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Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 4:57 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. It's been a while, but I've finally update my website (and changed the name).

Living the Fantasy

I intended to post it next week, but I ended up doing it today for troubleshooting (and hoping to have it all cleaned up before the Open House). I'm still hoping to add some more content within the week. Until then, it has a new look and some new content such as: Mosaic Magic, Wyvern, and a Winged Hydra (in honor of the classic PF1 cover). But I assure you there's more. I'm still troubleshooting (think I got most of it), so if I missed something I hope you'll let me know. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the new version of my site: Living the Fantasy. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:01 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
May 22, 2015
Greetings and Salutations. Okay, I've returned from the 2015 Palladium Open House and the construction period should be finished. I've updated my Logo to include a copyright symbol crediting Palladium Books for use of its image, along with crediting most of the images in the Flash menu (while also reducing their file size which should help with load times). I may now continue using the images with Palladium's consent. While at the Open House, I also managed to discuss a few other things with Kevin Siembieda, creator of Palladium Books.

I'll be starting work on a new index for Palladium Books, starting with the Rifters. I intend to include all the Table of Contents from each book and collect them into a single, easily searchable web page (and/or PDF) to help serve as a new index. I'll also include things like new O.C.C. and races (even if not mentioned in the table of contents) to aid in searching. While I'm starting with the Rifters, I intend to do this for my entire Palladium Books collection, and I own them all (except a few of the newer ones which I'll collect as I go). Palladium Fantasy will be after the Rifters, probably followed by Rifts, and then the others. This will be a massive undertaking, so don't expect it completed next week or anything. However, every new update to this page should include a general update on the project. Once the Rifters are finished, I'll probably need to resubmit the concept to Palladium for approval, primarily so they can check all the proper Copyright and Trademark type information are in order for legal reasons.

Additions to the site may be slow for a while as I'll also be investigating options to revive the Rifter 0.1 project. I might also be volunteering for a few new projects to help with the official Palladium website. So I'll be busy, and I want you to know that you're not forgotten. I'll also be starting a poll regarding my Purifiers fan fiction over on the Forums of the Megaverse as well as a few of the Facebook pages. I have to avoid spreading myself too thin, but I want to get that started up again and feel confident I can find a way to make this all work. I hope you enjoy the new site. Expect the next update at the start of July (as this is taking the place of my June update), unless something big happens before then. Farewell and safe journeys for today.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 10:19 pm
by Jerell
Looking good dude. :ok:

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:36 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
July 04, 2015
Greetings and Salutations. Happy Fourth of July to those in the States, and a belated Happy Canada Day to those to the north. No new pages have been added to the site over the last month, but I will update you on what's been going on.

I added the new O.C.C., Races, and Skills from Bizantium and the Northern Islands (by Glen Evans) to the Reference Lists. I also removed the Racial O.C.C. List page, and simply added them to the standard O.C.C. page list (giving them a special heading to still keep them separate). This should make them easier to find for people browsing the page as well as reduce the need to shift between pages. I'd also like to note that I discovered a few Weapon Proficiencies from the main book were left off the old Skill List. Those have been added (as they were included again in Bizantium). Not sure how I missed those, but it's now fixed.

I've also been contacting the old contributors of the Rifter 0.1 project to see if it can be revived or not. To be honest, at this point it may be better off left dead due to various problems. However, I'll wait for Palladium to make their official decision before moving on.

I'd also started a few threads on various forums asking how people wanted me to proceed with the Purifier story. The lack of responses was disappointing to me, but not entirely without reasons considering it's been in limbo for almost a year now. I have no one to blame but myself. As a result, I have made the decision to restart the story from the beginning. For those who are a fan of the original, not much will change. I might clean up the style a bit, but not much else. I will be replacing the young Dwarf, Kendroll, with a different character though (my main reason for starting over). I may also add a new Chapter 3 to help transition between Chapter 2 and the original Chapter 3 (which would become Chapter 4 if I make the change). I'm going to be aiming to get one whole chapter up a month (as opposed to only small sections as in my original setup). That'll be starting next month, if all goes according to plan (fingers crossed).

The reason I don't post as much material as I did in the old days is because I try to get a lot of my newer material published in official sources. If Rifer 0.1 is officially cancelled, the Cultures information will be put back up on the site (and won't be removed again unless Palladium specifically asks me to resubmit it, which I doubt will happen). I know that was an old fan favorite, and I have some regrets of taking it down so it could sit in limbo for the last six years. There's another project (that I never posted on this site, nor have I submitted it to Palladium) that I've been holding off on as well. It's an idea I know Kevin is hesitant on, and am trying to wait for him to review my Land of the South Winds manuscript before proceeding (as I included a small sample in that book). Sometime next year (I haven't decided on an exact date), if Kevin still hasn't reviewed the manuscript or he's decided he doesn't like the idea for the book, I'll start posting segments of it on this site. It's an idea I think fans will really enjoy, and I look forward to sharing it with all of you.

I have other ideas for this site as well, but the truth is I've just lacked motivation to do much new material these last few months. Don't worry, I'll still work on the Purifiers regardless. My writing inspiration comes in waves, where I'll be totally unmotivated for weeks or months, and then feel a sudden drive and start knocking out several new projects. So until that next surge of energy comes, I'll continue doing what I can. Thank you for your time and patience, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:15 pm
by xandarr2000
I enjoy your site very much, and salute you for all the hard work you have put into it. A inspiration to all of us Palladium addicts.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:43 pm
by kiralon
xandarr2000 wrote:I enjoy your site very much, and salute you for all the hard work you have put into it. A inspiration to all of us Palladium addicts.

He is indeed, thanks for the work you have done and made public.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:25 pm
by zyanitevp
You know that I am a big fan. Some great improvements

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 12:12 am
by Prysus
Recent Changes
August 1, 2015
Greetings and Salutations. This has been a good week as my wife and I just celebrated our One Year Anniversary. Yea us! But don't worry, that didn't stop me from finishing work on the Purifier update. For those that don't know, the Purifiers is a serial fan fic I started a while back. Last month I took a poll asking for opinions on how I should continue. There wasn't many responses (less than 10 total). I blame myself for this, as I've had quite a few interruptions in the story since its initial launch. Based on the majority of responses, as well as my personal thoughts on the matter, I've decided to restart the story from the beginning. That means this is the perfect time to refresh yourself with the story (by reading each chapter as it's rewritten) or to jump onboard for the first time.

