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[Re-post] Dawn Of The Masters(Robotech Story)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:25 am
by Kargan3033
Well I managed to retrieve my old Dawn Of The Masters story and taalismn was good enought to go over it and do a final edit so here we go, enjoy the story.

Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 1

" Elders, the damage to our ship is extensive. " Ultron and his clone brothers heard Science Master Xorom say to them.

" How badly are we damaged? " Ultron asked as he and his clone brothers were taking stock of the aftermath of their flight from the Invid, " Our main and secondary engines are damaged beyond repair. " they heard Science Master Krulu say to them and for the first time in a long time they began to feel the icy cold hand of death grab them by the spine.

" What of our anti-gravity systems? " Axlor asked Krulu as his clone brothers Ultron and Locon were lost in deep thought.

Xorom looked to his clone brother Krulu and Vermod and he could sense their growing unease, " Elders, our anti-gravity systems are functioning at only twelve percent and they could fail at any time, but we are doing our best to repair them as we speak. " he said to the Robotech Master Elders in the hopes of allaying their wrath.

" What of our communication systems? Are we able to contact Thrullom and the rest of the Zentraedi that were with us when we folded out of the Tirol system? " Locon asked as he felt himself becoming highly agitated and called for a protoculture stabilization drink.

" No, Elders, our long range, short range and hyper-space communication systems have been completely destroyed, we are on our own. " Vermod said with a gallows tone of voice which did little to ease the fears of Ultron and the others who were gathered before the Elders.

" Clone Masters what has been our casualties from this mishap? " Ultron asked as he looked towards Morlum and the other chief clone masters and he noticed a strangely thoughtful look on his face and the faces of his clone brothers.

" Elders, our crew had only suffered very minor injuries and no fatalities in our blind fold from our home system, for the time being our people are holding up under the strain we all are under, but I fear that given time they will start to become restless and rebellious as our protoculture supply dwindles. " Chief Clone Master Hurgon said as he looked at his clone brothers and saw that they had the same grim and foreboding looks on their faces that he had on his own.

" Then it appears that we are doomed. " Ultron said with a cold tone of voice as he felt anger grow in his troubled heart that did not go unnoticed by his clone brothers or the science and clone masters that were gathered before him and his clone brothers.

" Elders there is a very slim chance of survival. " Krulu said and he watched as the elders gave him a piercing look that made him very unsettled, but he banished his fears to the back of his mind and pressed on.

" It is possible that the few seeds of the Invid Flower Of Life we have might grow on this world- " he started to say but he was cut off by Axlor, " Even if the seeds did grow and did not mutate into a useless strain of the Flower Of Life we have not solved the riddle of Zor's Protoculture Matrix! Without that the flowers would be useless to us and in time would draw the thrice-cursed Invid to our doorstep! " Axlor shouted hatefully as he felt his fear and anger started to get the better of him.

Undaunted by Axlor's erratic display of emotion Krulu continued to speak, " That is true Elders but we have managed to solve the phase variance in the enzymatic conversation sub system which had held us back for some time in recreating The Traitor's Protoculture Matrix, given enough time and resources we should be able to build a fully functional Protoculture Matrix. " he said and watched as the elders gave him a mean look.

" I concur with my Clone Brother, better to take the slim chance instead of waiting to die, given the fact that we are all that is left of our people it would be best to take the risk in seeding this unknown world with what is left of our seed supply then to sit back and give into extinction. " Xorom said with a calm and steady tone of voice and watched as the Elders turn to face one another and confer among themselves.

After a few minutes of talking among themselves Ultron turned and face Xorom and his clone brothers, " Very well, you may proceed. " he said and Xorom and his clone brothers left to carry out their task as Ultron and his clone brothers began to ponder their fate.

As time marched on Ultron and his clone brothers found out from the clone masters that were working the civilians and ships maintenance crew into a fever pitch in repairing the ship that while there were a few breaches in the ship's hull that they had occurred in non critical areas of the ship which was a major relief to him and his clone brothers.

" I think it would be in our best interests to scout out the area around our ship to not only see where we are but also to see if there are any life forms on this world that could be a threat to us. " Locon said to his clone brothers and saw that they were in complete agreement with his plan of action.

