Hand to hand Question

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Hand to hand Question

Unread post by rem1093 »

After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

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i don't think that there really is an equivilent.. captain america probably has an equivilent of high level Hth expert or HtH martial arts (i'd guess expert, given Martial arts wasn't too common of training in ww2).

i'd definitely say something like freerunning is involved, but we don't have a skill for that in the canon. so you'd have to figure it out yourself until/unless we get an actual skill for it.
i'd say though that if you take gymnastics and similar physical skills you ought ot be able to fake it well enough for a game.

though a bioroid moving like cap ought to be a fun mental image.. the ones we see in the show are already almost that agile, so it should be possible. :)
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

rem1093 wrote:After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.

Thing we have to remember is that Cap. is a Super Solider, more Super Hero than conventional setting so looking at Heroes Unlimited might yield better results for the feel than RT. I'm Leary of offering specifics as it might boarder (if not cross) into conversion territory, but I can think of a few options in HU2E's main book some more easily translatable.

I do agree with glitterboy2098 that Cap is likely using "HTH:Expert" (w/n confines of RT) with a combination of physical skills (gymnastics/acrobatics, climbing, running, etc) to get the desired effect.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by green.nova343 »

ShadowLogan wrote:
rem1093 wrote:After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.

Thing we have to remember is that Cap. is a Super Solider, more Super Hero than conventional setting so looking at Heroes Unlimited might yield better results for the feel than RT. I'm Leary of offering specifics as it might boarder (if not cross) into conversion territory, but I can think of a few options in HU2E's main book some more easily translatable.

I do agree with glitterboy2098 that Cap is likely using "HTH:Expert" (w/n confines of RT) with a combination of physical skills (gymnastics/acrobatics, climbing, running, etc) to get the desired effect.

Yeah, most likely HTH: Expert (not sure if HTH: Commando would have been around for a WW2-era hero), coupled with extra-high agility (possibly boosted PP, possibly just extra bonuses), & almost certainly automatic dodge.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by rem1093 »

glitterboy2098 wrote:i don't think that there really is an equivilent.. captain america probably has an equivilent of high level Hth expert or HtH martial arts (i'd guess expert, given Martial arts wasn't too common of training in ww2).

i'd definitely say something like freerunning is involved, but we don't have a skill for that in the canon. so you'd have to figure it out yourself until/unless we get an actual skill for it.
i'd say though that if you take gymnastics and similar physical skills you ought ot be able to fake it well enough for a game.

though a bioroid moving like cap ought to be a fun mental image.. the ones we see in the show are already almost that agile, so it should be possible. :)

We were going to Gymnastics, but was hoping for something from one of the books. Even if its non-canon, say from one of the Rifts or Rifter books. The sight of a Bioroid fighting like that be cool, I also thing that they are the only large Mecha that could fight like that, they are the most agile of all the large ground Mecha, if not all the Battloids, its why use them over the rest.

ShadowLogan wrote:
rem1093 wrote:After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.

Thing we have to remember is that Cap. is a Super Solider, more Super Hero than conventional setting so looking at Heroes Unlimited might yield better results for the feel than RT. I'm Leary of offering specifics as it might boarder (if not cross) into conversion territory, but I can think of a few options in HU2E's main book some more easily translatable.

I do agree with glitterboy2098 that Cap is likely using "HTH:Expert" (w/n confines of RT) with a combination of physical skills (gymnastics/acrobatics, climbing, running, etc) to get the desired effect.

