Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

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Stone Men of Spheris, starting on page 31 of The Sentinels.

Doesn't look like it's in the store anymore. The cover looks like this.
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

Unread post by Glistam »

Stone Men of Spheris, from the Sentinels suppliment.
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

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That R.C.C. was my first introduction to Palladium Books - went over to a friend's house where they were playing a game of Robotech. I'd only ever played AD&D (and didn't like the system). The GM gave me a pre-gen so I could join in. That night was an introduction to a whole different way to role play that grabbed me and now, 20 years later, it still hasn't let go. :)
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

Unread post by Jerell »

Cool man. I think I know what you mean. Palladium's games where the first were I didn't just feel like my character was a bunch of 'balanced' stats and a weapon walking around. You never forget your first Invid kill. :bandit:
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

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Strictly speaking the Spherian Adventurer is the RCC and the Spherian is the race.

Yep, the sentinels Races were my 1st really non-human races I encountered in a PB gamebook. (Counting zents and triolians as humans.)
The Spherian Adventurer is the only Sentinel RCC that I've made a char from.
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

Unread post by Colonel Wolfe »

just to avoid confusion, there are no "RCC"'s in Sentinels. The Sentinels Races has Race Specific OCC's, but they weren't called "RCC"'s
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Re: Help recalling an old Robotech RCC

Unread post by Warshield73 »

I loved the Sentinels aliens, I ran a Garudan for a time and I used Praxians extensively in my Rifts campaign. Sentinels opened up so many new adventures for Robotech that My players and I had a tough time leaving it for Rifts when it came out.

You know, the new Robotech Expeditionary Force Marines books list "Aliens and space adventure" so I have high hopes we will see them again.
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