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Embodiment (Fleshsculptor ritual) effects

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:34 am
by Tor
Referring to the level 14 magic on page 70 of Nightbane World Book 3: Through the Glass Darkly.

It says you don't gain mental abilities/skills/memories/mannerisms.

It doesn't mention anything else you don't get so... does that mean you get everything else?

I'd say mental attributes (IQ/ME/MA) would maybe fall under mental ability, but do you get their physical attributes? If I crawled into a Nightbane's flesh, would I heal? Or more accurately, would their flesh continue to heal, and serve as supernatural power armor? Could a super-healer like them possibly survive the exit process that kills normal humans?

If I wanted to permanence ward this spell and live within another's body indefinitely, would I be warding the body and thus be limited by that body's properties, rather than my own?

Like for example, could a Diabolist/Fleshsculptor-turned vampire live indefinitely within a human body (not damaged by sunlight) by sewing a permanence ward into the human's skin?

I assume a human could not permanence ward a nightbane or vampire's skin though, since their skin is not supernatural so you could not mesh a permanence ward with it, so vampire/nightbane power armor is only temporary and if you want longer durations you would need to cast that duration-extending spell from Federation of Magic (this is one of those cases where it's particularly useful since you can't exactly just re-cast something like this...) or else re-invent it as a higher-level longer-lasting one.

Although this says same/larger size, I personally think the body should always have to be at least slightly larger... otherwise the skin would look all stretched out and stuff and you'd make it look bigger and bloated to be able to fit inside.

Do you figure it's like the other's person's life points (or maybe just SDC but not HP since you presumably take the place of their inner guts) as armor and then if it's destroyed, the disguise falls off (like the enemy did the out-ripping shedding on your behalf) and then you still have your normal HP/SDC?

Do you think it would be a good tactic in some cases to self-cast Remove Skin to allow yourself to fit into smaller people?

If a target was too small, could you make them bigger via stuff like Elongated Appendage (just mass-cast it everywhere) or perhaps through more traditional means like stretching someone out on a torture-rack and force-feeding them to gain weight (think Buffalo Bill in silence of the lambs) so that there is a greater size to allow you to fit in before casting it?

If one attempted to do this via Create Bread and Milk, are there rules on how much dairy/grain you can feed someone before they begin to die of certain vitamin deficiencies from lack of vegetables? Are there any vegetable spells out there or would I need to buy from farmers or learn Biomancy or raid Skraypers to get some of that nutrition for them to keep them alive long enough to get super-fat to make an ample suit?