Prysus wrote:Technically no Palladium Fantasy book is officially part of the Minion War series.
Although in spite of the 'Rifts Dimension Book' label there is strong reason to consider Hades/Dyval as PF sourcebooks since those dimensions were introduced in the PF line.
In fact I'm not even sure if they are necessarily MDC-fixed dimensions... the SDC stats given for demons/dyvals in the books might be interpreted in a sort of 'when they visit SDC dimensions' context but...
DB11(Dyval)p212 gives, besides MDC, some SDC/AR stats for the tentacles made by Soul Pools... which only exist in Dyval (and only on the Dais of Grim Mortis) so I figure this means that 'SDC settings' can include Dyval itself... or at the very least the Grim Mortis portion of it, which would not be odd since the place is so dimensionally-fluxed, having it rotate between MDC and SDC would be pretty cool. One moment, the puny dagger's 1-6 SDC does nothing... the next, MDC is out of play, and a Beast is suddenly hurt by it.
That or... there is some unknown way that Soul Pools might possibly exist in other dimensions besides Dyval...
Actually when I look for it, I can't find any actual restrictions on where Soul Pools can be made. Although the Dais is the only place which explicitly has them, they are 'scattered around Grim Mortis' so presumably they could exist below the Dais too... though I would presume in lesser concentrations (the Dais having the most tightly-packed ones).
Perhaps Sahtalus is able to create Soul Pools wherever he likes, without restriction, with his DGT. Perhaps he just focuses them on the Dais since that is the ideal place for them tactically to be.
There may well be fields of them surrounding his Mini-Tower outposts on other dimensions... and if they do not depend on Grim (a major purpose appears to be storing energy Grim can use, or souls Sahtalus needs to use the DGT to make dimensions) which I assume is the case since they are not mentioned as requiring Grim to work, that would mean they could even be made on worlds where there are no mini-tower outposts.