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Rules question: Flight stands and Line of Sight

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:36 am
by Maximilian Jenius
Are model flight stands capable of blocking line of sight? Simple as that. I ask because the swoosh provided is both signifigant in size and solid.

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:29 pm
by Dirty Herby
I'm guessing here but I would have to say No. Bases in any game have never broken LOS, it's the models that break the LOS, and the "woosh" stand is most likely for dramatic effect and to offer different poses. We would have to see the official rules to get a ruling but I think it is safe to say that the bases will not break LOS.

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 2:48 pm
by Maximilian Jenius
Dirty Herby I am asking because on page 11 of the rulebook it states:

"When you wish to determine if one mecha has LOS to another, draw an imaginary straight line from the center of the acting mecha's torso (or the hull for non-humanoid game pieces) to the center of the target mecha's torso (or hull).

If the line isn't completely blocked by another mecha, terrain, or anything else, than the attacking mecha has LOS to the target."

RAW states anything else can block LOS and does not make an exemption in the rulebook for flight stands and other modeling considerations.

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:25 pm
by Dirty Herby
Maximilian Jenius wrote:Dirty Herby I am asking because on page 11 of the rulebook it states:

"When you wish to determine if one mecha has LOS to another, draw an imaginary straight line from the center of the acting mecha's torso (or the hull for non-humanoid game pieces) to the center of the target mecha's torso (or hull).

If the line isn't completely blocked by another mecha, terrain, or anything else, than the attacking mecha has LOS to the target."

RAW states anything else can block LOS and does not make an exemption in the rulebook for flight stands and other modeling considerations.

I'm still going to answer no, when I start playing the game the bases WILL NOT block LOS. To me it's the models and terrain that will block LOS because in reality that "woosh" stand would not be there if a fighter or guardian is flying and a base that is on the ground and underneath a Mech has no possible way to block LOS.

But I see your point about getting a clarification.

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 4:41 pm
by Phaze
But I wanna model my Valkyries in the fetal position on the base so they can sit behind a 1" barrier and can't be shot at, or better yet, prone. :badbad:

If the swish from the flight bases helps block LOS, then I will put a brick wall in front of the swish and have the valkyrie hurdling it. Every unit behind it gets LOS blocking terrain. lol

Yea I can see the fun getting sucked out of the room already. :puke:

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 5:06 pm
by Maximilian Jenius
I am hoping they do not block LOS, but the question would be better added to errata in addition to other modeling concerns. As is the rules as written actually say it would block LOS.

Re: Flight stands and Line of Sight question

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:09 pm
by Dirty Herby
Maximilian Jenius wrote:I am hoping they do not block LOS, but the question would be better added to errata in addition to other modeling concerns. As is the rules as written actually say it would block LOS.

I most definitely see your point of view Maximilian and would like to have an answer before I start playing but to have a base or the swish block LOS is really, really ludicrous. Like I said before in my games the bases will not block LOS of course if it is a tournament or something like that I will follow the rules.