Possible additional ASC Female Officer's Arming Doublets

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Rabid Southern Cross Fan
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Possible additional ASC Female Officer's Arming Doublets

Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

Courtesy of Yui Yuasa via Facebook:

Unnamed Female Cities Defense Flying Corps Flight Officer (and unnamed Cold Squad soldier)

Lt. Annette Kroyer

The Forest Division Officer's name is apparently Dutch. Of course, this opens up the possibility that there were Female Officer's Arming Doublets for the remaining Glorian forces planned.
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Seto Kaiba
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Re: Possible additional ASC Female Officer's Arming Doublets

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:The Forest Division Officer's name is apparently Dutch. Of course, this opens up the possibility that there were Female Officer's Arming Doublets for the remaining Glorian forces planned.

Why wouldn't there be?

The original Southern Cross was trying, in a well-meaning way that stumbled in its execution, to show Glorie's futuristic military as being a place where women could thrive and excel as front-line, career soldiers just as well as the men. In a show with principally female protagonists that was targeted to young girls, it would be a pretty glaring oversight for there to NOT be female or unisex versions of every Arming Doublet's design.

I'd assume that the reason there isn't art for them is they were going to come up with it on an as-needed basis since they'd stubbed out the basic appearance of each special unit's Arming Doublet.
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Alpha 11
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Re: Possible additional ASC Female Officer's Arming Doublets

Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Rabid Southern Cross Fan wrote:Courtesy of Yui Yuasa via Facebook:

Unnamed Female Cities Defense Flying Corps Flight Officer (and unnamed Cold Squad soldier)

Lt. Annette Kroyer

The Forest Division Officer's name is apparently Dutch. Of course, this opens up the possibility that there were Female Officer's Arming Doublets for the remaining Glorian forces planned.

Not bad.

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