This time around I'd like to fix some of the editing mistakese I made, try not to rely on a few crutches I was using to compensate for writing weaknesses, and plot out the story better. The first time through I wrote it just to write it. Now I have a better idea of the story I want to tell, and as such I can prelude to future themes and try to lead into each section better. If you're a fan of the old story but don't want to start over, that's fine. The story, as a whole, won't change much. I'll be adding an extra chapter or two that I didn't include before, and the character of Kendroll will be removed and replaced with a different character. That means if you don't want to start over but still continue the story, you can wait until this new version catches up and not have missed much.

I've also added an additional four characters to the Character/NPC page concept section: Archer (Long Bowman), a Psi-Healer and Psi-Mystic (with a connection to each other), and a Speedster archetype (Heroes Unlimited, Mutant). All four were created for one reason or another, and sometimes for custom games making backstories or skills slightly varied from the norm. They can still be useful as is or with minor modifications. During the last month I've also been toying with a few projects, but nothing ready to see publication yet. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:28 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
September 05, 2015

Greetings and Salutations. It's the first weekend of the month again, so that means it's time for my regular update to the site. This month I have added two new monsters: Screecher and Necro-Scythe, both being classified as "Animals." I wrote the Screecher first, and that gave me some ideas to finish up the Necro-Scythe and create a type of link between the two. Though the connection was originally unintended, I think it came out well.

I've also added the new version of Chapter 2 for the Purifiers. I've been working on transitions between scenes, and this time the focus stays mostly on E'Sarinn with a switch over to Lord Wilhelm before the end. I'm not sure it's perfect, but I hope it works well. The chapter remains overall the same as last time, with a few tweaks and a few scenes removed (these will be added in again during Chapter 3).

I also made a few updates to the About Me page. The most notable update here is the new profile picture, since the last one was 10 years old. This new one was taken this year, and features me wearing the Official Palladium "Living the Fantasy" t-shirt. There's also been a few other minor tweaks here and there, as well as adding links to the Sitemap (trying to keep that up to date). That's all for now. Thanks for the interest. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:46 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
January 01, 2016
Greetings and Salutations. Well, it's been a while since I've udated this site, so I decided to include a few new items for you to peruse. I added a section to the "Campaign Settings" called Ashkelon. You may recognize this name as some of its content has been included on this site before. The Ashkelon setting is work submitted to me by Fred Wong. He's given me enough work now that I figured I'd give him his own page. Next, I included two new creatures to the Monsters & Animals page, the Esuvrym and Spirit Animals. Both of them are listed in the Animal section. I've also added the Beast Jockey O.C.C. to the site. Most of these are old works either being reposted or posted for the first time. Hope you enjoy all of it.

As for my lack of updates, I figure I owe all of you an explanation since it's been so long. To start with, nothing bad happened to me. Now, for the more detailed explanation. I tend to write and update my site during times I'm at home but my wife is at work. For one, I use her computer to make all my updates and when she's home she tends to use her computer instead. Her schedule changes every few months, and her last schedule change resulted in her and I have almost the same schedule. Usually I have an hour or two before she gets out of work to myself, and often a day or two where she's at work and I'm at home (then when I'm at work she's at home). This has worked well for giving me free time to write and update my site. Her last schedule change resulted in the two of us having almost the same schedules. It's great! We spend a lot more time together (before we'd often only have a few hours a night, and maybe one full day together). So while it's great for the two of us, it means less updates. Sorry, but I regret nothing. Her next schedule change might be coming up soon (it has been a few months now), but that's not a guarantee. When her schedule changes again, we'll see what kind of time that leaves me for this site.

Despite my not updating this site often, it doesn't mean I've forgotten about it or you. I continue to work on a few things in the background, just nothing ready for posting here. I continue to have grand ideas for this site, but the truth is I probably won't get around to those in the next few months. I'll do what little I can, and I hope you can continue being patient. Thank you for your time and understanding, you're all the best. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 1:57 am
by zyanitevp
Glad you have been able to spend more time with the wife! As always, I am a big fan of your site, and look forward to any updates.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:36 am
by Prysus
February 05, 2016
Greetings and Salutations once again. With the first weekend of the month comes the next update to the site. This time I made it count. For those that don't know, approximately six and a half years ago I removed the Cultures section of my site. This section showed detail into the many races of the Palladium World. The reason it was removed is because it became a part of something bigger, the Rifter 0.1 project which was submitted to Palladium. Late last year, for a variety of reasons, that project was officially cancelled. I agree with that decision, and that means I am free to return that information to my site, for free, for all of you to enjoy. Cultures included for Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Ogres, Trolls, Changelings, and Dragons. I wanted to cover all the main book races (some of them were already done by others in various issues of the Rifter). Even for those of you who still have the old information, this version has been rewritten with new pieces added. Note: I've actually started another rewrite for a project I'm working on regarding these articles, but I make no promises when (or if) I'll complete this project.

The cultures are one of many new additions I intend to add to this site. The article I submitted to Palladium also included some new O.C.C., new types of magic, and extra rules. Some of those will be added to this site in another month or two, while some may be held back for something else I have planned for this site. I intend to also add some all new content soon. While I intend next month, a lot of this will depend on my schedule and how much free time I can manage. The reason for much of this delay is lack of free time to edit, as well as some of it requires adjusting the organization of this site. This new content will involve entirely new areas to the site, while possibly restructuring old ones. For those of you viewing the site, the changes will be minor. However, as the one who has to make the changes, it'll be a fair bit of work that I'm reserving for when I have more time. Hope you understand. Farewell and safe journeys for another month.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:47 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
March 04, 2016
Greetings and Salutations. Okay, so remember that big update I mentioned last month? Well, it's here. There's so much new content that I'm going to have to break it down into sections. There are 20+ new pages. While a few are old ones being reposted again for the first time in years, many are brand new and being posted publically for the first time ever! This also means some rearranging and new options to the left side menu. Hope you enjoy.

