The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

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The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by Lorindor »

I have a few questions on the Bioroid Interceptor, which will tie in with the Bioroid Invid Fighter.

The first question is one on continuity: According to the RPG, the Bioroid Interceptor was based on the Bioroid Invid Fighters that the UEEF fought on Tirol. This is canon, since both the notes in Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles and the entry in The Art of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles tell the same story. However, in the show, the Invid Fighter is treated as a complete new mecha that was finished late during the Second Robotech War on Earth. So how could the UEEF find them on Tirol? I’m aware that the Invid Fighter is seen on Tirol in the Sentinels animation, but that is not canon anymore and would also not flow well with what’s seen in the original series.

The second question is about the RPG description: The RPG is very specific that there’s only one type of Bioroid Interceptor at this point. However, the next page has this small illustration in a square with some kind of extra fin on the Bioroid’s head… If this is not another variant, what is this illustration showing then?

The third question is just something that occurred to me while researching all of this: In the episode before the introduction of the Invid Fighter, the Masters are testing something called a Triumviroid. I’ve always assumed that this Triumviroid is some sort of technology or system that would later be used for the Invid Fighter, specifically something to do with the Invid Fighter pilots’ ability to “fight as one”. However, I’ve seen references online to Tirolian clones being called Triumviroids, which confuses me. What gives? What is a Triumviroid, really? And am I right in assuming that there's a connection to the Invid Fighter?
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the triumveroid 'mecha' seems to be a bioroid cockpit with a few guns on it. we only see it in the one scene, fighting fixed emplacements in some sort of live fire practice session.

i would put forward that when they refer to the 'triumveroid' they're actually speaking of the pilots/three as one cockpit (whichever you think is the source of the linked triplets), and the thing's they are flying are actually just tyrolian bioroid pilot training units.. with the master's using them in that case as a final test of the three-as-one concept.

as for the invid fighters.. i can see a few ways to explain this one.
first, since the invid battles at tyrol occur after the 2nd war, the UEEF vs master's fights would occur near the end of the 2nd war, going by the prelude comic hints. (prelude and the RPG both suggest that the UEEF fought its way across the tirolian empire prior to that as well, even before meeting the sentinels)) so perhaps the master's sent copies of the plans back to their empire via FTL communications or some smaller ship used as a courier, and worlds of the empire started building/converting over to invid fighters before the UEEF encountered them?

or, the invid fighter's main design, minus the three-as-one, might have existed prior to the master's arrival at earth, at least in plans, and the master's merely chose to add their three as one idea to it when converting their forces over to the new design while fighting earth. the empire they left behind then would have been making non-3as1 versions (which still would have been fairly effective)

or, survivors of the master's forces over earth, with invid fighters, might have fled in smaller ships back to tirol.. only to end up fighting the UEEF who had taken over the place in the meantime.

(people always forget the master's had smaller combat vessels with them, what calls a "heavy cruiser" in its scale page. ships about the size of a Tristar, and almost certainly fold capable.)
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Lorindor wrote:The first question is one on continuity: According to the RPG, the Bioroid Interceptor was based on the Bioroid Invid Fighters that the UEEF fought on Tirol. This is canon, since both the notes in Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles and the entry in The Art of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles tell the same story. However, in the show, the Invid Fighter is treated as a complete new mecha that was finished late during the Second Robotech War on Earth. So how could the UEEF find them on Tirol? I’m aware that the Invid Fighter is seen on Tirol in the Sentinels animation, but that is not canon anymore and would also not flow well with what’s seen in the original series.

By the show (ep37) the Robotech Elders where not with the fleet that is w/n the Solar System. The Masters are in communication with them (only/last time such a communication occurs) and object to the Elders wanting to join the Masters. So it is perfectly plausible that the BIF the UEEF encounters are designs relayed from the Masters. Or perhaps its the reverse, the Masters received the plans from the Elders off screen.

The Masters fleet at earth had to little PC to effect a retreat to Tirol IMHO.

Lorindor wrote:The second question is about the RPG description: The RPG is very specific that there’s only one type of Bioroid Interceptor at this point. However, the next page has this small illustration in a square with some kind of extra fin on the Bioroid’s head… If this is not another variant, what is this illustration showing then?

There isn't an extra fin on the Bioroids head, at least in the Manga edition. The second shot is a rear-view, which shows one of the retractable laser cannons deployed and another retracted, the retracted one might gives the impression if you aren't aware of it (and given the back and forth arrow floating above the deployed version)...

