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name my Charater
Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:25 pm
by Kirby77
My character is based on the picture in The Rifter #29, page 44- mutant spider. A 40 something year old average guy that is mutated into a teenage spider/ human hybred. (using Genetic Chymera rules in Mugtant Undrground)
Powers include the obvious, plus ectoplasmic webbing (Powers Unlimited 3, page 59) and he remaines a good guy- despit the uggly, which he takes in mostely good stride (loves the new powers however).
As for naming, asside from the most ovious being taken- the best I can come up with is "Arach-noid", which sounds to cheesy.
Any better ideas?
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 7:06 pm
by hollowecho
What kids spider is he ...that may lead to some naming conventions
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 12:49 am
by Kirby77
Primaraly Wolf- but as a chynera has a bit of jumping and spitting mixed in as well.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:36 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Well to blatantly rip off one of my favorite He-Man figurines. Webstor
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:18 am
by Kirby77
Webstor! I love it!
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:30 am
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:14 am
by DevastationBob
Arachnoid was a villain in the old Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends cartoon...
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:47 pm
by say652
Wolf Spider.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:57 pm
by Nightmask
say652 wrote:Wolf Spider.
That was quite the infamous name on the classic marvel forums many years ago.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:01 pm
by say652
Thats pretty cool. This is my first journey into the forums. Been pretty cool.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 10:17 pm
by Kirby77
How about Spider-Wolf?
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:06 pm
by Kirby77
Hears what I ended up with, what do you think?
Size Level: 11 (reduce to 8, +15 BIO-E +2 to P.S. 35 S.D.C.) Height: 60 + 1D6 inches Weight: 100 + 6D10 pounds Build: Medium

Mutant Changes & Costs
Attribute Bonuses: +2 I.Q., +2 M.E., and +2 P.B. Human Features
Hands: Gets 10 BlO-E in exchange for partial: The fingers become long or short and awkward, the thumb a bit less effective as a fully developed opposable digit. -10% penalty on all skills requiring manual dexterity (Computer Operation, Mechanical Engineering, Pick Pockets, etc.), -1 to strike and parry with hand-held weapons. Character has a brutish appearance: Hair on arms, legs, chest and back, and the arms and/or legs may be a bit longer or shorter than one might expect.
Biped: Gets 15 BIO-E in exchange for Partial: Animal (insect/ arachnid). Gives the character a half man-half animal appearance. No penalty to Spd, but anti-animal factions will NEVER believe this character is (or was ever) human.
Speech: Gets 5 BIO-E in exchange for partial. Either sounds guttural or strange musical inflections enter the character's speech. The mutant's words are easily understood, but other humans will find the sound, tone, inflections or quality to be odd, animalistic and unsettling.
Looks: Gets 5 BIO-E in exchange for partial. Face loses its definition and becomes softer and with less expression - or - harder and more animal-like with larger or pointed teeth, apish nose or animal muzzle and nose, round eyes, ridges over the eyes, and pointed or small round ears. The character is also likely to be extremely hairy and may have other animal qualities. Other humans will be suspicious and paranoid about the character, wondering if he is not a mutant animal trying to "pass" for human.
Vestigial Disadvantages: Gets 20 BIO-E for Diet: Liquid Carnivore (Similar to the liquid died, except the only source of food is meat.)
Gets 5 BIO-E for Prey Eyes (one set)*
Gets 10 BIO-E for Reptile Brain: Prey and 5 BIO-E for Reptile Brain Predator Spider Reptile Brain: Spiders tend to be aggressive toward prey, but easily startled, this means they can select both Predator and Prey Reptile Brains. In this case, here’s how it works. When hungry, frustrated, or confined, Reptile Brain: Predator is used. When serious injury, threats, outright attacks, fear of death, fear of being captured/tortured, or being cornered, Reptile Brain: Prey is used. [Interestingly enough, this should probably be the same thing available to mutant humans, the Fight or Flight reaction.]
