ca. and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

You are right tho, a MEU would not only be able to airlift people to the ships, but they could use AAV's, LCAC's and even Zodiac's to pick people up who are on a beach.

Oh and despite what the book says, a Mk 19 (it's a fully automatic grenade launcher) will do pretty good job of taking out a horde of Zombies.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by CarCrasher »

whassupman03 wrote:Hello...

jedi078 wrote:Which is why it would be a long time before anybody in Alaska tried to reclaim the lower 48.

Yep - it would take a long time, because you would have to consolidate your position in Alaska, and when you have all your assets in place, strike D-Day style. :mrgreen:

CarCrasher wrote:Yes that would be Canadian military.

My thoughts about the quarantine of military to help with restoration after the epidemic while it is correct I am of the thought that the wave would have affected those units also. I personally don't think that the wave was a contagious event and it affected every one at the same time regardless of location or being quarantined. That's just my thoughts about it.

While the cause of the Wave is unknown pre-campaign, your mileage may vary, because for all we know there may be more than one cause - for example, it may have been due to a flaw in the Altrucure formula, but that flaw may be sabotage by the Followers of Brulyx, who had substantial pull in US government agencies such as the FDA to keep the flaw hidden and the vaccines going. You also have to remember that while it may or may not be contagious, one thing to know for sure is that if it happened on part of the miracle cure, it was already in the bloodstreams of billions of people, meaning that even if it was contagious it wouldn't have been able to spread through such means in the time it took for the Wave to hit, because it was already there. Of course it depends on what your PCs seem to find out. But out-of-game, be creative and enjoy yourselves so you can develop an effective storyline in-game! :-D


P.S.: Personally, I thought it would have been Canadian - I was able to find something on it on Wikipedia. :wink:

Yes by all means use your own version of what and how the wave came about in your world. I use a huge and convoluted description in my world of the how and why's of the wave that the players never actually get to hear or know about. When they ask how it happened I just have npcs sound off the different theories from the book and leave it at that. Actually that sounds like a good idea for a new thread about your version of the wave. Might even be a thread on already about it!?
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

jedi078 wrote:
Deckard1973 wrote:After I got out I was working as a DoD contractor. I was on the team that did the C4 hardware re-fit of the C2 AAV.
Man is that thing loud!

Yeah I saw a pic online of what the inside of the AAVC7A1 looks like now. Which is IMO is a serious breach of OPSEC.

Deckard1973 wrote:Thinking on this tread gave me a DR campaign idea:
After 4 weeks out "In The Field," your unit returns to base to find the base is mostly deserted, but bodies litter the streets. At HQ, you find a lone Marine, the Generals aide, still alive. He is dirty, bloody, and ranting and raving about zombies!

I might use that idea for a group in my RPOL game if it gets enough players.

whassupman03 wrote:AAVs are very special vehicles - their heritage comes from other vehicles like the LVT(4) of World War II fame - most famous for the evacuation of civilian internees from Los Baños, which were held by the Japanese after the Occupation of the Philippines and evacuated after the Allied invasion.[sup]1[/sup] One could conceivably emulate a similar operation of different scale in Dead Reign, whether it be from a Death Cult stronghold or a coastal community surrounded by zombies or malevolent humans of equivalent caliber. :-) And it doesn't have to happen in the Philippines - it could happen at other places as well.

You must have missed the part of my post where I said I was an AAV crewman.....

Wikipedia will tell you which countries actually have AAV's (China supposedly has amphibious tanks), and it's pretty close to correct. In the U.S. you'd most likely find them near Camp Pendleton Ca, 29 Palms Ca. and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

You are right tho, a MEU would not only be able to airlift people to the ships, but they could use AAV's, LCAC's and even Zodiac's to pick people up who are on a beach.

Oh and despite what the book says, a Mk 19 (it's a fully automatic grenade launcher) will do pretty good job of taking out a horde of Zombies.

Technically if the radios are NOT installed (no crypto) it is UNCLASS, but we never let anyone take pics inside.

