J.L. Duncan wrote:Hello my fellow survivors!
This writing is the unpublished part of what I submitted which made it into the Rifter #64. I hadn't read or seen past the second Dead Reign sourcebook-so having now got the entire collection-I better understand why it didn't see print; this writing (the Jumper Zombie) didn't fit the zombie model. In other words, my best guess as to the direction of the zombie variants was off and my better understanding what makes a real zombie variant-different from another, was not understood until I got the all the reference material. Still, it's a shame to have decent piece of writing (in my humble opinion) go to waste.
So I post it here-please enjoy!
Spoiler:Dead Reign Zombie (By Jeff Duncan)
Jumper Zombie
A Variant Fast Attack Zombie
When you’re in the middle of the concrete jungle you’re at ground zero and don’t forget it. No matter how quiet everything seems, you’ve got to keep your eyes peeled and your footfall light. At every unlit street corner, at every half open car door your risking your life and those who are with you. I know you think you’ve seen it all by now and probably heard it just as much; after all you tell yourself I’m a survivor. But brother, zombies don’t care what you think; you’re just a tasty glow worm to them.
The moan of a Sloucher echoing though the street can bring the whole damn zombie infested city down on you, frightening enough. Take it down fast, duck for cover or better-just get the hell out of there. Hope, that you were quick enough. But in the city that’s not all.
Worse is what can happen if you don’t look up, Jumpers. Though not the fastest, jumpers are quick. What makes them dangerous you might well guess by the name. I couldn’t believe it till I saw them with my own eyes, watched a Jumper step off the ledge six stories up and land on its oversized feet, like nothing-almost right on top of a one of my teammates. Then it moaned. We took it down, but I shouldn’t have to tell you this is a fall that would break any man’s legs or worse turn him into putty on a trowel if he landed wrong. In city suburbs, I’ve seen Jumpers leap rooftop to rooftop-ledge to ledge, in pursuit and leap onto their human victims from above; almost noiseless because jumpers don’t moan until they land.
You’d be right to assume that Jumper Zombies attack from above and you’d also be right to assume that most never hear or see ‘em coming. So keep on the lookout, high and low. Sure as hell nothing’s gonna make your day worse than having a damned zombie drop in for dinner.
- Brad Ashley, Leader of the Reapers
The Jumper Zombie is part Fast Attack Zombie and what some have come to believe, part Pattern Zombie variant. Though not as agile or fleet of foot as Fast Attackers, Jumpers have powerful legs which enable them to sustain the shock of landing from considerable height and as well give them the ability to bound considerable distance, laterally as well as straight up in one motion. Even the most knowledged of zombie behavior would have a hard time distinguishing a Jumper from a Fast Attack Zombie as both exhibit the similar fidgeting and jerking behavior when not in direct pursuit or convergence, save for the fact that a Jumper Zombies legs are typically much healthier (and thicker) than the rest of their body, and their feet have the strange abnormality as being twice as large as they should be. A dead giveaway (pun intended) is that Jumper Zombies are never wearing shoes, and pants (if they have them at all) are often frayed open at the seam.
Jumper Zombies seek to attack from above and always attack feet first. Commercial districts in cities, areas where tall buildings and skyscrapers silhouette the horizon, are places that the zombie is most encountered. However when attacking, Jumper Zombies jump first and don’t let out their zombie moan until they’ve landed near or on top of their intended victim. Their moan is comparable to a Sloucher’s lazy moan, not the screech of a Fast Attack Zombie. While stationed high and at the right place, or wrong place wrong time for their human victim, this can give the zombie a good vantage point from which to drop right on top of a human glow worm. Because Jumpers don’t let out their moan until after the fact, most attacks carry the unpleasantness of sheer surprise.
Fortunately for humans, certain factors have limited the frequency of Jumper Zombies attacks; which are attributed to the zombie’s aberrant nature as well as their pattern like behavior. First, Jumpers don’t react to the zombie moan in the same way as do other zombies and typically won’t react to the moan of other zombies unless the human victim can be sensed within two or three typical blocks of where they have originally stationed themselves (See: Note on the truth, below). It’s thought that either the Jumper is caught up in its pattern behavior or that it’s abilities to sense human presence is more limited than other zombies. Some would say that it’s as if Jumpers claim a certain block or area of the city (by pattern) for their own or based on their human life, or the remaining semblance of some familiarity within a city area. Once the human glow worm is sensed, the Jumper converges just like any other zombie, though even in convergence the Jumper will do its best to move ledge to ledge-roof top to roof top in pursuit. There are times when this is not possible, but Jumpers always seek even just a little height before launching themselves for the attack, be it from the roof of a car, the top of a fence or extra height of a stone edifice.
