Generating VF-X-5 Attack Bomber Prototype Usage Notes
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 8:36 am
Generating VF-X-5 Attack Bomber Prototype Usage Notes for use in the 2E RPG. As it is unlikely we will see anything official on the VF-X-5 Condor any time soon, and keeping in mind the no posting game stats policy for this subforum.
So what do you think the 2E RPG's version of the VF-X-5 Condor Prototype would look like. I ask for several reasons, and I know individual GMs can do what they want. Still it can offer several possibilities for game play and may require some game mechanic level of interaction:
-resistance unit(s) find prototypes in storage
-allow the PCs to operate as "test pilots", ala MacrossPlus
-allow for the PCs to be "rescued" by a prototype(s), ala the VF-X-4 in FTS comic/gn
-allow the PCs to "rescue" the prototype(s) from an attack during a test flight
-recover a stolen prototype
-steal said prototype for some faction
-could do/encounter alternate universe where the VF-5 was put into mass production
-like the VF-X-4 is just doesn't make the cut to full mass production as a mainstay unit (this bit is based on the infopedia file about the VF-X-4 and interpretation of the VF-X-4 in the Mini's game), so exists in small numbers (this conflicts with RPG entry though, however given the VF-X-4 infopedia entry can be interpreted similarly as being cancelled...)
Per the 2E RPG we know that the MBR-10/12 Condor non-Transformable (nt) Battloid
-started off as the VF-X-5 Veritech Fighter Prototype in 2022 as a competitor to the VF-X-7 program, and it was shelved shortly after the VF-X-7 program
-was a three mode veritech
-it was to replace the SFA-5 Conbat (nt) Strike Fighter
-it showed promise (what does this mean?)
-it was plagued with cost overruns (so did the VF-X-4)
-it was plagued with many design problems (such as?)
-it was unable to deliver what the UEEF needed from it (which was?)
Game mechanic bonuses likely can also simply use the nt-B (since the VFs don't get dodge bonuses based on mode anymore, but rather in flight/on the ground). For simplicity, M.D.C. by Location is likely to remain unchanged (locations for wings and tail can likely be proportionally added from other examples). But several questions do remain.
Question 1. How different would the weapons loadout be between the nt-B versions (Condor in TSC main book is the Mark II, so there logically must be a Mark I, it is also known as the MBR-10 and MBR-12 depending on where you look). Would the weapons just be equal to the nt-B version and call it a day? Or would it also have the weapons of the SFA-5 it was intended to replace? Or does it come closer to its VF-X-7 Beta competitor , but with with different placements (the twin MM-20/8 being replaced with the Condor's native MM-42 obviously). And would the Veritech version still sacrifice part of the arm paylaod for the use of the gunpod (not saying the missile launchers couldn't be blocked when holding such a weapon, but it can't be blocked all the time).
Question 2. What would the speed/altitude performance and dimensions in the alternate modes (Jet and Guardian) be? Or how would one determine them?
Question 3. Since the VF-X-5 was to be a competitor to the VF-X-7 program. Is it possible that the prototype unit was also designed to connect with an Alpha Fighter (or another VF type)? And if so, how similar/different is the approach used than on the VF-X-7/VF-9 Beta.
Question 4:. It is said to have design problems. Question how to work those into the game, and what might they be (ideas). The simplist approach would be to simply use the IMU Malfunction Tables as appropriate (pg 42-4 of NG SB). 1E RPG's "Ghost Ship" Adventure Module had similar tables concerning use of ASC mecha, and might also be appropriate for Prototypes.
Question 5. This is more dressing for the setting/use, but how would the VF-X-5 Prototype transform? Is it:
-styled after the VF-X-7/VF-9 Beta Veritech?