World Building: Added new Expanded Rules including Magic Combat, Movement During Combat, Oversized Weapons, as well as expanded rules for Parrying (which goes into factors such as weapon size, giants, and shields) and Simultaneous Attacks (a rule many feel is problematic). I also removed three links from this page and moved them to new pages (see below for details).

O.C.C.: Included the Blind Warrior (Men at Arms), Metal Warlock (Practitioner of Magic), Wild Huntress (Practitioner of Magic), and the 'Porter (Psychic).

Monsters & Animals: Included Sin Spiders and Spirit Boar (added to Spirit Animals).

Training Grounds: An entirely brand new page dealing with Hand to Hand styles. This can expand on the standard four and add a whole new dimension to combat. There are currently only 8 styles included (7 all new, plus one that was previously located on the World Building page), but I intend to add more over the next few months.

Magic Cauldron: Metal Spells (for Metal Warlocks) and Woodland Magic (for the Wild huntress) have been added.

The Armory: (Formerly known as the "Items Chest") Custom Arrows have been added to give archers that added edge of customization. I've also removed Rune Items from the page and placed them on a new page.

The Rune Forge: All the rune items from the Armory have been placed here. There are no new ones included, just a new page to put them all in one place. I may add more in the future, but I don't care for rune weapons much so this won't be a top priority.

Adventurers' Guild: This is another new page designed to be a one stop location for the adventure material on my site. I've included the "Bounty Board" which is designed to include small little adventures that players can take as side jobs or ignore without affecting campaigns as a while. I finished the "What's Real?" bounty early this morning in a bit of a rush, but I hope stll entertaining and of quality. It also contains two adventures previously on the World Building page. I want to include more in the future, but this is a start.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 10:49 pm
by kiralon
Do you class charge attacks as a wild attack ?, does movement on the back of an animal use your attacks or the animals ?

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:17 am
by Prysus
kiralon wrote:Do you class charge attacks as a wild attack ?, does movement on the back of an animal use your attacks or the animals ?

Greetings and Salutations. Good question! They never really come up before, but I think I know how they should work with the rules I've already provided. So I made some minor tweaks (didn't really change anything, just added a few new paragraphs) to help answer these questions. They're posted now on my site, but for ease I'll also include the new information in a spoiler tag below. Thanks for the question as things like that can help me flesh out this material (and even if someone hates it, I can try to find out why and see if I can improve it). Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Can I attack while running?
Yes! However, moving will cause a character's next attack to be considered a wild attack. Wild attacks suffer a -6 penalty to strike. Even dodging (an attack/action that involves moving) can be considered a movement. Only defensive actions that do not use an attack per melee, such as a parry, can be made and avoid movement penalty.

Exceptions to this rule include special techniques such as Body Block/Tackle. These are combat maneuvers that require movement and already count as two attacks, one to move and one to attack. Since they require and are designed around movement, these do not count as wild attacks and can be performed with full bonuses. Another exception includes characters such as a Long Bowman with Superior Bowmanship or characters with other Trick Shooting (such as from the W.P. Sharpshooting in Rifts) abilities. These techniques allow the character to move, attack, and avoid this penalty.

What if I'm on horseback or another mount?
Knights and others can ride a horse or other mount into combat. Since it is the animal moving, not the character, this uses the animal's attack's per melee instead of the character's attacks. Obviously, if an animal is spending all of its actions moving it cannot make other attacks such as a front, rear kick, or stomp. Certain animals do have exceptions, such as a Trample or Charging Horn Ram that function as the equivalent of a Body Block/Tackle technique requiring two actions for the animal.

Characters don't suffer any penalties when making a melee attack. Ranged attacks however lose all strike bonuses and half the rate of fire when firing from horseback, unless special techniques are known such as Superior Bowmanship. Depending on G.M. ruling, the character may still need to spend one action per round to maintain control of the animal. While the animal is doing most of the work, control still requires some level of concentration that distracts the rider's full attention from attacking. Additional actions for Horsemanship skill checks may be required if performing complex maneuvers.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:02 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
April 03, 2016
Greetings and Salutations once again. This month I've added only two new pages, one discussing Calendars of the Palladium World and the other adding some new info on Gosai Culture. Neither of them are complete. The Calendars still need names for the months on the Dwarven and the Western Empire calendars. Meanwhile the Gosai Culture only has a few segments complete. Since I'm not intending to publish either of these, I'm posting what I have. They contain useful and complete info, I simply intend to add more details later.

I've already posted most of the large chunks of new content the last couple of months, so hoping you weren't expecting that every month. Now I'll just be posting a trickle of new content as I feel they're ready. Because I often get distracted or lose motivation as I go, I intend to post some articles in segments (like the two above), so you can have the info now. If I finish them next month, great! But if it takes me a year to come back to it, you don't have to wait for what I already have. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:44 am
by Prysus
Recent Changes
June 03, 2016
Greetings and Salutations. There was no update last month. My excuse? I lacked any motivation to do so. Sorry if that disappoints anyone, but it's the truth. On the plus side, this month I had some good inspiration and finally managed to tackle a project that's given me problems for a few years: How to make a good PF Race List? Yes, I've had one in the past, but it always felt lacking because I couldn't figure out a good way to organize it and keep it official. That's been resolved, at least to my satisfaction. I have a new PF Race List designed now, and I discuss how I decided what would go where, which will be easier in the future if it ever needs redesign. I think this new version is much better than the old one.

