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Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:26 pm
by Tor
Now that HG has a closer working relationship with Palladium (and apparently also NG based on Jefffar's warning thread, did not know who they were til then) do you think it might be possible that other non-Robotech products managed by these companies could have potential as new RPG sourcebooks, either for Robotech or simply as a Dimension Book, perhaps for Rifts or HU?
NG has some interesting-sounding titles like Relic Knights, Tales of the Ninja, Super Dungeon Explore, Anima Tactics, Hell Dorado, which all sound neat.
HG has a wide repertoire as well, mostly listed at particular I'm interested in CHATQOATH, the merger of Captain Harlock and Queen Millenia, they look like they would make a cool space-drama. Dunno if they still maintain the rights to that though. Gatchaman and Windaria also seem like cool animes that HG did dubs of. Shaka Zulu also looks like material related to an Africa 2 sourcebook which Rifts could use.
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:46 pm
by Seto Kaiba
Tor wrote:Now that HG has a closer working relationship with Palladium [...] do you think it might be possible that other non-Robotech products managed by these companies could have potential as new RPG sourcebooks, either for Robotech or simply as a Dimension Book, perhaps for Rifts or HU?
Almost certainly not, no.
I rather doubt Ninja Division would be willing to license any of its settings to another company, especially because that would tie them up in some extremely irritating copyright issues over who created what... an extremely unpleasant pitfall that other game companies have fallen into in the past. (Games Workshop's gotten bitten by that a few times now.)
Harmony Gold's catalog is so small that there's nothing worth having that Palladium doesn't already have licenses for.
Tor wrote:In particular I'm interested in CHATQOATH, the merger of Captain Harlock and Queen Millenia, they look like they would make a cool space-drama. Dunno if they still maintain the rights to that though.
That's definitely right out... Harmony Gold USA hasn't had the rights to
Space Pirate Captain Harlock or
Queen Millennia for ages.
Tor wrote:Gatchaman and Windaria also seem like cool animes that HG did dubs of. Shaka Zulu also looks like material related to an Africa 2 sourcebook which Rifts could use.
Shaka Zulu is the only title you've listed that's still a part of Harmony Gold's catalog... they lost or didn't renew the rights to the overwhelming majority of their anime licenses ages ago.
Space Pirate Captain Harlock is now licensed by Discotek Media, the
Gatchaman franchise is still licensed by Sentai Filmworks, I'm not sure which one of ADV Films' successor companies got the rights to
As it stands, Harmony Gold only lists thirty-six titles in its current licensing catalog... only two of the animated titles are not related to
Robotech. Both are Korean shows,
Legend of Blue and
Tangoo and Ullashong. They appear to have let the rest of their licenses lapse.
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:19 am
by Kagashi
Ive always wanted a Rin Tin Tin RPG.
MDC bark attack!
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 3:43 pm
by ShadowLogan
Tor wrote:do you think it might be possible that other non-Robotech products managed by these companies could have potential as new RPG sourcebooks, either for Robotech or simply as a Dimension Book, perhaps for Rifts or HU?
As potential new RPG lines yes. However mixing them as sourcebooks for other Palladium titles like Rifts or HU is likely not going to happen given legal matters of rights and such (ex Manhunter). As new RPG lines the potential is there, but that doesn't mean it should happen. Palladium would in all likely hood have to pay licensing fees to acquire the rights to those products. Palladium's plate is already pretty full considering the release schedule and how often books run late. So while the potential is there, it is not likely to happen.
And as Seto pointed out HG has let legal rights to lapse. So first HG would have to get the rights back, and then Palladium would have to be interested in producing another licensed work based on HG. With ND properties, PB would have to be interested in acquiring additional licenses, which they do not appear to be at this time.
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:15 pm
by Seto Kaiba
ShadowLogan wrote:As potential new RPG lines yes. However mixing them as sourcebooks for other Palladium titles like Rifts or HU is likely not going to happen given legal matters of rights and such (ex Manhunter).
Eh... even bringing Ninja Division properties in as new RPG lines is almost certainly never going to occur due to the nature of the potential copyright snarls involved, never mind licensing fees.
No game publisher wants to find itself in a position where the ownership of part of the lore for their game is unclear. Letting a third-party licensee develop new lore for their setting is a dangerous move, because they retain the copyright on their work unless they've specifically ceded those rights in the license... and that's a very uncommon arrangement. The only way an IP owner/publisher like Ninja Division would let a third party develop new IP is if it's a work-for-hire situation. The problem there is that, if Palladium were employed by Ninja Division in a work-for-hire arrangement, they'd have to develop a new system for that game, because the end product would be owned 100% by Ninja Division. Not worth the effort for a VERY limited return.
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:57 pm
by eliakon
Seto Kaiba wrote:ShadowLogan wrote:As potential new RPG lines yes. However mixing them as sourcebooks for other Palladium titles like Rifts or HU is likely not going to happen given legal matters of rights and such (ex Manhunter).
Eh... even bringing Ninja Division properties in as new RPG lines is almost certainly never going to occur due to the nature of the potential copyright snarls involved, never mind licensing fees.
No game publisher wants to find itself in a position where the ownership of part of the lore for their game is unclear. Letting a third-party licensee develop new lore for their setting is a dangerous move, because they retain the copyright on their work unless they've specifically ceded those rights in the license... and that's a very uncommon arrangement. The only way an IP owner/publisher like Ninja Division would let a third party develop new IP is if it's a work-for-hire situation. The problem there is that, if Palladium were employed by Ninja Division in a work-for-hire arrangement, they'd have to develop a new system for that game, because the end product would be owned 100% by Ninja Division. Not worth the effort for a VERY limited return.
I wouldn't say No one would do it. There are a number of example to the contrary out there which suggest that it can be done. Its just
1) unlikely
2) not really worth while unless the license in question is worth enough to justify the expense.
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:37 am
by ShadowLogan
I do agree it likely won't happen for legal reasons. That still does not remove the potential, how ever remote, that such actions can occur in the future or due to business buyouts/mergers (again potential is there, however remote).
Re: Ninja Division and Harmony Gold
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:24 am
by Seto Kaiba
eliakon wrote:I wouldn't say No one would do it.
Neither did I... nor did
ShadowLogan, for that matter.
eliakon wrote:There are a number of example to the contrary out there which suggest that it can be done.
Yes, I know... in fact, I cited examples of exactly how such arrangements come to be. One of my usual games,
Dark Heresy, is an example of such.
eliakon wrote:Its just
1) unlikely
2) not really worth while unless the license in question is worth enough to justify the expense.
Pretty much the exact reasons I cited in the post you quoted.
ShadowLogan wrote:That still does not remove the potential, how ever remote, that such actions can occur in the future or due to business buyouts/mergers (again potential is there, however remote).
Ach... yes, the possibility exists, but the chance of it actually happening is so remote as to make no odds.
All three of the companies involved in this hypothetical scenario are small-time players in their respective industries. At least two of the three could be characterized as
struggling small-time players in those industries. One of 'em would have to land a major coup to have any chance of ever having enough money to buy out one of the other participants, or make a merger an attractive prospect. That, on its own, is not likely to occur: Palladium is still recovering from the so-called "Crisis of Treachery", Harmony Gold's staff is scrambling in the aftermath of
Robotech Academy's implosion to justify remaining on payroll, and Ninja Division (collectively) is doin' OK but not setting the world on fire with their existing game lines.