Line Drawers and Wards

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Wards used with line drawing

Same Number of Phrases as a Diabolist
No Phrases (sorry about that)
No votes
No need for Phrases, just PPE
They have half as many phrases as a Diabolist
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They have as many phrases as a Diabolist of half their level
Some other Option
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Total votes: 6

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Line Drawers and Wards

Unread post by eliakon »

Okay, so the book say that a Line Drawer can learn wards.
So far so good.

But, diabolist have a limited number of ward phrases they can activate per day.
1) they just don't need to worry about that
2) they have the same number of phrases as a diabolist of their level
3) they have the same number of phrases as a diabolist of half their level
4) they have half the number of phrases of a diabolist of their level
5) other? (Please explain)
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Re: Line Drawers and Wards

Unread post by Tor »

5) since they lack the Diabolist OCC ability to activate wards, they can only learn to create them, perhaps assisting diabolists in the process of making them, so they can't actually activate/use the wards. They would be great at making looking fake unpowered wards to scare people off though, since a lot of people wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

I would probably give them an advantage in learning the Diabolist OCC though. Maybe instead of having to spend 3 levels of XP to switch they only spend 1 or 2?
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