-styled after the VF-8 Logan Veritech? (the difference from the Beta is that the lower body would swing back, raising the legs in line with the upper torso section, the Beta approach would have the legs swing back and up w/o effecting the torso)
-styled after the Alpha to some extent (the arms mostly, the legs would require transforming like the Beta or Logan, though a Logan-twist could be included w/the lower body to allow the legs to transform more like the Alpha, the cockpit/snout remains like the Beta or Logan)
-when the VF-X-5 was turned into the MBR-10 (or maybe even later with the MBR-12 version), it included additional modules (equivalent to the VF-1's Fast Pack or GBP-1S, or the ASC's Battloid jump system), so what we see in the nt-b version lines would not necessarily apply to the VT version, allowing it to transform closer to just about any of the main stream Veritech Fighters (VF-1/6/8/9/10)
-some other custom approach
So what do you think the 2E RPG's version of the VF-X-5 Condor Prototype would look like. I ask for several reasons, and I know individual GMs can do what they want. Still it can offer several possibilities for game play and may require some game mechanic level of interaction:
-resistance unit(s) find prototypes in storage
-allow the PCs to operate as "test pilots", ala MacrossPlus
-allow for the PCs to be "rescued" by a prototype(s), ala the VF-X-4 in FTS comic/gn
-allow the PCs to "rescue" the prototype(s) from an attack during a test flight
-recover a stolen prototype
-steal said prototype for some faction
-could do/encounter alternate universe where the VF-5 was put into mass production
-like the VF-X-4 is just doesn't make the cut to full mass production as a mainstay unit (this bit is based on the infopedia file about the VF-X-4 and interpretation of the VF-X-4 in the Mini's game), so exists in small numbers (this conflicts with RPG entry though, however given the VF-X-4 infopedia entry can be interpreted similarly as being cancelled...)
Per the 2E RPG we know that the MBR-10/12 Condor non-Transformable (nt) Battloid
-started off as the VF-X-5 Veritech Fighter Prototype in 2022 as a competitor to the VF-X-7 program, and it was shelved shortly after the VF-X-7 program
-was a three mode veritech
-it was to replace the SFA-5 Conbat (nt) Strike Fighter
-it showed promise (what does this mean?)
-it was plagued with cost overruns (so did the VF-X-4)
-it was plagued with many design problems (such as?)
-it was unable to deliver what the UEEF needed from it (which was?)
Game mechanic bonuses likely can also simply use the nt-B (since the VFs don't get dodge bonuses based on mode anymore, but rather in flight/on the ground). For simplicity, M.D.C. by Location is likely to remain unchanged (locations for wings and tail can likely be proportionally added from other examples). But several questions do remain.
Question 1. How different would the weapons loadout be between the nt-B versions (Condor in TSC main book is the Mark II, so there logically must be a Mark I, it is also known as the MBR-10 and MBR-12 depending on where you look). Would the weapons just be equal to the nt-B version and call it a day? Or would it also have the weapons of the SFA-5 it was intended to replace? Or does it come closer to its VF-X-7 Beta competitor , but with with different placements (the twin MM-20/8 being replaced with the Condor's native MM-42 obviously). And would the Veritech version still sacrifice part of the arm paylaod for the use of the gunpod (not saying the missile launchers couldn't be blocked when holding such a weapon, but it can't be blocked all the time).
Question 2. What would the speed/altitude performance and dimensions in the alternate modes (Jet and Guardian) be? Or how would one determine them?
Question 3. Since the VF-X-5 was to be a competitor to the VF-X-7 program. Is it possible that the prototype unit was also designed to connect with an Alpha Fighter (or another VF type)? And if so, how similar/different is the approach used than on the VF-X-7/VF-9 Beta.
Question 4:. It is said to have design problems. Question how to work those into the game, and what might they be (ideas). The simplist approach would be to simply use the IMU Malfunction Tables as appropriate (pg 42-4 of NG SB). 1E RPG's "Ghost Ship" Adventure Module had similar tables concerning use of ASC mecha, and might also be appropriate for Prototypes.
Question 5. This is more dressing for the setting/use, but how would the VF-X-5 Prototype transform? Is it:
-styled after the VF-X-7/VF-9 Beta Veritech?
-styled after the VF-8 Logan Veritech? (the difference from the Beta is that the lower body would swing back, raising the legs in line with the upper torso section, the Beta approach would have the legs swing back and up w/o effecting the torso)
-styled after the Alpha to some extent (the arms mostly, the legs would require transforming like the Beta or Logan, though a Logan-twist could be included w/the lower body to allow the legs to transform more like the Alpha, the cockpit/snout remains like the Beta or Logan)
-when the VF-X-5 was turned into the MBR-10 (or maybe even later with the MBR-12 version), it included additional modules (equivalent to the VF-1's Fast Pack or GBP-1S, or the ASC's Battloid jump system), so what we see in the nt-b version lines would not necessarily apply to the VT version, allowing it to transform closer to just about any of the main stream Veritech Fighters (VF-1/6/8/9/10)
-some other custom approach