Mk19! Yeah! Get some!
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

jedi078 wrote:
Deckard1973 wrote:After I got out I was working as a DoD contractor. I was on the team that did the C4 hardware re-fit of the C2 AAV.
Man is that thing loud!

Yeah I saw a pic online of what the inside of the AAVC7A1 looks like now. Which is IMO is a serious breach of OPSEC.

Deckard1973 wrote:Thinking on this tread gave me a DR campaign idea:
After 4 weeks out "In The Field," your unit returns to base to find the base is mostly deserted, but bodies litter the streets. At HQ, you find a lone Marine, the Generals aide, still alive. He is dirty, bloody, and ranting and raving about zombies!

I might use that idea for a group in my RPOL game if it gets enough players.

whassupman03 wrote:AAVs are very special vehicles - their heritage comes from other vehicles like the LVT(4) of World War II fame - most famous for the evacuation of civilian internees from Los Baños, which were held by the Japanese after the Occupation of the Philippines and evacuated after the Allied invasion.[sup]1[/sup] One could conceivably emulate a similar operation of different scale in Dead Reign, whether it be from a Death Cult stronghold or a coastal community surrounded by zombies or malevolent humans of equivalent caliber. :-) And it doesn't have to happen in the Philippines - it could happen at other places as well.

You must have missed the part of my post where I said I was an AAV crewman.....

Wikipedia will tell you which countries actually have AAV's (China supposedly has amphibious tanks), and it's pretty close to correct. In the U.S. you'd most likely find them near Camp Pendleton Ca, 29 Palms Ca. and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

You are right tho, a MEU would not only be able to airlift people to the ships, but they could use AAV's, LCAC's and even Zodiac's to pick people up who are on a beach.

Oh and despite what the book says, a Mk 19 (it's a fully automatic grenade launcher) will do pretty good job of taking out a horde of Zombies.

Oh, I have never done a RPOL, but be up for it if you get enough players.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by whassupman03 »


jedi078 wrote:
whassupman03 wrote:AAVs are very special vehicles - their heritage comes from other vehicles like the LVT(4) of World War II fame - most famous for the evacuation of civilian internees from Los Baños, which were held by the Japanese after the Occupation of the Philippines and evacuated after the Allied invasion.[sup]1[/sup] One could conceivably emulate a similar operation of different scale in Dead Reign, whether it be from a Death Cult stronghold or a coastal community surrounded by zombies or malevolent humans of equivalent caliber. :-) And it doesn't have to happen in the Philippines - it could happen at other places as well.

You must have missed the part of my post where I said I was an AAV crewman.....

Wikipedia will tell you which countries actually have AAV's (China supposedly has amphibious tanks), and it's pretty close to correct. In the U.S. you'd most likely find them near Camp Pendleton Ca, 29 Palms Ca. and Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

You are right tho, a MEU would not only be able to airlift people to the ships, but they could use AAV's, LCAC's and even Zodiac's to pick people up who are on a beach.

Oh and despite what the book says, a Mk 19 (it's a fully automatic grenade launcher) will do pretty good job of taking out a horde of Zombies.

Actually no - I didn't miss that part. :mrgreen: I just thought that I could put some relevant history on the thread. Though in retrospect, it is pertinent that other countries have similar vehicles in their armed forces, and as such they could carry out Los Baños-style evacuations of their own, and the AAVs can use their defensive capabilities (M2HB machine guns and the previously-mentioned Mk 19 automatic grenade launchers).[sup]1[/sup] But anyway, I appreciate your service jedi078. :-D

CarCrasher wrote:Yes by all means use your own version of what and how the wave came about in your world. I use a huge and convoluted description in my world of the how and why's of the wave that the players never actually get to hear or know about. When they ask how it happened I just have npcs sound off the different theories from the book and leave it at that. Actually that sounds like a good idea for a new thread about your version of the wave. Might even be a thread on already about it!?

Yeah, I will have to consider that notion CarCrasher - and you never know, such notions may appear on the Dead Reign forums sooner or later (Only if they haven't already :wink:). Please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.

whassupman03 :-)

[1]: Source:
I don't normally kill zombies, but when I do, I use the...