This also led to a new format for the PF O.C.C. and PF Skill Lists. The lists haven't changed much more than appearance, but worth noting. The reason for this change is the way I'm now keeping record in an Excel sheet, which allows me to easily transfer information onto this website. While this means no new pages this month, I believe the changes make the website better as a whole. I've also started a new "Reference" project. I won't discuss the details at this time, in case I get distracted and lose motivation along the way, but if I finish it I think it's something that will come in very useful for many. I've already done some preliminary work on it and it's proving a bit more difficult than I had planned, but still managable and I remain hopeful. Fingers crossed. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:30 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
September 05, 2016
Greetings and Salutations. Two months without an update. Sorry, but I just continue to lack motivation to do just about anything at all. I know there are people who enjoy this site, and I've even had a request for some more Hand to Hand styles. There's also the Purifier story I want to finish one day. I haven't forgotten. I'm not sure when I'll get my drive back, but when I do I'll update this site with more new content. Until then, I'll continue to update with what little I do accomplish. This month a new threat: Gnolls! These aren't the D&D monsters, but something else. They're Creatures of Magic with a connection to the element of Earth. This isn't a conversion and as far as I can tell the name isn't Trademarked, so there shouldn't be any issues. Hope you enjoy. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:39 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
July 04, 2017

Greetings and Salutations. Ten months without an update. Yikes! Know that I haven't forgotten about this site, even if I don't update it much anymore. I haven't created any new content to post here, but I am updating for two main reasons. First, I received an e-mail from Fred Wong asking me to update his Ashkelon material, which can be found in the Campaign Settings section. I do my best to honor all requests from submitters, so I'm doing that now rather than later. Secondly, as some of you may know the Nexus Nine site has shut down. This site contained a Rifter Index that many people loved and used often, myself included. In its absence, I will now be hosting that Rifter Index on my site. This can be found in the Reference Scrolls within the Setting Material section. I believe this will compliment the other lists such as the PF O.C.C. List, PF Race List, and the PF Skills List already on the site. I have plans to update the Rifter Index all the way up to the current issue, as well as make minor corrections for the purposes of accuracy. I'm still not motivated to do anything, but I'm at the point of pushing myself now and again to do something productive in the hopes it'll get some momentum going, so I'm not sure how soon I'll complete that task. That's all for now. Thank you for your continued support. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:46 pm
by zyanitevp
Prysus wrote:
Recent Changes
July 04, 2017

Greetings and Salutations. Ten months without an update. Yikes! Know that I haven't forgotten about this site, even if I don't update it much anymore. I haven't created any new content to post here, but I am updating for two main reasons. First, I received an e-mail from Fred Wong asking me to update his Ashkelon material, which can be found in the Campaign Settings section. I do my best to honor all requests from submitters, so I'm doing that now rather than later. Secondly, as some of you may know the Nexus Nine site has shut down. This site contained a Rifter Index that many people loved and used often, myself included. In its absence, I will now be hosting that Rifter Index on my site. This can be found in the Reference Scrolls within the Setting Material section. I believe this will compliment the other lists such as the PF O.C.C. List, PF Race List, and the PF Skills List already on the site. I have plans to update the Rifter Index all the way up to the current issue, as well as make minor corrections for the purposes of accuracy. I'm still not motivated to do anything, but I'm at the point of pushing myself now and again to do something productive in the hopes it'll get some momentum going, so I'm not sure how soon I'll complete that task. That's all for now. Thank you for your continued support. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Thanks again sir, for all that you do!!

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:53 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
August 07, 2017
Greetings and Salutations. I haven't added any new content this month, but a friend asked me to help spread the word that he's writing a "comedy sci-fi novella" titled: Alien Fiction. He is currently on Chapter 3 (the previous link will take you to the most recent chapter, so click here if you'd like to start at Chapter 1), and is being hosted over at Tapas. While the story isn't directly Palladium related, the author is a former Rifter contributer, having his Beyond the Supernatural article Court of the Tarot printed in Rifter #45 (same issue as my Of Bows & Arrows article). He also helped contribute and, at one point took over as editor, for the now cancelled Rifter 0.1 project. While he doesn't contribute much to Palladium directly these days, he still runs the Beyond the Supernatural RPG: Inspiration & Discussion page on Facebook. So if you think you might be interested, a fan of his work, want some more inspiration for Beyond the Supernatural, or any other reasons, head over and check out his story: Alien Fiction (repeated again since I rambled on a bit). Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 2:32 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
March 04, 2018

Last year was a rather slow year with only two updates. I won't bore you with the personal details, but let's just say I wasn't feeling very creative. Things are starting to get better though, and I've been working on new content recently and I hope the trend continues. This update includes a few notable additions.

To start, the Site Resources menu now has a Downloads page (can be found via the left side menu). The page only has two files right now, both Excel, but are designed to help assist you during your PF games. One is an Excel file called PF Master List. This includes a compilation of the O.C.C., Races, and Skill lists found on this site, now included so you can download it and review it without internet connection. The next major inclusion is the PF Character Sheet. Over the last couple of months, I've been creating and modifying an Excel file to work as a Character Sheet. There are plenty of other character sheets out there, so why make a new one and why should you use this one? Well, personal preference for one. I had wanted something useful to make standardized NPC on that I could easily upload to this site. More importantly than that though, I've worked on making it an aid in character creation. The Excel sheet can auto-calculate Exceptional Attribute bonuses, Lift/Carry (for Normal and Supernatural Strengths), Run Speeds and Fatigue rates, and more. While parts will require a bit more initial work, the sheet is designed to also auto-level up your character by recognizing when you've reached enough Experience Points to level up, and can auto-level up your skills at the same time. However, I've only tested this with a small group of people so far. As I release it to a larger audience, I may discover additional issues or improvements I hadn't realized or thought of before. I'm far from perfect, so if I can made any mistakes or can make any improvements let me know. Thanks.

Additional content includes 3 new NPC on the Characters/NPC page: C'Bien the 'Porter (a psychic O.C.C. from this site), Kaya the Conjurer, and Manan the Warrior Monk. These three were experiments to test out the new Character Sheet, as well as to flesh out some NPC for one of my campaigns. I've also included Hand to Hand: Chevalier (a.k.a. Knight Combat) to the Training Grounds page. This is a fighting style for the Knight O.C.C. to get more out of their equipment and skills. While I still have ideas for more Hand to Hand styles, I might put those on hold for a while as a rethink my approach to them. I've been thinking over some feedback about magic hand to hand styles, and I may have a new way to handle them. If it works, I'm likely to implement a similar method to the men at arms styles as well. So I'm not sure I want to make a bunch of new style only to change them a few months later. I'll continue to give this thought and will post an update when I make a decision.