Lorindor wrote:The third question is just something that occurred to me while researching all of this: In the episode before the introduction of the Invid Fighter, the Masters are testing something called a Triumviroid. I’ve always assumed that this Triumviroid is some sort of technology or system that would later be used for the Invid Fighter, specifically something to do with the Invid Fighter pilots’ ability to “fight as one”. However, I’ve seen references online to Tirolian clones being called Triumviroids, which confuses me. What gives? What is a Triumviroid, really? And am I right in assuming that there's a connection to the Invid Fighter?

Early Bioroids though do not act in the 3-who-act-as-1, so when the Masters get Bioroids working in this manner with a new version of Bioroid they call it a Triumviroid/Invid Fighter. Remember the system is really a management system that can be put into any mecha. The Masters tested it with those floating mine like things, but deployed it in a new Bioroid model.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by Lorindor »

the triumveroid 'mecha' seems to be a bioroid cockpit with a few guns on it. we only see it in the one scene, fighting fixed emplacements in some sort of live fire practice session.

i would put forward that when they refer to the 'triumveroid' they're actually speaking of the pilots/three as one cockpit (whichever you think is the source of the linked triplets), and the thing's they are flying are actually just tyrolian bioroid pilot training units.. with the master's using them in that case as a final test of the three-as-one concept.

This explanation is as good as any, although most fan theories I've seen say that those would have been drones. But since I think the intention was that there is supposed to be a direct link between these Triumviroid and the Invid Fighters, I like the theory that the Triumviroid is the name for whatever make the Invid Fighters fight 3-as-1.

first, since the invid battles at tyrol occur after the 2nd war, the UEEF vs master's fights would occur near the end of the 2nd war, going by the prelude comic hints. (prelude and the RPG both suggest that the UEEF fought its way across the tirolian empire prior to that as well, even before meeting the sentinels)) so perhaps the master's sent copies of the plans back to their empire via FTL communications or some smaller ship used as a courier, and worlds of the empire started building/converting over to invid fighters before the UEEF encountered them?

I've also understood that in Yune-verse, there was a long search before the UEEF found Tirol, but what are these hints that the UEEF found Tirol near the end of the Second Robotech War you mention? The explanation for my confusion might just be that my thinking is stuck in the old Sentinels timeline.

or, the invid fighter's main design, minus the three-as-one, might have existed prior to the master's arrival at earth, at least in plans, and the master's merely chose to add their three as one idea to it when converting their forces over to the new design while fighting earth. the empire they left behind then would have been making non-3as1 versions (which still would have been fairly effective)

Sounds plausible and this was actually my personal head-canon to explain why it was in the Sentinels animation.

There isn't an extra fin on the Bioroids head, at least in the Manga edition. The second shot is a rear-view, which shows one of the retractable laser cannons deployed and another retracted, the retracted one might gives the impression if you aren't aware of it (and given the back and forth arrow floating above the deployed version)...

2E Rulebook Deluxe Edition, page 84, upper right corner. That might be one of the differences to the manga edition.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by tobefrnk »

I believe the "fin head" Interceptor is a Communications/Command/Control variant like the VF/A-6H Alpha. (Use the Alpha 6H sensor stats)
Not sure if I read that somewhere or made it up on my own. I feel like I read it it somewhere. I tried to find my copy of Prelude to see if that if Breetai's Interceptor had a fin but I can't find it.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by Kagashi »

1) I find this confusing as well for the same reasons. I chalk it up to being a design the was yet to be implemented, but already concepetualized prior to the masters leaving for Earth. When the Invid attacked Tirol, they obviously put it t into production before the Masters on Earth decided to do it in preperation for the impending Invid arrival on Earth like the show did it.

2) The extra fin in the pic of the RPG is a drawing of the command variant. It details it in the Prelude of the Shadow Chronicles Graphic Novel (which is canon) even though the RPG fails to mention it in text. Since the sensors are "as the Alpha", give that variant the same IFF sensor that the blue Alpha has.

3) its a drone used for training i hope will be statted out in a future release book. It was the proof of concept to build the BIF.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by Lorindor »

tobefrnk wrote:I believe the "fin head" Interceptor is a Communications/Command/Control variant like the VF/A-6H Alpha. (Use the Alpha 6H sensor stats)
Not sure if I read that somewhere or made it up on my own. I feel like I read it it somewhere. I tried to find my copy of Prelude to see if that if Breetai's Interceptor had a fin but I can't find it.

Yes, you're right! I completely missed it when I looked up the Data Files in the comcis. But it's right there! Breetai did have a commander's variant with a fin, but I noticed now that the fin is broken off early on by one of the Regent's punches.

