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Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:03 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
Are we ever going to find out what's growing in this guy from Rifter 50.

Re: Tormenter???

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:38 am
by BookWyrm
If these are the opposites of Gene-Pools & Librarians, I shudder to conceive of what an adult larvae of a Tormenter becomes. One idea I've had is the Adult becomes a "breeder" of sorts, providing a few larvae for Saints & new Tormentors (I'd say the host is eventually consumed for bio-mater, then the dessicated Host-Armor shell cracks like an egg & disgorges 2-3 healthy Saint larvae and 1-2 Tormenter larva); another is that the Adult (as above) consumes the host & armor, but soon withers and dies.
A third concept is that the adult becomes what some have come to call an "Inquisitor", with all the powers of a Saint but twisted (Alignments: Anarchist & Aberrant) or downright evil (Diabolic), torturing the 'subjects' under their ministrations to near death, then healing them completely to start the cycle all over again. Little humanity remains in these creatures save for what it deems necessary (a basic humanoid form, some form of vocal apparatus for speech).....

I would need the authors of the article in Rifter #50, of the Tormenter OCC, to chime in on this. Maybe post a basic outline here for all to see & fine-tune. I'm willing to throw in a few concepts already brewing in the back of my mind....

Re: Tormenter???

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:43 am
by The Galactus Kid
Shadow Wyrm wrote:Are we ever going to find out what's growing in this guy from Rifter 50.

Yes. Matt Orr and I are already working on a number of Splicers books, including one that will have some additional information regarding the Tormentor.

Re: Tormenter???

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 1:19 pm
by Shadow Wyrm
The Galactus Kid wrote:
Shadow Wyrm wrote:Are we ever going to find out what's growing in this guy from Rifter 50.

Yes. Matt Orr and I are already working on a number of Splicers books, including one that will have some additional information regarding the Tormentor.


Re: Tormenter???

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 2:05 pm
by BookWyrm
[Monty Burns] Ehxcellent. [/Burns)