Thank you for your time and continued support. I hope to be posting another update next month. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 4:05 pm
by zyanitevp
Happy to see you motivated again! Your site is a treasure trove of good stuff!

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:09 pm
by blade76
Great to see new content!! I mentioned it to you last year that I am very interested in new martial arts including more mystic martial arts like dragon sword, will you be creating more content, please do.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 7:44 pm
by Prysus
blade76 wrote:Great to see new content!! I mentioned it to you last year that I am very interested in new martial arts including more mystic martial arts like dragon sword, will you be creating more content, please do.

Greetings and Salutations. That is my ultimate goal, and I haven't forgotten you. ;)

I want to get back to my Hand to Hand forms once I finish my current major project. I had hoped to have it finished for next months update, but it's proving more work than I'd initially hoped, but it's coming out even better than my original plans. As a prelude ...

Last update I posted my new Excel based Character Sheet. What I'm doing now is making a NPC Sheet. This sheet will be only one race, but 3 different O.C.C. You'll be able to select from level 1 through 15, and stats and skills will automatically adjust. To further customize, there will also be some special abilities to select from (such as minor psionics). If you want to further customize the NPC, you can change the Hand to Hand as well as the main weapons for the character. Basically only one race, but lots of customization. The goal is for Game Masters who want to have a quick NPC at their disposal, but don't want to roll one up. Experienced Game Masters tend to have short cuts, but this could still be useful, especially for people newer to the system.

Anyways, just wanted to say I remember and intend to work on it soon (hopefully). Also to provide a small update. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:22 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. So looks like I finished that project on time (a little early actually) after all. Let me know what you think ...

Recent Changes
March 31, 2018

Greetings and Salutations. I would normally make my update tomorrow at the start of the month, but that would be on both Easter and April Fools' Day. As a result I decided either today or next week, but why make you wait a week? One of the Updates is a simple new NPC to the Characters/NPC page, Valla the Witch. This was in part for one of my games, as well as trying out a few things for my other update this month (continue reading for details).

The other update is an Excel based Palladium Fantasy NPC Sheet to the Downloads page. Well, what's the difference between the Character Sheet and the other NPC I make? A lot. This NPC Sheet will effectively be multiple quick NPC all-in-one. What I did was select a race to start. For my first sample, I decided on a Goblin. Then I decided on three O.C.C. In this case: Soldier, Thief, and Witch. Though I could've made more O.C.C. options, I decided upon three as a good variety while keeping the workload on me to a reasonable level. I also included some special abilities such as Minor Psionics, Cobbler abilities, and the Witch powers. This sheet will let you select a Goblin NPC that's any of the three above classes, with any of the powers, and then make that character anywhere from Level 1 all the way through Level 15. Skills and stats were selected by me, but will automatically level up for you. To further customize the character, you can upgrade the Hand to Hand, as well as changing Weapon and Armor types. Skills and bonuses will automatically adjust for you. While lacking some of the detail of my full character sheet, this should be a valuable asset to a Game Master short on time.

I've tested the NPC Sheet, and I believe it runs smoothly. I recently just added a few modifications to make it more user friendly (such as highlighting dropdown menus to make them easier to spot, and relocating some of the fields to make them easier to find for editing). Next month I intend to focus on the Orc with Mercenary, Assassin, and Priest of Darkness (Black Priest). Things may change as needed or upon strong feedback. Also, I'm not sure if this NPC Sheet may cross a line with Palladium. I feel the sheet should be acceptable and will be a useful tool for many Game Masters and Megaversal Ambassadors. Still, though not a Character Generator, there's always the possibility Palladium will feel I went too far, and ask me to take it down. If so, I will honor their wishes.

That's all for now. Thank you for your continued time and interest, and hope to see all of you next month. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 8:01 pm
by zyanitevp
The instructions for the sheet are easy to understand, and I look forward to trying the sheet out!

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:04 am
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. So earlier tonight I received a response from Palladium regarding my Character Sheet, and from the sound of things I'll likely be removing it and the NPC Sheet very soon ("soon" being based upon however long it takes Palladium to respond to my message). I may give up on the website entirely. While I won't divulge those details publicly, I'll say I'm just that level of frustrated over the specifics of the conversation (not in the general request itself). However, I try not to make rash decisions just because I'm angry. I'll see how I feel in a few days. If you have some content you want to grab from the site though (the Character Sheet and NPC sheets in particular), you may want to do so soon. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:57 am
by kiralon
That's sad when someone who has been helping out for years with various bits and pieces gets hit like this. Its almost like palladium doesn't want customers anymore, because even if they don't like it, web access for this sort of stuff is important, especially for new players who will only play off tablets and laptops and the like.
I have played pathfinder and dnd with people and all but me was using an electronic device of some sort to keep their character, and this sort of thing basically stops that, the chances of 5 different people wanting to make a spread sheet for their character to play this game, or just download one. Lets just say I couldn't convince any of them to play palladium (No PDF's of the latest books is probably the biggest thing though) but I guess making people not want to play your game is one way to get copy protection.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:46 pm
by Jack Burton
That is very sad to hear. One must question the wisdom of stifling the promotion of the game when Palladium needs ALL THE HELP IT CAN GET right now and you can't even find their books in stores. ANYWHERE. I understand them wanting to protect their intellectual property, like stopping people from reposting pirated PDFs or the like. That's just wrong. But holy cow. This is the first time I've seen firsthand the stories of Palladium's heavy-handedness in action. So... remind me... how does posting a fan-created character sheet hurt their company again? And how will it's removal and potential death of a wonderful (and desperately needed, in my opinion) fansite ran by a big supporter and all around good guy like Prysus help their business again? Anyone? Prysus' material may interfere with the slew of new stuff they've been cranking out for Palladium Fantasy recently. Oh, nevermind....

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:10 pm
by Whiskeyjack
Leave it to Palladium to continuously find new and exciting was to slit their own throat.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:29 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. To make sure it's clear, Palladium has not made any kind of request (at this time) for me to remove my website as a whole. I might personally decide to take it down on general principle.

I'm still frustrated by the situation, but will do my best to remain professional and try not to reveal more than I should.