Gets 85 BIO-E total
Mutant Abilities:
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Identify temperature by touch: within 1D6 degrees, includes air temperature. Base Skill: 80%
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Feel the vibrations: The mutant can feel the vibrations of approaching ground vehicles, giant robots, heard of mammals or giant animals up to six miles (9.6 km) away; Running or walking humans 2000 feet (365 m) away; Flying vehicles or animals 4000 feet (122 m) away: Automatic
0 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Accurately identify wind direction: 80%
5 BIO-E for 1D6 damage Claws.
5 BIO-E for Sensing Hairs: Motion Detection & track by Motion Detection: The character can follow and locate prey by following the air vibrations caused by movement (not sound per se, but air movement). Base Skill: 50% +3% per level Range: 500 Feet (152 m)
5 BIO-E for Web Shooters*: Eight powered clusters of web-producing spinnerets are located on the body, each capable of shooting out web material up to 30 feet (9 m) away (60 feet/18.3 m for those located in the mouth). Usually the Web Shooters are located on the shoulders, calves, mouth and fore- arms. Each of the eight Web Shooters contains 240 feet (73 m) of translucent webbing per 24 hours. The webbing can be released in any of the following ways***.
5 BIO-E for Web Hooks: Located at the tip of each finger and toe, as well as at the wrists, ankles, elbows, knees and shoulders, are tiny bristles or pincers, designed for gripping strands o f webbing. Any one hook is strong enough to hold the whole character, and the character can move swiftly and acrobatically along webs. The character can even travel along sticky webs, placing the hooks in between the sticky spots. +10% to Climbing skill and +20% to rappel/climb rope.
5 BIO-E for the Major Abilities of Animal Abilities Arachnid* Physical Traits: Tough, dark, wiry hair. Tiny, black eyes, with no ears to speak of and a very thin, lanky build. Abilities and Bonuses: 1. Wall crawling, same as the Adhesion power on page 228 of Heroes Unlimited, Second Edition (HU2) rule book. 2. Poisonous bite, same as the Venomous Attack minor power on page 48 of Powers Unlimited OneTM. 3. Leap up to 8 feet (2.4 m) straight up or lengthwise. 4. Add 1D6+1 to P.P. attribute. 5. Add 2D4+2 to P.S. attribute; which is considered Extraordinary. 6. +3 to roll with impact from falls. 7. Can control up to 1D6 spiders and/or scorpions per level of experience.
10 BIO-E for Web Spinnerets*: Concealed at the base of each wrist and ankle is a cluster of tiny spinnerets, each capable of exuding six different kinds of spider silk. They are placed three to each hand, and one on each foot.
10 BIO-E for Spit Poisonous Goo (Spitting Spiders are named such because they spit a fluid mixture of webbing and poison which immobilizes it’s victim by congealing on contact into a sticky and poisonous mass. To ensure that the victim is ensnared they sway from side to side, allowing them to cover the target in a Z-shaped pattern. Once someone is hit with this stuff they’ll discover that pulling it off is useless, it just keeps sticking to hands, feet, clothing, etc. It will also stick to cement, cars, telephone polls, other characters and anything else someone might use to try and scrape it off. Every melee round after being hit with the poisonous goo, the victim will have to make TWO saving throws. The first is a save vs Entanglement, this is a roll on percentile dice under the victim’s P.P. Failing a save means that the character is completely immobile until they can break free or the elasticity is neutralized. Characters with a Beastly Strength of 35+ or Crushing Strength of 24+ can break free within one melee round. Characters with a Brute Strength of 24 or better can break free within 6 melee rounds of concentrated effort. The goo will stick to anything and keeps it’s elasticity for about 2 hours. It is waterproof (although it can be neutralized with kerosene, gasoline, alcohol and other chemical solvents) and it can’t be cleaned off, it just has to wear off. The second saving throw is vs non-lethal poison, to avoid being paralyzed for 3D6 melee rounds. Range is 200 feet.)
30 BIO-E for Crushing Strength:
BIO-E spent: 85
Random Mutation Table:
Extreme Mutation: Roll for 1D6+3 (9) mutant traits from the Random Mutation Table.
1. Multiple Eyes: The character has a total of 8 eyes, like a spiders . Subtract 1d4+2 from P.B., but add +2 to Horror Factor, +1 to initiative, +1 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge, and +2 to perception.
