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Starting S.D.C. Question

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:41 pm
by tmk2323
This might have been asked many times before but in the Shadow Chronicles deluxe edition book the O.C.C.s do not show a base S.D.C. but the M.O.S. shows a bonus to the S.D.C. which implies it is added to a base. Most of the entries show have a + before the entry is this a typo?
Just confusing because the Macross Saga source book uses the main book for character creation, but the Masters Saga source book has it's own starting S.D.C. for the M.O.S. entries.
And to top it off the base S.D.C. for the A.S.C. is a lot more than the characters in the main book.
Also, why aren't there any other NPCs from the series in the source books?
Thanks for any help.

Re: Starting S.D.C. Question

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 3:02 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
The Shadow Chronicle handles their SDC points in the MOS package you chose for your character. The Master Saga much like first edition follows its own character creation rules. The NPC's are not needing stats unless you really want to use them as PCs. they are back ground story and have the hand of god protecting them as he or she wishes.