For the Character Sheet, I can see a few reasons. Palladium wants you to buy their books, so a resource (such as a Character Generator) that could make buying their books unneeded. In my opinion, the Character Sheet didn't come close to crossing that line (the NPC Sheet may). However, if they felt it did, I'd have removed it without much complaint. It's their company and their right. I've never tried to suggest otherwise.

However, that was NOT the source of the complaint. I'll add at this time I asked for permission back in January (or maybe December). The message was read, but I recieved no response. I decided to not wait indefinitely and proceded as planned (well, a seriously toned downed version of what I actually wanted to do).

I recently received a response (my sheet not yet viewed by them) with an objection regarding an I.P. issue. "... not necessarily just Palladium's I.P.; since Excel is made by Microsoft, it could affect things as well."

I hesitated to post that information. Doing so may burn some bridges, but I feel it's a valid concern for anyone who thinks of posting content. That THIS was the reason is enough to make me want to walk away. So I'm going to give it a few days, see if they respond to my last message, and see how I feel after I've cooled down some. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:25 pm
by kiralon
Hopefully the bit about excel being MS IP is just an example, as you are allowed to sell things made with excel, there is a bit of a market for good templates already for example, but hopefully you won't walk away, as you have made many contributions to the palladium world and it will be poorer without you.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:10 pm
by Sir Dellis
kiralon wrote:Hopefully the bit about excel being MS IP is just an example, as you are allowed to sell things made with excel, there is a bit of a market for good templates already for example, but hopefully you won't walk away, as you have made many contributions to the palladium world and it will be poorer without you.

I totally agree with Kiralon. I enjoy your posts, have since I joined this community. I have even borrowed/adapted some of your ideas into my own PF campaigns.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 1:22 pm
by Prysus
Greetings and Salutations. So a small update now that I have received a response. I was told that the last one was effectively a quick message at the end of a very long day, and part of that message had accidentally been left off. From my reading of the more recent message, they'll look into the specifics and they'll get me an official answer (and by "official" I mean Palladium will allow it or not, NOT that this will become official in any way, shape, or form). At this point I think I'll remain in a holding pattern for a while awaiting a further answer, but I'm unlikely to walk away. I apologize for the drama.

kiralon wrote:Hopefully the bit about excel being MS IP is just an example, as you are allowed to sell things made with excel, there is a bit of a market for good templates already for example,

Which was kind of what bothered me so much (and anyone else I let read the message, who were all baffled by the reasoning). As stated above, the previous message had a part left off. So all it said was that if I distribute it online the I.P. issues listed above. However, not knowing off the top of the head after a very long day and going to look into it later? I get that.

Besides, when I first asked the question I had been a bit vague on the details and didn't even have a working sheet yet (almost 4 months ago). The fact the question happened now allowed me to provide a link to the Character Sheet and the NPC Sheets. This will give them a chance to make an informed decision. So we'll just have to wait and see.

kiralon wrote:but hopefully you won't walk away, as you have made many contributions to the palladium world and it will be poorer without you.
Sir Dellis wrote:I totally agree with Kiralon. I enjoy your posts, have since I joined this community. I have even borrowed/adapted some of your ideas into my own PF campaigns.

Well, I will say I'm unlikely to walk away at this point. However, after all this, I suppose I should put some of this into context.

I have been running my website in one form or another for about 18 years now (starting it in 2000, but I'm not sure I have records to confirm that's the year I started). I've spent literally thousands of dollars on the site over that time. That's not counting all the time and effort. I also try to do things the right way and honor Palladium's wishes. This means I don't post conversions (though it would be nice), and if something is borderline on their rules I try to ask for permission. My site is currently designed through Dreamweaver (made by Adobe) and published via Yahoo! web hosting (neither of which are a Palladium IP, obviously).

I've had four interactions with Palladium regarding my site over the years, and this is the third conflict I've had with Palladium. One about 14 years ago, one 4 years ago, and this one now (the non-conflict was about 3 years ago, at the POH2015, which was also the only one done in person). The conflicts tend to be baffling and/or (likely) uninformed. Then, of course, there's the various other problems I've had with Palladium (as I'm sure we've all had in one form or another). Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to help someone who refuses to be helped.

Full disclosure: About 3 years ago I went into a depression. My website updates tapered off as I accomplished less and less, and eventually led to almost no updates for over a year. Only in the last few months have I really started coming out of it. The first project I really became passionate about again was the Character Sheet. Maybe I'm more attached to it than I realized, because I can't tell you how hard this hit me. But I am willing to take the sheets down without conflict, if Palladium has a valid reason.

With all that said, every time I have a conflict with Palladium I tend to remind myself while helping them is nice, the reason I keep doing it is for the fans who enjoy the material. So as long as Palladium doesn't take steps to stop me, I'm likely to continue for those fans. The posts above helped remind me of why I kept doing this for so long, even though I've thought about giving up on the site so many times. So once again, apologies for all the drama. Thank you for all your patience and support, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:48 pm
by Whiskeyjack
I actually just downloaded the character sheets a couple of days ago and am in the process of making characters for my sons with it. It takes some getting used to for finding where things need to be entered, but it seems to work really slick. The only omission I've found so far is the lack of a spot for natural AR.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:04 pm
by Prysus
Whiskeyjack wrote:I actually just downloaded the character sheets a couple of days ago and am in the process of making characters for my sons with it. It takes some getting used to for finding where things need to be entered, but it seems to work really slick.

Greetings and Salutations. I'll agree it takes some getting used to, and I say this as the one who designed it. Most of the placement is trying to keep things together (like Saves and Combat stats), while also fitting into a spot on the sheet. I'm open to suggestions of how it might flow nicer though if anyone has ideas.

Whiskeyjack wrote:The only omission I've found so far is the lack of a spot for natural AR.

I believe in the design I had considered this, but didn't find enough races with Natural A.R. to make it a concern. I'm willing to try and make a spot though if enough people feel it will add value.