2. Spider Eyes: The eyes are round, dark, slightly bulged out and lidless like a spider’s. Add +1 to perception, dodge, and Horror Factor, +2 to initiative, but subtract 1d4+1 from the P.B. attribute. The character also has ultraviolet vision (600ft range) and polarized vision (can tell directions by looking at the sun with 95% accuracy).
3. Independent Eyes: The characters eyes can move independent of each other. The character has a wider field of vision and can focus on two things at once. Adds +2 to Initiative, +2 to Parry and +1 to Dodge.
4. Tough Skin: +15 S.D.C., -1 P.B., Natural A.R. 6
5. Skinny Build: A slender/skinny build makes the character about 75% as wide as a normal person. Subtract 25 lbs from weight, +2 to P.P., +1d4 to Spd. and add +1 to parry and dodge.
6. Extraordinary Reflexes: Add +1 to parry and dodge, +1 to initiative, +1D4 to P.P., plus the character gets one extra dodge per melee (takes no attacks to use).
7. Hyper-Flexibility (Double-Jointed): A double-jointed person has extremely limber muscles and flexible bones that can pop in and out of their sockets with ease, and twist, bend and fold them-selves into normally impossible positions. These contortions enable the character to collapse the bones in his hands to easily slip out of handcuffs or manacles, temporarily and painlessly dislocate joints to wiggle out of ropes or straight jackets, slip through small openings and fit into small areas (suitcase, trunk, etc.). The double-jointed mutant can attempt to escape any bonds once per melee round with the following chance for success: Hands and/or feet tied with rope, handcuffed or chained - 79% likelihood of escape. Hands. arms. legs and body bound with rope, chains, straps or straight jacket - 46% +1% chance to escape per level of experience. Being locked inside a room. trunk or compartment will trap/ hold the double-jointed mutant. However, a jail cell or compartment with an opening may allow the character to escape. The double-jointed mutant can also contort his body to be half its normal width from shoulder to shoulder. and flatten himself from chest to shoulder blades (back) also by half. Furthermore, the nimble fellow can curl up into a ball so small and tight that he is a mere 25% his normal height and half his normal width. Note: The average shoulder width of a muscular. 6 loot (1.8 m) man is about 24 inches (0.6m), half would be 12 inches (0.3 m). Bonus: +2 to roll with fall or impact.
8. Ambidextrous: The character can use the right and left hand with equal skill and dexterity. Bonuses: Add +1 additional attack per melee, +1 to Parry, +5% to Climb, Escape Artist, Pick Locks, mechanical, electrical and computer repair skills.
9. *Extra Limbs: As per the Multiple Limbs minor ability on page 23 of Aliens Unlimited. This can be rolled twice, for four extra limbs. This does not count as a minor power for the character. +1 set of arms, +1 set of legs.
1. Bonuses from a pair of extra arms and hands: One additional attack/action per melee round, +1 to parry, paired weapons, +15% 10 climb, +5% to pick pockets. pick locks, palming and other sleight of hand.
2. Bonuses from an extra pair of legs increases the speed attribute by 1D6x10 points; can leap +10 leet (3 m) lengthwise from a standstill or +20 feet (6 m) from a running start. +4 t0 dodge; kick with two legs does 3D6 damage; +20% to maintain balance, and +20 toS.D.C.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 3:09 pm
by Cedric Caleb
Perhaps two thoughts of basic options:
Lupinoid (pronounced 'lup-aye-noid')
Arachin (pronounced 'ae-rak' in')
A species of spider may give us something more to work with.
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:01 pm
by Kirby77
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:08 pm
by Cedric Caleb
Wow you have 150 species in the super family to choose from. Though they have six eyes in three paired sets. Were you intending to use that as a genetic aberration for your character? If so he could carry around the nickname 'Six eyes' and might make him angry, lol; or her, since arachnids tend to be female dominant. So the two common to the US are:
Scytodes zapatana
Scytodes dorothea
Perhaps '
Re: name my Charater
Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 8:46 pm
by Kirby77
Or perhaps if he's a bit crazy, Psyco-lupin