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HYPOTHETICAL VF-X-7 Salvage Efforts

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:06 pm
by ShadowLogan
HYPOTHETICAL VF-X-7 "Salvage" Efforts
Per cannon the VF-X-7 program was canceled in 2022. Hypothetically what are the UEEF options to salvage something from the program investment directly (I am thinking in terms of direct spin-offs as can be seen with the VF-X-5 into the XR-10, though need not be limited to battloid use). The reality is that the UEEF does have several options for spin-offs from the VF-X-7 program to salvage the program. Salvage operations seem almost a given based on the notion that the VF-X-7 Beta was to handle at least two roles, Alpha Booster and Veritech replacement for the Conbat nt-fighter.

Option 1: Produce a "B" variant of the VF-X-7, that is revised to remove the technologies that where not ready. I would refer to this as an VF-X-7B (VF/B-7B in production) version. The question is what changes would need to be made to the VF-X-7 to produce a viable Veritech Fighter, those changes could explain why the VF/B-9 concept was so new to the rest of Berndard's group to a certain extent and allow room for other changes that could mask its origins to the Beta program (unless someone knows the history of the design). So what changes do you think would be part of a proposed in a VF/B-X-7B design:
-drop the finky docking system with the Alpha (Sent. OVA, the system requires the Alpha to be undamaged in the tail section, not a realistic requirement for a combat unit if on-the fly hookups are part of expected operation)
-forward sweeping swing-wing for improved aerobatic maneuverability (essentially the bulk of the hardware is already present, plus the way the wings sweep forward during transformation means the Beta has the software to handle flight in that manner)
-remove the intake cannons for improved airflow into the engines
-a variety of aerodynamic improvements (adjust the inlets, add vertical tail, better shaping if Alpha connections are not required, etc)
-put in mature technology from other programs (like the VF-1) to replace the immature technology present in the Beta
-a more traditional sized nose section (Alpha, VF-1 size) that folds down farther (w/o the docking beam it shouldn't be a problem)

The question does need to be asked why the UEEF would go with 2 VF fighters. The likely answer as it would later, and even the UEDF: ASC, is for a mix of Veritechs. In this case though you are getting a high end fighter (Beta) in limited numbers mixed with a low end fighter (Alpha) in large numbers, something we know Air Forces have been known to do (F-15/16, F-22/35). And it isn't like the 2E RPG doesn't have a mix of VT types with the VHT in service at the same time, or the Cyclones (per the show).

Option 2: Produce non-transformable variants in the form of:
2A. Booster Unit. While performance was said to be an issue with the VF-X-7, the Alpha still needed a booster unit (one of the key reasons for the program). So the UEEF could have initiated a redesign of the VF-X-7 into a simpler non-transformable unit with similar capabilities. Given issues with field-docking (even under controlled conditions) seen in the Sent. OVA, the docking requirement might be handled in the hangar under more controlled conditions as the technology does not appear to be mature enough for use at the time (2022). Very little of the VBF-9 would have to be changed from a weapon system standpoint to produce a VF-X-7 derived booster unit for the Alpha. The OSM and other sources provide options here for what such a platform may look like.

2B. Non-transformable fighter. This option seems unlikely to have actually happened since the SF/A-5 Conbat was to be replaced by the Beta and it wasn't done, even by a simplified version of the Beta (which they could have done). Though if the VFB-9 is any indication on capabilities present in the VF-X-7, the unit would be far more capable as a heavy strike fighter than the Conbat (the Beta-9's bombbay alone holds 4,000kg, the Conbat four hardpoints only deliver 1,800kg in total, and the Beta-9's cannons also outclass the Conbat's).

2C. Non/Semi-Transformable "Transportcraft". While we see that the VBF-9 Beta can be used to transport additional people in the bomb bay, I am not sure if it would be a viable option due to the size of the bay itself. while there is room to spare, it is only shown to hold 2 women in civilian clothes, one of whom is child-like in size so I can't see adult males in body armor (or Power Armor) who are going to need much more space (generally) in the same number w/o using the chutes on the sides to accommodate them, plus you will need a better way for them to enter/exit than the baseline examples from the show. The MM-20/16 and gunpods can't really be used to make room for additional passengers either. So at best you might get 4 people in the bay or 2 w/Cyclones. Such a platform might make a better field medevac transport though.

2D. Non-transformable Battloid (ala VF-X-5). We know this has been done with the Condor program, so it isn't completely without precedent. this aspect is covered in another thread so I won't duplicate it here. Though this could create duplicate efforts, the Beta it would seem would deliver a far better platform than the Condor, at least based on the VF/B-9.

Re: HYPOTHETICAL VF-X-7 Salvage Efforts

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 12:39 pm
by Seto Kaiba
Considering the way the UEEF is shown to use the Beta, option 2A is what they ALL should have been anyway...

Re: HYPOTHETICAL VF-X-7 Salvage Efforts

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:08 pm
by jaymz
I'd go with 2A...actually I DID go with 2A :D

Robotech Research did as well IIRC. Excellent deep space add on package for the Alpha for extended patrol and assault.

Re: HYPOTHETICAL VF-X-7 Salvage Efforts

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 2:54 pm
by glitterboy2098
actually if you want to use the concept art shown in a 2007 issue of Hobby Japan Magazine, you could do both 2A and 2B.. or at least something similar. possibly also 2C with a bit of further speculation
scan of the page, hosted by
according to the translation by
read 1
The "Dread" name for this Tread prototype is from Dreadnought. A block of propellant and engines to carry a Legioss from Mars to the Earth sphere... is what I was going for. Below is the first sketch drawn around 1983. I designed it in the style of the Nostromo from Alien but the director said it "doesn’t look like a flying mecha without wings!" so it was rejected. An unmanned mecha. It even transforms!

Dread 2
The producer said "Can we have all the fighters transform?", so this is the 2nd version of the Dread I thought up. The first plan was for an "unmanned fighter", so there’s no cockpit! And of course, it transforms into a robot! Combining the Dread 1 and Dread 2 resulted in the final "Tread" design we all(?)

injected into the RPg as new units, "dread 1" could be a booster only unit.. little more than a set of engines and a powerplant taken from the VB-7-X prototype design and put in a new hull, probably for space use only, or perhaps ground to orbit boosts.
and "dread 2" could be a stripped down non-tranforming (or perhaps limited transformation, with just legs) attack fighter. a transport version of it could easily be just stripping the underslung cannon for a large troop pod.

also, gearsonline has a translation of the Alpha notes as well..