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What will be next for Rt Tactics?

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:14 pm
by Kargan3033
I'd like to know if there will be an RT Tatics game for The Masters, Invid Invasion/New Gen and Shadow Chronicles

Re: What will be next for Rt Tactics?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 9:17 am
by tdumontelle
In talking with the reps at Adepticon, the answer to all of the above is yes! All three series plus movies and add-ons. Not sure when, but they are working on it. I mentioned compatability such as Invid vs. Zentradi etc. and they said that is also a part of it.

Re: What will be next for Rt Tactics?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:52 pm
by wilycoyote
Compatability will be an issue, especially if we get to the Invids, the size of some units at 1/285th means they are relatively tiny.

As for now I would hope PB concentrate on delivering a great product in Wave 2, rather than divert their limited resources.

Re: What will be next for Rt Tactics?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:52 pm
by Forar
Even if they manage to deliver wave two by the end of this year (U.S./N.A. at least, I imagine everywhere else will be waiting into 2016), I wouldn't expect another series to see serious progress until late 2016 or later. We'll have to see early next year if they begin marketing towards an expansion of the line, be it through another Kickstarter or simply funded internally/through traditional means.

Wave one seems to have been a simply massive drain on manpower and resources, I can't imagine wave two will be any different, and then they'll likely want a little time to recuperate and assess the best way to proceed (combined series 2/3 lineup, etc).

And agreed, the idea of 7mm tall Cyclones isn't quite filling me with glee, but it's possible they'll revisit the idea of sticking so hard to the scale if it causes more problems than it solves.

Re: What will be next for Rt Tactics?

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:08 pm
by Kargan3033
tdumontelle wrote:In talking with the reps at Adepticon, the answer to all of the above is yes! All three series plus movies and add-ons. Not sure when, but they are working on it. I mentioned compatability such as Invid vs. Zentradi etc. and they said that is also a part of it.

Sweet!, I really don't care about the game, I just like the minis.