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Where is Con Artistry?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:03 pm
by iamslar
The Nightbane Survival Guide give Seduction a bonus of +10% to something called "Con Artistry." Does anyone know where Con Artistry can be found? I have scoured all of my Nightbane books, and cannot find it anywhere...

Re: Where is Con Artistry?

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:27 pm
by Tor
Nor can I, although "Con Artist/Huckster" on Dead Reign page 89 is one of the "Criminal" subclasses of the Survivor OCC.

Closest I can figure is stuff like Barter (p195/210) Performance/Public Speaking (p196) Impersonation/Intelligence (p199) Undercover Ops (p200) Dirty Tricks / Imitate Voices (p208) or Philosophy (p212) could all help you con or huck someone, but don't recall if I saw a particular skill with that name. I don't think NB has all of these from DR either.

Re: Where is Con Artistry?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 8:14 pm
by Warwolf
Thanks for finding that typo. Con Artistry is actually one of the new skills I wrote for the great Nightbane skill update. However, there wasn't room for all of that material in the book (which I knew going in). Rather than do things piecemeal I wanted to get all the skills I had planned done at once to maintain internal consistency. But I guess when Con Artistry got stripped out the guys missed that mention of it. Don't fret though, it's one of the skills that will likely be printed in future sourcebook.

Re: Where is Con Artistry?

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:22 am
by Tor
Or you could just include it on the web errata :)