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Snowbound - February 3 2015

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:55 pm
by Kevin
Snowbound - February 3, 2015

I got a good amount of work done on a couple different fronts on Saturday, but things got a little nuts on Sunday with the snow. We had that big snowstorm that buried much of the Midwest and is hammering the East Coast right now. Spent a lot of time on Sunday shoveling out the driveway so that I would not be faced with one massive dig out. Glad I did because we ended up getting 16.7 inches – taking the Number Three slot in recorded Michigan history for the most snow in 24 hours.

All of that made Monday morning the final big day to “dig out” and the morning commute a nightmare. I called the Palladium crew Monday morning to give them the day off. Glad I did. We all spent a good amount of time on snow removal, and when I finally popped my head into the office later in the afternoon, an 8 minute trip took 18 minutes, the roads were still pretty sloppy and treacherous in places and the sidewalk right up to the front door of the office was buried in three feet of snow from blowing and drifting. I was able to get inside from the side entrance and was relieved when the snow removal crew I hire every year showed up around 6:30 PM to snow-blow the sidewalk clear. They had already snow-plowed the parking lot earlier that day. Poor guys had worked 36 hours straight.

With all that snow removal, I don’t know if any of us got much rest for having Monday off. I know Wayne did a bit of work from home, and I got in four hours at the office on Monday.

Super-Bowl (or Super-Snow) Sunday was fun, despite all the snow and snow removal. The Super-Bowl game was the best in decades and some of the TV ads were pretty good. My personal favorite was the esurance commercial with the Walter White character from Breaking Bad. The extended version online is even better. If you’re a fan and haven’t seen it, you gotta check it out.

That meant a lot of catching up on work today. Soooo much to do. All of us seemed to be dragging a bit today, too.

Not too thrilled to see more snow forecasted for tonight and tomorrow. At least it is only supposed to be 2-3 inches today and another 1-2 inches tomorrow night. Hoping the Weather Forecasters are wrong and the snow misses us entirely. Then again, 1-4 inches is never a big deal. It's when it gets to be more than that. My heart goes out to those of you who have been hammered with snow, especially out East. Stay safe and warm. We’ll do likewise.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

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