ODST armor =CVR 3?

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slade the sniper
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ODST armor =CVR 3?

Unread post by slade the sniper »

Is it just me, or does the ODST armor look a lot like CVR 3? Not conversion-y, but the similarity is uncanny...That was the first thing my wife said when watching HALO: Legends.

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Re: ODST armor =CVR 3?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

No idea what your talking about. At least the HALO armor I've seen. Do you have a screen capture or other art?
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Re: ODST armor =CVR 3?

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https://www.google.com/search?q=cvr+3+b ... 52&bih=656


https://www.google.com/search?q=odst+ar ... 52&bih=656

with that said there are differences and nuances that are definitely different, but the odst armor might have been partially inspired by the cvr among other things.
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Re: ODST armor =CVR 3?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

I highly doubt the CVR-3 had much inspiration to the Halo armor. Coverage areas and such are all wrong, CVR-3 has basically exposed upper arms & legs, along with mid section. "shields" on the forearms, and "clunky" knee high boots. The Halo has none of that. Southern Cross/RDF armors look closer to the thing, that the NG era Cyclone (CVR-3) body armor IMHO.
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Re: ODST armor =CVR 3?

Unread post by Rabid Southern Cross Fan »

ShadowLogan wrote:I highly doubt the CVR-3 had much inspiration to the Halo armor. Coverage areas and such are all wrong, CVR-3 has basically exposed upper arms & legs, along with mid section. "shields" on the forearms, and "clunky" knee high boots. The Halo has none of that. Southern Cross/RDF armors look closer to the thing, that the NG era Cyclone (CVR-3) body armor IMHO.

Yea, I was gonna say that it has more of the combined body glove & clam shell that is evident with the ASC Arming Doublets.
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Re: ODST armor =CVR 3?

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

slade the sniper wrote:Is it just me, or does the ODST armor look a lot like CVR 3? Not conversion-y, but the similarity is uncanny...That was the first thing my wife said when watching HALO: Legends.


It's just you... they look nothing alike, and the "hard shell armor over a soft undersuit" thing is pretty much the lowest common denominator for SF body armor.

As a side note, the officially acknowledged inspiration for the ODST battle dress is the first concept for the MJOLNIR armor done by senior Bungie staff artist Shi Kai Wang for Halo. The design was scrapped because they felt the armor design made John-117 look "too mean", and was later reused as the starting point for the ODST armor.
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