" Clone Masters, you will send both land-based and aerial forces to scout out an area around our ship out to a range of 200 hundred miles in circumference. " Axlor said to Morlum and his clone brothers, " You will catalogue any native life forms you come across, do not attack unless attacked first. " Locon added as he saw grim looks on the faces of Hurgon and his clone brothers.

" At once Elders. " Recalo said as he began to formulate a plan of action to carry out the will of the Elders.

" Elders, what forces and supplies will you make available to us? " Hurgon asked as he could sense the calm assurances from Recalo and he too began to formulate his own plan of action that he would discuss with his clone brothers once they had finished getting their orders from the Elders.

" You will deploy three legions of ground forces consisting mostly of Legionnaires with four Bioroids consisting of two Nous'dohls, one T'sienramp and one Gister'dohl per platoon of Legionnaires with the Gistter'dohl as the commander of the platoon. " Ultron said to Recalo and his clone brothers.

" In addition to the ground forces you will deploy four wings of Roil-Tiluvos to scout ahead of our ground forces and to provide emergency air support to our ground forces should they come under attack by hostile forces." Axlor said to the Clone Masters as he felt himself relax slightly as he was feeling a little better now that they were taking a course of action instead of fretting about their dire situation.

" At once Elders. " Morlum said with a deeply reverent tone of voice before he and his clone brother left to carry out the will of the Elders.

Re: [Re-post] Dawn Of The Masters(Robotech Story)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 11:14 pm
by Alpha 11
Looking good.

Re: [Re-post] Dawn Of The Masters(Robotech Story)

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:55 pm
by Kargan3033
Alpha 11 wrote:Looking good.

Thanks I have send the second chapter to taalismn for final editing so he should send it back to me when he is done with it in his own good time.

Re: [Re-post] Dawn Of The Masters(Robotech Story)

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 10:26 am
by Kargan3033
Dawn Of The Masters
Chapter 2

Centurion Trax willed his Gister'dohl bioroid to take another step in the murky swamp that he and his platoon found himself in as he was feeling a mixture of apprehension and excitement at the prospects of a battle with any unknown lifeforms on this strange alien world.

He used his mind to open a telepathic link to the T'sienramp scout bioroid through his tele-mental interface that linked his mind to his mecha.

<" Trooper Valdric, what are you picking up on your sensors? "> he thought towards the pilot of the scout bioroid and watched as a flurry of pop up screens appeared on the holographic wall of the cocoon he sat in in order to pilot his mech.

<" Centurion, as you can see we are in a swamp like area that is comparable to the swamps of Eldrich Prime in the Qrelos system in over all temperature, air quality and terrain configuration"> he heard the scout pilot say to him with his mind as he studied the displays with a sharp eye and keen mind.

But before he could reply he sensed a telepathic connection with one of the Clone Masters overseeing the scouting mission.

<" Centurion, we have detected what appears to be ruins of some kind in grid Sector Five, grid reference 36.8 by 12.78 south east of your current position"> the Clone Master telepathically intoned as the holographic displays were replaced with a new batch of aerial views.

<" We are detecting no signs of civilization, no energy sources or intact structures, you are to divert your platoon to these coordinates and investigate the ruins, however Centurion just because there are no sign of civilization does not mean that there are no dangers in the area."> he heard the Clone Master say to him as he studied the holographic terrain map that showed the location of the ruins.

<" By your will Clone Masters it will be done"> he thought back towards the Clone Masters and then felt the link between his mind and the mind of the Clone Masters fade into nothingness.

Trax linked his mind to the loud speaker system of his bioroid. "Platoon halt, we have new orders" he announced and watched as the Legionnaires stopped and turned to face him as did the bioroids under his command.

"Our aerial scouts have discovered the ruins of an alien civilization south east of here, we are to divert our course to these ruins and investigate them fully" he said and saw by the grim looks on the faces of the Legionnaires that they were ready for a battle should one present itself to them.

" Initial intelligence says that there are no energy sources at these ruins and that there are no intact buildings which suggests that who or whatever built these ruins are either dead and gone or that they had abandoned the area some time ago" he added as he saw the look of excitement on the faces of his seasoned troops that was a perfect reflection of his own growing excitement.

" The ruins are 20 kilometers south east of our current position, the recon reports says that the route to the ruins is covered with some very treacherous terrain so be careful, let's get a move on " he said to his men as his finely-honed senses of hundreds of battlefields told him that he and his men would soon be facing a new battle.