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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by jedi078 »

Deckard1973 wrote:Technically if the radios are NOT installed (no crypto) it is UNCLASS, but we never let anyone take pics inside.

Mk19! Yeah! Get some!

The pic I'm referring to showed a bunch of flat screen monitors and other 'stuff'. When I was still an AAV crewman we could not take pics of any of the radios. When I was on MSG duty and the FSN's (locals who worked in the Embassy) were showing off their camera phones we began confiscating them, and those who wouldn't give up their phone we wouldn't let in.....

Deckard1973 wrote:Oh, I have never done a RPOL, but be up for it if you get enough players.

I've got 9 players so far.....will probably cut it off at 12...
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by Deckard1973 »

jedi078 wrote:
Deckard1973 wrote:Technically if the radios are NOT installed (no crypto) it is UNCLASS, but we never let anyone take pics inside.

Mk19! Yeah! Get some!

The pic I'm referring to showed a bunch of flat screen monitors and other 'stuff'. When I was still an AAV crewman we could not take pics of any of the radios. When I was on MSG duty and the FSN's (locals who worked in the Embassy) were showing off their camera phones we began confiscating them, and those who wouldn't give up their phone we wouldn't let in.....

Deckard1973 wrote:Oh, I have never done a RPOL, but be up for it if you get enough players.

I've got 9 players so far.....will probably cut it off at 12...

Yep, that was the interior. The computers are COTS ruggedized Toughbook laptops on workstation mounts. Actually it was amazing how much crap we stuffed in there.

Well, if you dont mind giving some guidance, I would be willing to play.
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Re: Sound Off! Surviving Military Units in the Dead Reign R

Unread post by TiekoSora »

Six years Infantry, 10th Mountain Division. Most American military bases would be as quickly over run as civilian cities. They simply are not protected enough to withstand the hordes of undead attempting to get in, not to mention those that rise or turn inside the fences. Units would break down, with squads and fireteams being not only the most mobile, but most effective in most missions such as recon, scavenging, and day to day surviving. Large groups will attract attention, smaller groups can hunker down in a few rooms of an easily secured building. Factor in the daily needs for food, and less needs to be gathered the smaller the group. I would imagine these squads would be mostly made up of single soldiers. Married soldiers would have likely been slipping away to get family to safety, putting them all at risk or even getting them all killed. I was married while I was active duty, and in one natural disaster, I disobeyed orders and evacuated my family south to my inlaws. The only reason I wasn't punished is because I brought back a carload of food, water, kerosene heaters (base had enough fuel, just not heaters) and warm clothing of all sizes. In a zombie apocalypse, I feel confident that most married soldiers would break ranks in an attempt to be with, or save their families. Most single Joes would be more willing to stay with their brothers than run off into almost certain death.

I like the premise of the game. I however, will attribute the Wave to one of two things. A pandemic that kills rapidly, is transmitted through multiple vectors - body fluid contact, airborne, bite of insects and animals infected but not susceptible to the fatal aspect of the disease. Once infected, you die. Once you die, you turn and become a mindless, shambling predator, bent on the consumption of living flesh. This is the disease attempting to reproduce, to spread.

My other option is a disease that causes so much brain damage from the extreme fever, that the person is reduced to the most base instincts. Pursue, hunt, kill, feed. The body is indeed alive, and feeding sustains it, as does eating normal food sustain human survivors. They are more difficult to kill, shrugging off pain. They would be afraid of fire unless in large enough numbers to overwhelm their prey. They would be fast and strong. Their bites, if you survive, have a high probability of infecting the person, causing them to become seriously ill in a couple days. Once the fever subsides, and they awake, they are no longer normal, they are a mindless savage burning with a desire to feed.

I tend to like my play groups small, four to eight people max. This is perfect for a military based group. It's manageable as a GM, and still gives the group the skill spread and numbers they need to succeed in their plans (if the dice let them hehe) while also keeping them from getting greedy.
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