Palladium Space Speeds, explained/fix?

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Palladium Space Speeds, explained/fix?

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

We are all familiar (or at least should be) with Palladium's view that "Mach 5" is sufficient velocity to achieve escape velocity and go into orbit. We also know that this is wildly in accurate from a real life perspective (RL would be described as Mach 25 IINM). This view of theirs is prevalent in various RPG lines of theirs (Rifts, Phase World, N&SS IINM, Heroes Unlimited, After the Bomb, Robotech, etc).

I have a fairly simple "fix" and "explanation". The Space "Mach" number is really Palladium Techno-babble for velocity expressed as Miles Per Second (note English Units as opposed to Metric, most of us probably aren't used to thinking in terms of miles per second for speed either). The minimum velocity needed to enter orbit around the Earth is ~4.9miles per second (~6.9miles per second is escape velocity), rounded that would be 5miles per second.

Now it is possible that this is just one big coincidence that "Palladium Physics" in this case work out if we change the expressed speed/velocity unit and assume they simply rounded a given value.

So what do you think?

In regards to the topic of using real world Delta-V, this would give a minimum value for what a given craft possesses in terms of reaction mass I would think. I'm hesitant to say it gives the actual Delta-V figure since their physics model for travel still assumes more of an aircraft like flight pattern than RL.

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