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Looking for input for my campaign that I am running

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 2:18 am
by lostsoul336
OK so I have been running for a little while now and my group just met with a very interesting character named Quinn. He is working for a company named NexTech which is responsible for many of the technological advances in the last 20+ years in my game. Quinn is actually a Natural Genius from the Heroes Unlimited world and accidentally teleported himself to the dead reign world and is looking to get back home (even more now that the dead are walking). He created a device that will open a doorway to his world but the problem is that they are in Florida and the device is in the middle of Texas at one of NexTechs underground labs...(Lonestar) When/if the group makes it there they will be going to Rift to Heroes Unlimited and he is going to reward them by augmenting the group with tech. The group consists of a Scientist, an Engineer and a Pilot. The pilot I am planning on injecting with nanobots that will augment him to be like a crazy from rifts but will slowly take over his body and turn him into a full conversion borg type of creature. The Engineer has latent psychic powers that are going to get amplified and he will take on the Super Psychic from Heroes Unlimited and I am at a loss for what to do with the Scientist. She likes to play magic casting classes and support type roles. Any ideas as to what would be a good fit? Also I plan on this becoming a Sliders type of campaign with the group going to many different worlds/dimensions.

Re: Looking for input for my campaign that I am running

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:48 pm
by Tirisilex
Sliders is cool..Being a Sliders type campaign.. I think the RIFTS Forum would be more better suited for this. RIFTS opening to different dimensions and realities match your game more.