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REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:00 pm
by thorr-kan
So, the Sentinels have three races with MDC armor and no MD weapons: Praxians, Garudans, and Carbonarites.
Praxian body armor has 15 MDC. They have SD melee and missile weapons, except for some explosive arrows. Really? Can't hurt each other in melee combat? No Praxian would stand for that! So, here's my workaround: the Praxians have vibro-weapons. Any melee or missile vibor-weapon does the MD equivalent of its SD counterpart. 1d6 SD knife? 1d6 MD vibroknife. 1d6 SD crossbow bolt? 1d6 MD crossbow vibrobolt. Etc. For variety, keep the explosive warheads as well.
Garudan body armor has 30 MDC. They're described as medium tech world, so a midrange solution is called for. Sounds like the Northern Gun to me! Reskin the NG-33 (RUE, p269-270) and NG-L5 (RUE, p720) as the Garudan laser pistol and laser rifle, respectively. No long e-clips!
Carbonarite body armor 75 MDC with two 40 MDC plates. Really? More armor than a Zentraedi Battle Pod?! Their technology is described as high tech, but their weapons are described as musket-like. Sounds like Bandito Arms to me; it's got the right aesthetic! Use the BB-6, BB Sawed Off, and BB Long-Barrel (RNW, P174-175) as personal Carbonarite weapons.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:45 pm
by taalismn
Sounds good to me.
Though I still work off the McKinney and Waltrip sources and give the Karbarreans pneumatic grenade launchers.

Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:28 pm
by glitterboy2098
Praxian armor is, by old canon,
a literal Battle Bikini. seriously, look at don't need MDC weapons to defeat it, just sdc weapons and good aim..
and to be honest.. the
praxian envoy in the prelude comic doesn't bode well for an improvement over the old canon.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 7:06 pm
by taalismn
glitterboy2098 wrote:and to be honest.. the
praxian envoy in the prelude comic doesn't bode well for an improvement over the old canon.
Diplomatic uniform....diplomats don't shoot at each other(unless you're Jamie Retief), and the cleavage has proven to have a profound effect on male Tirolians, especially those old senator types.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 2:28 am
by Lt Gargoyle
it could have been part of the treaty they signed with the Masters and their rather large zentraedi army. No MDC weapons
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:12 am
by ShadowLogan
If one is looking to borrow from Rifts:
-Praxians having something akin to Kinsinette (sp?, SB4) might be more appropriate based on the technology discription of the Praxians. Alternatively looking for a way to use the anti-gravity technology might also work (though off hand I can't think of anything)
-Garudans are said to be at 1950s technology, so I think laser weapons would be out. Probably looking at something like Ramjet or explosive bullets. Probably can also give them some of the human-scale MD capable weapons from the main book (90mm, LAW, etc) that can reasonably fit with their technology level. Though weapons development/aggression would seem to be something new for them apparently so they might not have any "native" weapons for war (hunting might be another matter).
-Carbonarites, sounds like it could work. Though their tech level should allow them to have access to similar weapons from the Main Book 1E RT book.
-all of them could have trade/stolen items from Masters to acquire MD weapons
The Spherians are natural MD and have MD laser rods, so likely have less reason to trade/steal MD weapons to use (deny them to the enemy sure). Pertonians (sp) are also said to be at 2020s level technology, so I could see them having MD technology on parr with the ASC since they can't rely on their "magic" for MD attack/defense since they are "spells per day" folks.
thorr-kan wrote:Carbonarite body armor 75 MDC with two 40 MDC plates. Really? More armor than a Zentraedi Battle Pod?!
yes really. That isn't the only case either: Cyclone, Logan VF, CVR-3, ASC Body Armor & Shields also come to mind. Granted the protective value of Carbonarite BA based on mass isn't all that practical compared to ASC/CVR-3 or even Cyclones. Though you still have the mind boggling issue with scale.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 7:57 pm
by taalismn
Lt Gargoyle wrote:it could have been part of the treaty they signed with the Masters and their rather large zentraedi army. No MDC weapons
Makes sense...
Hard to enforce, though, unless you're constantly searching for illegal weapons production and stockpiling, but if the consequences for anybody caught with MD weaponry is having a community ot two targeted by orbital battleship, it could be self-policing.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 9:52 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
taalismn wrote:Lt Gargoyle wrote:it could have been part of the treaty they signed with the Masters and their rather large zentraedi army. No MDC weapons
Makes sense...
Hard to enforce, though, unless you're constantly searching for illegal weapons production and stockpiling, but if the consequences for anybody caught with MD weaponry is having a community ot two targeted by orbital battleship, it could be self-policing.
I would go with self Policing. Yes they could know how. And i would not be surprised if the Carbonarites have full factories that could do it. Since they use their orbital ship yards to help with the UEEF. But even a small Zentraedi fleet in your system could be enough for anyone race to enforce their law.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:30 pm
by Jefffar
IIRC the Invid Regent forced the Carbonarites to comply by simply having all of their children held hostage.
Re: REF Sentinels Races Personal Weapons
Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 3:57 pm
by taalismn
Jefffar wrote:IIRC the Invid Regent forced the Carbonarites to comply by simply having all of their children held hostage.
Another reason why it sucks to be high-K breeders; it's easier to round up the relatively few kids and hold an entire generation hostage.
As opposed to, say, some high-r species who breeds like bacteria. "Hey, you took this week's brood hostage? You realize you gotta take care of them, right? Stinks to be you. We're already working on the next spawning, suckers!"
Under such conditions, all an Invid occupation force is doing is adding PROTEIN to the ecosystem.