Telemechanics and Technology

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Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by eliakon »

Spun off from several threads about what Telemechanics, and Mechanolink can and cant do for reverse engineering technology.

The main questions I see asked are
1) how can you have secret technology
followed by
2) how much detail and information do you really get with this
3) how much of an item do you need, and can it be broken. If it can be broken, how broken is too broken
4) how long is the information retained, and can it be shared
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by Svartalf »

I'd have to reread through the stuff to give answers to #1-3

As for 4, I'd say you retain the information so long as the power's duration is active, better be able to take notes to remember your discoveries before it lapses.
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by Library Ogre »

eliakon wrote:Spun off from several threads about what Telemechanics, and Mechanolink can and cant do for reverse engineering technology.

The main questions I see asked are
1) how can you have secret technology
followed by
2) how much detail and information do you really get with this
3) how much of an item do you need, and can it be broken. If it can be broken, how broken is too broken
4) how long is the information retained, and can it be shared

1) You really can't, save by insuring it doesn't fall into someone else's possession. However, consider the Power Armor. You know exactly how a power armor works... but you don't know how to build it. You don't know how to make the armor, how to makes the circuits... just how it all fits together.

2) How the thing works. My usual inclination is that you know how to operate it, but you don't know a lot about how it works unless you think about "Well, how do you do that?" I also say that, unless you have the appropriate mechanical, computer, and/or electrical skills, your information is a bit useless... you know how it feels, but can't relate that to actual technical information.

3) You need the whole item, mostly unbroken. If you have a piece, you will know the function of that piece, but not the whole machine. It's object reading, not clairvoyance.

4) Information is retained for the duration of the power, and naturally (i.e. like any memory) for anything you actively thought about. It doesn't carry the ability to use it, but if you thought about the missile launchers, you'll still know what you thought about the missile launchers... you just won't be able to make it happen and, unless you know how to pilot in the first place, won't actually know what you did... you thought a command, it did it.
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by Tor »

If the CS' secret super-damaging missiles from CWC become the standard missile of RUE is any indication, keeping SOME kinds of technology secret can be pretty tough. I expect the reason we don't see this done with their bots is that it's easy to get your hands on missiles than PAs. Probably due to cost.
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by Nekira Sudacne »

I think the main limitation on using Telemechanics to steal technology is learning how it operates dosn't automatically tell you how to build it.

Lets just take a glitter boy for example. using Telemechanics on it will tell you exactly how it works. it won't tell you the process that creates it's famous chrome armor. if you had that, you could in theory build them, but without the process to create that key component, all it really does is let your Operator patch it up a bit.
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by Nightmask »

Nekira Sudacne wrote:I think the main limitation on using Telemechanics to steal technology is learning how it operates dosn't automatically tell you how to build it.

Lets just take a glitter boy for example. using Telemechanics on it will tell you exactly how it works. it won't tell you the process that creates it's famous chrome armor. if you had that, you could in theory build them, but without the process to create that key component, all it really does is let your Operator patch it up a bit.

Except the power goes out of its way to emphasize how it provides you with everything about the technological item in question that's been scanned, right down to the schematics which is well beyond just 'patch it up a bit' level of knowledge.
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Re: Telemechanics and Technology

Unread post by 42dragon »

"right down to the schematics" which sounds like a lot of information. However, schematics and blue prints are different things and what level of blueprints do you get to see.

I work in the A/C industry as an engineer. There is a Systems Schematics Manual which breaks down the basics of how each particular system works for a particular type of aircraft, but that doesn't provide enough information on how to build one. It mostly helps with trouble shooting. Or perhaps we are thinking of the blueprints. Great, do you see the final assembly blue print, or do you get access to the blue print for each individual part or component. I would lean toward only the final assembly blueprint which is mostly a graphical representation and a massive parts list. You wouldn't get the blue print for each and every part.

Even if you did get the blueprint on each part, how many of those could you go through in detail during the duration of the power. And even if you get through everything in detail, will you know what everything means? An individual part for example is made from moly chromium 2453 bar, HT per SS-1426, 6 inch dia x 23 in long. Do you then have access to pre-Rifts material specification and really know what moly chromium 2453 bar is, and what is the Heat Treat specification SS-1426?

What if it is Alien Tech, and the blue prints are written in the alien language? Even translated it is extremely unlikely there will be a way to cross from Alien "urgak shinous RFGK, S-1278-FGT" to show that "moly chromuim 2453 bar, per SS1426" is the same or equivalent material.

So you can see even with all this info, it isn't likely that you can reproduce it or even find someone with the facilities and ability to use this knowledge to reproduce it.
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Can Telemechanics cure Myopia? Obviously not.

Unread post by Daikuma »

This is the recurring headache of this power that makes me want to run and hide. :x

You're not receiving a fax of the blueprint. Telemechanics gives knowledge, inherent knowledge, not actual documentation. The language as used in the description is, as are most Palladium RULES, really more of a GUIDELINE. It's meant to give players and GM's a starting point, not every conceivable use of the power, and relies on our creativity (remember that stuff, the reason we do this over video games?) to make good use of said starting point.

As described, however, the implication is that you know the item almost as well as the guy who designed and built it. Given the parts, someone using Telemechanics could (over several sessions) build just about anything, because he would know the way parts interface. Without this capacity in the power, repairing any item that requires that multiple parts be taken out of the device, the psionic would lose the knowledge of what each piece did and why it fit there.

The "schematic" descriptor is as much, a metaphor to reflect the total knowledge conveyed by the power as it is some visual representation. As such it likely isn't in any language (well, maybe techno-can) but is immersion knowledge of the hardware through and through. Think of this: if your character were blind, they could repair items using telemechanics so long as they could touch the items or be within three feet of them. WHY? because the knowledge conveyed is done so directly into the mind using the power, and a blind character, especially one who has been that way always, would already be used to functioning by touch.

If you want to find ways to limit your players with TM, you don't have to lawyer it into the ground.


In this case, telemechanics gives you your 80% skill, and so you have the complete abilities as listed to do with that skill, and item, what you will.

BUT REMEMBER, as most GM's are prone to forgetting, Skill. Use. Takes. TIME. In the case of TM, it also takes ISP. So if your player got his Build Your Own Space Shuttle kit in the mail for sending in all those box tops (points for remembering where that reference is from, young'ns), then heck yeah he gets to put it together.

Over the course of months.
In a stationary position, because a pre-operational space shuttle is a GIANT PAPERWEIGHT, and seriously hard to defend.

GMs, you don't have to hobble your characters by stripping the cool factor out of their skills and powers. Let them try just about anything, and add your negatives to their skill rolls accordingly. You'll get much better play out of them if you do.

Just a thought. 8-)

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