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Road Hog Character Background

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:13 pm
by Rali
Description: The Road Hogs are the biker gang that took control of all of the other northern biker gangs ("Join or Die") and now controls the western portion of what was Oregon State. The character most likely joined the Road Hogs either as a matter of survival (once member of another gang), or in the quest for power and respect. Anyone who leaves the Road Hogs will have a bounty placed on them that any Road Hog will gladly attempt to collect.
Apprenticeship: None (Road Hogs would rather force villagers to do the work)
Primary Skills: Mechanics: Basic, Wilderness Survival, four Physical Skills, three Weapon Proficiencies, two Pilot Skills
Secondary Skills: Select any five
Special Bonuses: +20 SDC, +2 PS, +2 PE
Money: 2D6 times 100 New Americorp Dollars
Equipment: Basic clothing and Road Hog leathers, two good quality weapons, and a vehicle worth $12,000
Relatives & Connections: The Road Hogs are a brotherhood of bikers and road warriors, and will have a 30% chance to recognize another 'Hog' not displaying their colors. The motto "Join or Die" also carries with it the expectation that one is a Road Hog until they die, and do not appreciate anyone who tries to leave the fold.

After working on some Road Hog characters for Cyberdon in another post, I figured some people may be interested in a Road Hog character background designed for the After the Bomb 2nd Edition.

Re: Road Hog Character Background

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:26 pm
by hollowecho
Nice ...this will be added to the file

Re: Road Hog Character Background

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 2:21 pm
by The Oh So Amazing Nate
Sweet work Rali. I always appreciate when old material is updated to the new AtB standard or when new quality material is created.

Re: Road Hog Character Background

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:24 pm
by Cedric Caleb
That is awesome.