How the jumper specifically determines where or how high up to station itself is as well attributed to their pattern behavior. Though more capable than any other zombie or human to drop from considerable distance and land relatively unharmed the ability has its limits. Most jumpers that attempted their first jumps from more than 8 stories did not survive and so were filtered out by the limits of their natural ability. It’s believed that the pattern side of their behavior, made the zombie seek heights which they were accustomed to living and/or working in their human life, however landing safely (something zombies don’t consider) from these heights were much more than Jumper could handle. In other words: Plop! Shortly after the original wave, flesh stains on the asphalt of most major cities bared the proof to prove this theory. Most of the evidence of this happening was washed away down city storm drains. Today some Jumpers have stationed themselves high up, so high that indeed only a suicide drop awaits them though most of these zombies have long fallen into stasis. Of course, any human survivors that venture up high and within the Jumper Zombies sense range would be a welcome meal.
Most Jumpers attack and converge from 3-7 stories high. When the zombie senses or is drawn to humans it will do its best to converge from on high, roofs, apartment porch ledges etc. Once over the human glow worm it will attempt to stage its jump so to leap and land directly on top of its chosen victim(s), pinning and/or incapacitating them. The Jumper Zombies best weapon is its legs and this is exactly what it uses to subdue its victims pinning them to the ground before it leans in for a bite. Jumpers, unlike Fast Attack Zombies are content to kill their victim’s singlehandedly. Though Jumpers will follow the commands of Thinkers to the best of their limited abilities their pattern nature often conflicts with these commands, which often leads them to eventually disobey the Thinker once it is out of sight.
Note on the truth: The Jumper Zombies ability to hear and perceive the moans of other zombies is limited to one fourth the range of the standard sense ability, which is common to all zombies as listed in the Dead Reign Main book; PG 26, as well as written out below. The line of vision to sense human aura is as well one fourth that of normal zombie capability. All other sense abilities are standard. If one can imagine this partially explains why in cities the zombie seeks height; in order to see better my dear, because they can’t hear very well.
Though Jumper Zombies are dangerous to encounter, because of the limitations in their sense abilities as well as the filtering process (mentioned above), and the fact that they are found almost exclusively in “tall” cities, the Jumpers are one of the least likely zombies to encounter. A good estimate would be that less than one in a thousand Fast Attack Zombies are a Jumper Zombie variant or one tenth of one percent.
Also known as: Daredevil Zombie, Zombie Kineval, Suicide Flash, and Pants-less Blitzkriegers
Alignment: Considered Diabolic.
Attributes: I.Q. 1D4+1, M.E. 1D6, M.A. 1D4, P.S. 2x Strength when alive (typically 18+1D6), P.P. 8+1D6, P.E. 12+1D6, P.B. 2D4, Spd 1D4+14.
Hit Points: P.E. Attribute number, but all Main Body S.D.C. must be depleted first before Hit Points can be affected. Note: See S.D.C. by location and Hit points for more details.
S.D.C. by Location:
*Hands (2)-1D4+2 each
*Arms (2)-1D6+3 each
*Feet (2)-1D6+10 each
*Legs (2)-3D6+10 each
*Lower Jaw-1D6+1
***Main Body-3D6+20
Armor Rating: 13
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E. 1D4
Natural Abilities: Standard See the Dead Reign RPG for Details
See Life Energy (P.P.E.): 2,250 feet (686m) at night or in darkness.
Sense Life Energy (P.P.E.): 25 feet (7.6m) to sense 1-6 people, 50 feet (15.2m) to sense a group of 7-24 people, and 100 feet (30.5m) to sense a group of 25 or more people. Half the range listed to sense animals. One quarter that range, 6.3 feet (1.9m) when a zombie is dormant.
Recognize Human Scents: 80%. This also tells the zombie humans are nearby, or have been recently.
Track Humans by Scent: 15% chance, +8% if the human is sweaty or hasn’t been bathed in three or more days, +8% to follow the scent of blood, +5% if there is more than one human in the same area, +5% to smell perfume cologne or aftershave. All bonuses are accumulative.
Smell Fear in Humans: Makes Zombie more aggressive: +1 on initiative and +1 to strike or disarm. A Jumper Zombie who has gained surprise by jumping near (within 15 feet) or landing on top of a human or group of humans gains initiative automatically; and is +2 to strike/disarm and gains one additional attack through the first melee round.
Zombies Can See Without Eyes: The eyes glow with a red light inside empty eye sockets.