As an individual, I tend to include it in the Armor section (by Primary and Secondary weapons). Usually those with Natural Armor rely on that instead of man-made items. However, it's reasonable that some would use both. Another option would be to add it into the "Special Abilities" section (right below the Primary Equipment section). Again, if someone can find a good place to put it and/or there's enough call for it, I can make it work. I enjoy the feedback, and always looking for ways to make it more user friendly*.

* Well, within reason. I had wanted to include an O.C.C. drop down list, Racial drop down list, Skill drop down lists, and a full range of Experience Point tables that would recognize the O.C.C. and calculate for you. However, I felt that probably would've went over the line for Palladium, so I have to keep it within what I felt they'd allow.

This is, of course, considering how Palladium responds and if they allow me to keep the sheet on my site or not. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:38 am
by zyanitevp
kiralon wrote:That's sad when someone who has been helping out for years with various bits and pieces gets hit like this. Its almost like palladium doesn't want customers anymore, because even if they don't like it, web access for this sort of stuff is important, especially for new players who will only play off tablets and laptops and the like.
I have played pathfinder and dnd with people and all but me was using an electronic device of some sort to keep their character, and this sort of thing basically stops that, the chances of 5 different people wanting to make a spread sheet for their character to play this game, or just download one. Lets just say I couldn't convince any of them to play palladium (No PDF's of the latest books is probably the biggest thing though) but I guess making people not want to play your game is one way to get copy protection.

I play mostly online nowadays, so to not encourage online sites that expand on uses that could expand the fan base is inconceivable to me- especially with someone like you Prysus that has been such a positive fan!

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:40 am
by zyanitevp
Prysus wrote:
Greetings and Salutations. So a small update now that I have received a response. I was told that the last one was effectively a quick message at the end of a very long day, and part of that message had accidentally been left off. From my reading of the more recent message, they'll look into the specifics and they'll get me an official answer (and by "official" I mean Palladium will allow it or not, NOT that this will become official in any way, shape, or form). At this point I think I'll remain in a holding pattern for a while awaiting a further answer, but I'm unlikely to walk away. I apologize for the drama.

kiralon wrote:Hopefully the bit about excel being MS IP is just an example, as you are allowed to sell things made with excel, there is a bit of a market for good templates already for example,

Which was kind of what bothered me so much (and anyone else I let read the message, who were all baffled by the reasoning). As stated above, the previous message had a part left off. So all it said was that if I distribute it online the I.P. issues listed above. However, not knowing off the top of the head after a very long day and going to look into it later? I get that.

Besides, when I first asked the question I had been a bit vague on the details and didn't even have a working sheet yet (almost 4 months ago). The fact the question happened now allowed me to provide a link to the Character Sheet and the NPC Sheets. This will give them a chance to make an informed decision. So we'll just have to wait and see.

kiralon wrote:but hopefully you won't walk away, as you have made many contributions to the palladium world and it will be poorer without you.
Sir Dellis wrote:I totally agree with Kiralon. I enjoy your posts, have since I joined this community. I have even borrowed/adapted some of your ideas into my own PF campaigns.

Well, I will say I'm unlikely to walk away at this point. However, after all this, I suppose I should put some of this into context.

I have been running my website in one form or another for about 18 years now (starting it in 2000, but I'm not sure I have records to confirm that's the year I started). I've spent literally thousands of dollars on the site over that time. That's not counting all the time and effort. I also try to do things the right way and honor Palladium's wishes. This means I don't post conversions (though it would be nice), and if something is borderline on their rules I try to ask for permission. My site is currently designed through Dreamweaver (made by Adobe) and published via Yahoo! web hosting (neither of which are a Palladium IP, obviously).

I've had four interactions with Palladium regarding my site over the years, and this is the third conflict I've had with Palladium. One about 14 years ago, one 4 years ago, and this one now (the non-conflict was about 3 years ago, at the POH2015, which was also the only one done in person). The conflicts tend to be baffling and/or (likely) uninformed. Then, of course, there's the various other problems I've had with Palladium (as I'm sure we've all had in one form or another). Sometimes I feel like I'm trying to help someone who refuses to be helped.

Full disclosure: About 3 years ago I went into a depression. My website updates tapered off as I accomplished less and less, and eventually led to almost no updates for over a year. Only in the last few months have I really started coming out of it. The first project I really became passionate about again was the Character Sheet. Maybe I'm more attached to it than I realized, because I can't tell you how hard this hit me. But I am willing to take the sheets down without conflict, if Palladium has a valid reason.

With all that said, every time I have a conflict with Palladium I tend to remind myself while helping them is nice, the reason I keep doing it is for the fans who enjoy the material. So as long as Palladium doesn't take steps to stop me, I'm likely to continue for those fans. The posts above helped remind me of why I kept doing this for so long, even though I've thought about giving up on the site so many times. So once again, apologies for all the drama. Thank you for all your patience and support, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys to all.

You have every right to be upset- I hope they respond positively! You deserve it.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 2:32 pm
by Kargan3033
Nicely done, your site is well thought out, well designed and easy to navigate as well as having a wealth of materiel, I like your take on the Dark Elf race trope I hat is off to you and those that have contributed to your site.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:44 pm
by Whiskeyjack
So, I've completed two characters on the spread sheet. I'm definitely liking it.
Here are a couple of other things I've noticed.
ISP doesn't calculate for you, you have to manually enter it. I may have screwed this up typing stuff where I wasn't supposed to though.
Where the primary Combat Equipment section is, I think it would be better to have it listed as a WP area. So instead of right hand/left hand, just allow space for 5 WPs for people to have all their combat stats up front.
Similarly, the Armour secion of it could be expanded to say three lines to allow for natural, a suit, as well as a shield. That would make it easy to keep track of the damage on each.
This might mean the equipment section needs to be reduced by a few lines, but I think there is plenty of space there.

All in all, I think you did an incredible job on the sheet. None of the issues I ran into would be a deal breaker for me to not use it, as they are easy enough to work around with the note sections.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:03 pm
by zyanitevp
Whiskeyjack wrote:So, I've completed two characters on the spread sheet. I'm definitely liking it.
Here are a couple of other things I've noticed.
ISP doesn't calculate for you, you have to manually enter it. I may have screwed this up typing stuff where I wasn't supposed to though.
Where the primary Combat Equipment section is, I think it would be better to have it listed as a WP area. So instead of right hand/left hand, just allow space for 5 WPs for people to have all their combat stats up front.
Similarly, the Armour secion of it could be expanded to say three lines to allow for natural, a suit, as well as a shield. That would make it easy to keep track of the damage on each.
This might mean the equipment section needs to be reduced by a few lines, but I think there is plenty of space there.

