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We have Sprue sign!

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 11:01 pm
by glitterboy2098
hopefully the latest update will shut up some of the negative nancy's ... sts/843097

and the image of the VF's parts in each mode.. ... -proto.jpg

notice that they've gone to single piece heads, and the models have minimal mold lines.

Re: We have Sprue sign!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 12:55 am
by Morgan Vening
glitterboy2098 wrote:hopefully the latest update will shut up some of the negative nancy's

Not me. Still too many unanswered questions still remaining. It's a start, but there's still a long way to go, IMO, and the dissemination of information is a lot slower than the questions raised.

glitterboy2098 wrote:

and the image of the VF's parts in each mode.. ... -proto.jpg

notice that they've gone to single piece heads, and the models have minimal mold lines.

You're assuming those pictures show the final result. There's two obvious alternatives. The first, is that because these are Pre-Production Prototypes, rather than off-sprue, that the 3D printing allows a little more flexibility than ABS mold casting allows. The second is that these may be partially assembled, so the component breakdown could be more in line with what we've already seen. Until we see a sprue layout, I'm not taking it for granted.

The S-class head in the rightmost picture does appear to have a seam down the center.

If these ARE accurate portrayals of sprue components, I'll be impressed. But that then calls into question why the Spartans "had to be done that way". Cause there sure seems to be a lot of similar issues with this that would have translated to the Spartan construction too.

Re: We have Sprue sign!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 10:57 am
by bielmic
As pointed out on another forum... ... png__thumb

Is that line down the back of the valkyrie forearm an indicator of the 3D printed prototype being partly assembled by Ninja Division, the previous render just being joined together without any further smoothing to quickly reduce parts count with the least amount of effort, or a variation from the normal veritech arms?

Most of the toys have that line but that is likely more a necessity of the construction of the toys themselves in the much larger scales but, at least from a cursory glance at some official images, it shouldn't be there. ... 148642.jpg ... =500&h=385 ... 1397811502

If it is now being molded in one piece, that previous seam should NOT be there.

Re: We have Sprue sign!

Posted: Wed May 14, 2014 8:39 pm
by Kryptt
I don't know. To me showing parts built while trying to hide the seams seems disingenuous to the backers.