Sense of Hearing: Can pinpoint the location of a Zombie Moan after hearing it for only 30 seconds. Note: Ability to sense is one fourth of the ability listed in the Dead Reign MB.
Impervious to Most Everything: Only decapitation, destroying a zombie’s brain and fire can kill a zombie. Does not need to breathe, and survives underwater and in a vacuum.
S.D.C. and Hit Point Regeneration: 1D6+2 S.D.C. and 2 Hit Points are automatically restored every hour. Extra P.P.E. may also restore S.D.C. and Hit Points at a rate of 1D6+1 S.D.C. and 1 Hit Points per extra P.P.E. Point. See (Dead Reign M.B.), S.D.C. and Hit Points for details.
No Life Energy of Their Own: Zombies are cold, dark creatures without body heat or an aura. They cannot be seen by infrared and thermal imagining optic systems. Rather, zombies resister the same as a piece of timber.
Go Dormant: A stasis sleep that keeps zombies from decaying. Walking dead hide when they go dormant and can waiting anywhere.
People Slain by the Zombie Rise as One: Victims slain in a zombie attack, their P.P.E. absorbed, rise as the walking dead within 2D4+4 minutes after expiration.
Leap Surprise: Jumpers Zombies legs are thicker and stronger than any other known Zombie variant. Jumper Zombies can jump, fall and land on the ground without taking any damage within the following limit:
Fall: For every single S.D.C. point in the Jumpers legs (2) the zombie can safely land without damage, for every 2 feet fallen. For instance if the S.D.C. total of a Jumper Zombie’s legs is 40 (total) then this means the zombie could leap and drop from a distance of 80 feet (24m) or about 6-7 stories depending on the architecture of the structure. A zombie that exceeds this fall distance (the total of their legs S.D.C. x2 in feet) is going to have broken legs or worse; no exceptions. G.M.s should reduce speed and bonuses by half, and often times the zombie is mostly incapacitated other than its capability to moan.
Hard Jump: A Jumper Zombie can jump their P.E. attribute +1D6+2 feet; laterally across a span or between buildings. Taking a running jump adds no distance or advantage.
Skills of Note: Climb 65%/55%, Balance 65%, and Escape Artist 25%.
Attacks per Melee: Four. Jumper Zombies will prefer to kick and jump on top of their human victims or in some way using their powerful legs to incapacitate until they can move in for the kill.
Damage (S.D.C./Hit Points):
Bite: 2D6 damage (and chance of infection if the wound isn’t treated shortly after receiving it). P.S. damage bonus does not apply to bite attacks.
Head Butt: 1D4+1 damage +P.S. damage bonus (if any).
Punch/Claw Attack: 1D4 damage +P.S. damage bonus (if any).
Power Punch: Not possible.
Kick Attack: 2D6+4 damage +P.S. damage bonus (if any).
Pounce Attack: 1D4 Damage (no P.S. damage bonus), plus a 01-60% chance of knockdown (victim of knockdown loses initiative and one melee attack) by leaping on top of the character, and a 01-45% chance of pinning the person pounced on, but only if the knock down portion of the pounce was successful. If the victim has been knocked down flat on his back and is pinned, the zombie can hold him in place until other zombies arrive to converge and kill, or attack using a Head Butt attack or biting. The victim can try and roll away or push the zombie off of him, but each attempt counts as two melee attacks, and the human must roll an 18, 19 or 20 to escape; considered a parrying combat move and parry bonuses apply. Of course, another character(s) can attack the pinning zombie to knock him off the trapped individual. A pounce attack can be performed by a Jumper Zombie at any time as long as the victim is within range; See Hard Jump above.
High Pounce Attack: 1D4 Damage (no P.S. Damage bonus) per 10 feet (3m). Additionally, this attack is -1 to strike per 10 feet; a Jumper Zombie trying to land on his victim from 40 feet up is -4 to strike, and the victim has to be moving slowly and directly below or within the Jumpers Hard Jump range for this attack to work. Victims that the attack succeeds on are surprised and lose initiative as well as two melee attacks that round (stunned) in addition to the damage.
Weapon: A rarity; almost never.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with legs only, +1 to disarm.
Penalties: -1 to strike with head-butt or bite attack.
Vulnerabilities: Jumper Zombies are drawn to high areas but once they get there they often fall into stasis from lack of action/feeding stimulus. Also the zombies are relatively unaware of what would be considered a safe falling distance for their abilities. For many the first leap is their last. They do not typically wait for other Zombies to converge to help with the attack and this is a chief weakness, nor do they moan before attempting to attack their victims and if jumping from high, not until after landing.
Nice! It's one thing to see them running towards you, but never go without looking up!
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