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What constitutes blood?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 6:44 am
by psam_rage
So question that came up:
Dhampir (Rifter 49) has the Blood Scenting ability (pg 84, rifter 49) can they only smell humans and other creatures susceptible to being turned? It says every living being with blood, but half my group is arguing that bugs (SF army ants in this case) don't have "blood" since bug blood isn't like human blood and thus is an ichor and thus I cant scent jack diddly.

So what can I or can't I smell? Demons bleed (Ichor again though) as do Deevils, Dragons, Plant People (Sap is technically blood though I personally think this is going to far), Zentradi/Wormwood born humans (MDC humans), Dog boys? They all (possibly excluding the plant) have blood.

Secondary question if I have the SPECIFIC ability to sense these lifeforms and can ID, Track, and analyze the diets of any individual I can scent via this ability, does anything say that I will be overwhelmed if I enter a city or building with many lifeforms?

(I'll be honest this is mostly seeming like a case of my party trying to limit my capabilities so the close combat ghost won't be able to stand up when compared to the RPA pilot or Malvoren...)

Re: What constitutes blood?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 2:10 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
When all else fails fall back to the dictionary definition, which is that blood is any substance that carries oxygen and nutrients to the body and carries waste away from. Ant blood is different but still blood.

Re: What constitutes blood?

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 5:50 pm
by Jefffar
The definition of blood varies a bit place to place, but in regards to insects, instead of blood they have Hemolymph