We are just looking for skills, We've seen Freerunners do similar moves. Also he wants the pilot to be normal (no super powers), and have any enhancements come from the Bioroid.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by guardiandashi »

rem1093 wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:i don't think that there really is an equivilent.. captain america probably has an equivilent of high level Hth expert or HtH martial arts (i'd guess expert, given Martial arts wasn't too common of training in ww2).

i'd definitely say something like freerunning is involved, but we don't have a skill for that in the canon. so you'd have to figure it out yourself until/unless we get an actual skill for it.
i'd say though that if you take gymnastics and similar physical skills you ought ot be able to fake it well enough for a game.

though a bioroid moving like cap ought to be a fun mental image.. the ones we see in the show are already almost that agile, so it should be possible. :)

We were going to Gymnastics, but was hoping for something from one of the books. Even if its non-canon, say from one of the Rifts or Rifter books. The sight of a Bioroid fighting like that be cool, I also thing that they are the only large Mecha that could fight like that, they are the most agile of all the large ground Mecha, if not all the Battloids, its why use them over the rest.

ShadowLogan wrote:
rem1093 wrote:After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.

Thing we have to remember is that Cap. is a Super Solider, more Super Hero than conventional setting so looking at Heroes Unlimited might yield better results for the feel than RT. I'm Leary of offering specifics as it might boarder (if not cross) into conversion territory, but I can think of a few options in HU2E's main book some more easily translatable.

I do agree with glitterboy2098 that Cap is likely using "HTH:Expert" (w/n confines of RT) with a combination of physical skills (gymnastics/acrobatics, climbing, running, etc) to get the desired effect.

We are just looking for skills, We've seen Freerunners do similar moves. Also he wants the pilot to be normal (no super powers), and have any enhancements come from the Bioroid.

which was more or less what was suggested.
have or "fudge" the rolls to get a high PP which is not really cheating if the gm goes along with it.
2 take hth expert then add things like: acrobatics or gymnastics, boxing, body building/weight lifting, running etc. as physical skills, plus other skills as needed for the "feel" of the character (or the class used)
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by Kagashi »

IMHO, it was H2H:Martial Arts, Boxing, Gymnastics, and Wrestling (in RT terms). You know...the standard mix of 95% of most characters out there.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

green.nova343 wrote:
ShadowLogan wrote:
rem1093 wrote:After watching Winter Soldier, one of our players wants to move like Cap. in his Bioroid. But we cant figure out what Hand to Hand/Physical skills, he was using. Was thinking Freerunning, but I can't find a skill listing in any of the books. Any help would be appreciated.

Thing we have to remember is that Cap. is a Super Solider, more Super Hero than conventional setting so looking at Heroes Unlimited might yield better results for the feel than RT. I'm Leary of offering specifics as it might boarder (if not cross) into conversion territory, but I can think of a few options in HU2E's main book some more easily translatable.

I do agree with glitterboy2098 that Cap is likely using "HTH:Expert" (w/n confines of RT) with a combination of physical skills (gymnastics/acrobatics, climbing, running, etc) to get the desired effect.

Yeah, most likely HTH: Expert (not sure if HTH: Commando would have been around for a WW2-era hero), coupled with extra-high agility (possibly boosted PP, possibly just extra bonuses), & almost certainly automatic dodge.

well, commando's were given special hand to hand training compared to the regualr soldiers, though i'm not sure if that would be hth commando vs hth expert, or just hth expert vs hth basic. i suspect it would be hth expert, sadly. though looking at the history i can find, the guy who worked out the british commando's hand to hand style prior to ww2 refined it for special forces commando work towards the end of ww2 so you might be able to justify hth commando for special forces troops of that period.. US special forces were trained in the same style by the same people. Russia developed its own style (SAMBO, which while called a martial art IRL is probably closer to hth commando in the game..though really ought to be its own unique hth.) around the same time.

as for freerunning, a lot of what cap (and most other movie super soldiers) does isn't really freerunning, but gymnastics.. freerunning combined gymnastics with running, what cap does seems to be gynastics combined with hth combat. if you take gymnastics and Acrobatics you ought to be able to use their sub-skills to do most of the 'dance fighting' you see in the movies.
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Re: Hand to hand Question

Unread post by rem1093 »

Thanks for the help. We were also looking at the HtH skills from from the N&SS book (they really need to update that thing). Though we should add new penalties for the FAST pack. Just don't think that it seems right to move like Cap. with the War machine Armor.

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