Question: Q #1 Where do i find the rifts conversion rules for Mystic china
Q #5 Where would i find information on how the coalition feels about chi masters?
Answer: 1) Rifter #3
5) Probably Rifter #3
I thought Rifter stuff was non-canon until otherwise indicated.
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=77496 does not list <OFFICIAL> to the right of the page 44 notation of the Mystic China conversion rules, like it does for the Xiticix notes that follow for on page 61.
The ToC on page 4 says that Smith's conversion notes are 'optional'.
I thought when discussing rules in the FAQ it was supposed to be canon rules, not optional ones. If optional ones are listed shouldn't they be designated as that. I thought MC was only supposed to follow RBC guidelines, albeit limited since those (even in revised) appear to focus more on N&SS and not its sourcebook.