Legionnaire Balcor took a moment to wipe the sweat from his brow as he found that despite the heat and high humidity that he was rather enjoying this hellish march through the swamp.

Suddenly a loud scream and an earth shaking roar shattered his martial musings and he quickly spun to his right with his Tr-LLR Mk.1 6.5mm Legionnaire Assault Rifle at the ready.

" GODS! Look at the size of that monster! " He couldn’t help but stare at a reptilian horror that towered over twenty feet tall, then next he took notice of the creature’s four massive legs that were half submerged in the brackish, swampy water that was as thick as the leg of the platoon commander's bioriod leg. Combat reflex took over and he snapped off laser blast after laser blast from his assault rifle as the monster tore a luckless Legionnaire in two with two of its massive seven heads, turning the murky water a dark red as the savaged soldier's blood sprayed out in a wide arc from his shredded body.

" Damn it! " he thought to himself as he saw that while the laser fire he was pumping into the beast's body was hurting it it also seemed to enrage the mighty beast as it turned its attention towards him.

" DIE, YOU DAMNABLE MONSTER!" He braced and stood ready to sell his life dearly to kill this nightmarish horror as one of its heads streaked towards him.

As he continued to hammer laser fire into the unknown creature, he watched in slow motion as the head that was streaking towards him opened its mouth to reveal razor sharp teeth that measured a good two feet in length.

Suddenly the creature's head exploded under withering hail of fire from the bioroids' TPBGpMk.I and TR-PBGp-Mk.II Pulse Beam Gun Pods and he could not help but to feel an adrenaline rush at how close he had just come to being eaten by whatever this reptilian horror was.

Then to Balcor’s everlasting confusion and dismay he saw two heads starting to grow out of the neck stump at an alarming rate, then before he could scream, the two newly grown heads lunged forward, bit hard, and tore him in two.

" DRATH! " Legionnaire Swel spat as he watched in shock amazement as two more head grew out of the neck stump of the creature he and his were fighting then with a hellish roar the monster's long tail that was as thick as his Nous'dohl's waist slashed out of the water and slam into a Legionnaire who was about this blast it with a missile from his TrLRL Mk.I Light Rocket Launcher.

Swel watched as the missile streaked wildly through the air and slam into one of the creature's heads and blasting it into a bloody shower of hot blood, shattered skull bone and pulped brain matter that coated his blue bioroid like a cheap coat of paint.

Then the two heads that had grown out of the neck stump in a matter of seconds clamped down on his bioroid's right arm and tore his pulse beam gun pod out his his hands.

He saw from the cockpit status monitors that his bioroid had suffered extensive damage to his lower right arm, and in a desperate move he lashed out with a powerful kick of his left foot, He smiled a grim smile as he could feel the creature's flesh tear and bones break though the force feedback system of his mecha, making the great monster roar in pain and hate-filled rage. He staggered back from the force of the kick as the creature turned away from him for the moment to concentrate on other prey.

Swel uttered a terrified scream that was brutally ended as four of the creature's near countless heads clamped on to the head of his blue bioroid and crushed it and him along with it.

Trax let out a very foul curse as he saw one of his Nous'dohls get put out of the fight with this unknown monster. He realized that he had to end this fight NOW or that he and his men were doomed.

Trax spun his bioroid about to scoop the fallen weapon pod out of the muck with the mecha’s left hand. Interfaces imemdiately connected, and screen telltales told him the weapon was only slightly damaged, but still functional enough to fire. He charged the wounded but still lethal monster and slammed the barrel of his pulse beam gun pod into the ragged wound in the creature's body and fired off as many laser blasts as he could.

" DIE! " Trax snarled as he watched as the nightmarish monster reared up as the laser fire from his gun pod was turning its internal organs into charred meat, then with one last roar of rage and pain the creature collapsed into the bloody, muddy water of the swamp and was still.

He immediately contacted the Clone Masters overseeing this operation and called for medical evacuation of his wounded men as well as for recover of his downed Legionnaires and the junked Nous'dohl for recycling and to recover the body of the unknown beast to be take back for study by the Science Masters.

After he had done that Trax looked at the overland map to the ruins and saw that he and his men had only traveled two and a half kilometers before they were attacked by the monster.

" If this is just a sample of what this alien world has to offer in way of battle, I think I'm going to like it here." Trax thought to himself with a grim smirk before turned his attention to his men while they waited for the evac ships to arrive.