So... it really perplexes me that they added that illustration to the Deluxe Edition and yet retained the stance that there's only one variant. Actually, why even write that line in the first place, when there IS at least two variants by canon sources? To me it seems unnecessary to mention anything on the matter at all, to be frank. Unless they planned to include the commander's variant, but changed their minds... Any bets that it is one of the "new" mecha in the Marines sourcebook?
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

thing is, that fin is the only apparent difference in the comic. so it could just be a cosmetic addition, similar to a badge, to indicate commander status. (similar t0 how the ASC Salamander Battloid has 3 different heads in the show, which were supposed to reflect rank, yet the loadouts and such did not appear to vary between them)

there is nothing to support tobefrnk's assertion to add different sensors.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by Kagashi »

Lorindor wrote:
So... it really perplexes me that they added that illustration to the Deluxe Edition and yet retained the stance that there's only one variant. Actually, why even write that line in the first place, when there IS at least two variants by canon sources? To me it seems unnecessary to mention anything on the matter at all, to be frank. Unless they planned to include the commander's variant, but changed their minds... Any bets that it is one of the "new" mecha in the Marines sourcebook?

It was likely cut to maintain page count, but the large illustration remained either due to not wanting to create/edit the illustration or an editing error. But the mecha quite obviously exists by canon sources. Just use the Command Alpha IFF stats. Id even say Alphas and BIs can benefit from one another as they appear to be the same link/antenna.
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Re: The Bioroid Interceptor and the Bioroid Invid Fighter

Unread post by RiverJack »

Lorindor wrote:I have a few questions on the Bioroid Interceptor, which will tie in with the Bioroid Invid Fighter.

The first question is one on continuity: According to the RPG, the Bioroid Interceptor was based on the Bioroid Invid Fighters that the UEEF fought on Tirol. This is canon, since both the notes in Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles and the entry in The Art of Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles tell the same story. However, in the show, the Invid Fighter is treated as a complete new mecha that was finished late during the Second Robotech War on Earth. So how could the UEEF find them on Tirol? I’m aware that the Invid Fighter is seen on Tirol in the Sentinels animation, but that is not canon anymore and would also not flow well with what’s seen in the original series.

The second question is about the RPG description: The RPG is very specific that there’s only one type of Bioroid Interceptor at this point. However, the next page has this small illustration in a square with some kind of extra fin on the Bioroid’s head… If this is not another variant, what is this illustration showing then?

The third question is just something that occurred to me while researching all of this: In the episode before the introduction of the Invid Fighter, the Masters are testing something called a Triumviroid. I’ve always assumed that this Triumviroid is some sort of technology or system that would later be used for the Invid Fighter, specifically something to do with the Invid Fighter pilots’ ability to “fight as one”. However, I’ve seen references online to Tirolian clones being called Triumviroids, which confuses me. What gives? What is a Triumviroid, really? And am I right in assuming that there's a connection to the Invid Fighter?

Most of your first question has been answered. I do believe any techo evolutions, tactical changes were shared between all the RTM forces as long as the communications were not compermising.

Now take in mind there many diffrent RT universes. The rpg universe is my fav but I keep in the S.T.C. the orignal RT movie as well as novels and comics with some altered info OR B.T.S. reasoning.

Now the Mech you saw in RT2 was not exactly 100% Like a Invid Fighter. It was much more orange, poorly armed, and one of the slugish Bioroids in that movie. More than likley the RTM just reused the outerbody design of a already created Bioroid and used new designes for theinternals and new materials designed for the skin / armor.

@2nd question.

It could be that the Bioroid Intercepor [Advanced Anti-Invid Battloid unit] used by Breetai is the Mk 2. Even though its a trick answer the Mk 1 really is one type of Bioroid Interceptor and if IM not mistaken the one shown in the 2nd ed R.T.T.S.C.D.R.P.G.B. is the Mk1.

Although it could end up this way, that fin doesnt indicate rank. If anyone got the five P.T.T.S.C. comics instead of the on hard back youll see it actully shows just a tad bit more info about Bioroid Interceptors.

That Zentradei looking symbol on the left shoulder is the rank shown for Bioroid Interceptor Pilots. The symbol you see on the most used pictures of Bioroid Interceptors represents the "3LT" rank. Breetais is a white V with a small solid upside-down triangle in the V. Next to it is two white / and a slanted L with the tail part resembling a triangle. What ever Breetais rank is at the time of his death thats what his left and right shoulder symbles represent. Breetais Interceptor is also painted dark grey and dark blue in the areas most are colored forest green and olive green. His may have been a "Shadow Bioroid Interceptor."
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