All in all, I think you did an incredible job on the sheet. None of the issues I ran into would be a deal breaker for me to not use it, as they are easy enough to work around with the note sections.

I have not tried ISP yet, so I can't speak to that, but I agree with the rest of the suggestions.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:44 pm
by Prysus
Whiskeyjack wrote:So, I've completed two characters on the spread sheet. I'm definitely liking it.
Here are a couple of other things I've noticed.

Greetings and Salutations. Well, I'm glad you're liking it. Due to the previous topic a little higher up, I don't intend to touch the Character Sheet (or any NPC Sheet) for probably at least another month. That'll give time for the Open House rush to settle and see if Palladium does get back to me, as well as give me plenty of time to consider options (including potential changes).

I will respond to the rest of the comments with my viewpoint. This is not to argue. My goal is to provide ideas you may not have considered, and/or if I'm missing the point (quite possible) to hopefully find clarification in further discussion. A lot of the time I just have trouble understanding what other people are trying to say, though I am genuinely trying.

Whiskeyjack wrote:ISP doesn't calculate for you, you have to manually enter it. I may have screwed this up typing stuff where I wasn't supposed to though.

Which sheet are you looking at?

I ask, because I just checked the copy I use in my account, and it works fine. I'll note, I did not download a copy from my site, so it's possible I uploaded a faulty (or outdated) copy, but I don't think that's the case. A quick walkthrough.

1. As I.S.P. is only if you're a Psionic (and only 25% of some races are, and 0% of some other races are), it's not on the main page as a default.
2. The place you would enter it is on the "Worktable" sheet. This is located below the "Save vs." table. A placed this a bit further down since not everyone will use it, and I don't think there's any consistent formula for how I.S.P. is calculated (so you kind of have to do it on a case-by-case basis). The final cell for I.S.P. should be locked, as it's the total. If you've unlocked the page and deleted this formula, you can either download a fresh copy or enter "=SUM(C45:G45)" into the field (no quotation marks).
3. I.S.P. is again calculated on the "Magic & Psionics" sheet. This value should be calculated from the Worktable, and displayed in the "Base" cell. If you've deleted the formula next to Base, then you can fix it by entering "=total_isp" (no quotation marks).
4. "Remaining" I.S.P. is calculated by using your Base subtracted from "Used" (you have to keep track of that part manually, as it represents how much I.S.P. you've already used on your various psionics). If the formula for Remaining is missing, you may enter "=K4-N4" to fix it (no quotation marks).

If you mean something else, then I believe I've missed it. Please let me know.

Whiskeyjack wrote:Where the primary Combat Equipment section is, I think it would be better to have it listed as a WP area. So instead of right hand/left hand, just allow space for 5 WPs for people to have all their combat stats up front.

I agree with having all your W.P. upfront. Which is why in my sample NPC (not the NPC Sheet, as that's a bit different, but those I've uploaded using the Character Sheet format) I include the W.P. in the regular Skills section. So, for example, for Level 4 W.P. Sword, I'd type "W.P. Sword (+2s, +2p, +1t)." I describe this method in the Instructions tab, under #3. W.P., because of the way I decided to do them in an attempt to avoid conflict with Palladium, have to be done manually anyways. Even at level 15, with the NPC I made so far I haven't run into a space issue yet doing the W.P. this way. Note: I have a method that would auto-calculate your W.P. bonuses too, but I figured Palladium would frown on too much information so I avoided it in the general Character Sheet (but a version can be found in my NPC Sheet).

Now, as an individual, I also like all my bonuses in one place. This is actually the reason I created the Right and Left hand sections (I've renamed them "Primary" and "Secondary/Alt" in my versions of both the Character Sheet and NPC Sheet, but I'm not sure if I've uploaded that version to the site). When I fill those fields, the Strike, Parry, Damage, and other Fields are the total result of all my bonuses. So, it adds the Strike bonus from Hand to Hand, high P.P., W.P., as well as any weapon specific bonuses. So, if for example, I have a +1 Strike/Parry Kobold sword, and I'm a level 4 knight, the bonus would probably look something like: Claymore, Strike +5, Parry +6. This is my W.P. and Hand to Hand Expert added together with the Weapon bonuses.

In my experience, most players will have a favorite weapon, and even a back-up weapon (or two weapons if using Paired Weapons). So this field was to let them see at a glance their TOTAL bonus. As a player (as well as a G.M.), I dislike having to look at three or four different sections of my character sheet to do the math. By having one spot for them to be added up all together, any time I use my favorite or secondary weapon, I know what my bonuses are by looking at that one field.

If you're using the fields differently, consider the method I mentioned above. If you've tried that method and think it's poorly executed, I'm okay with that too. Maybe we can figure out a way to help make it better. If I'm entirely missing the point, again, let me know. However, that's my hesitation to getting rid of the Primary Equipment section. However, I made this sheet for others, and if this method/section only works well for me then maybe this space could be better used.

Note: In my NPC Sheet, this section is streamlined so you don't have to do any work at all. But in the Character Sheet, because of the compromises I made in an effort to avoid stepping on Palladium's toes, it's not as fluid.

Whiskeyjack wrote:Similarly, the Armour secion of it could be expanded to say three lines to allow for natural, a suit, as well as a shield. That would make it easy to keep track of the damage on each.
This might mean the equipment section needs to be reduced by a few lines, but I think there is plenty of space there.

First, I classify a Shield a weapon (it has a W.P. after all), not armor. Setting that aside ...

I could, in theory, add the Armor section as well as the W.P. as you requested above. However, I think we have different opinions of how much room that'll take. To do that, I'd need to delete some of the Notes from the first page. I kind of like having it there, because I sometimes like using a single page character and I like including a few notes, but this isn't a deal breaker for me either. Replacing a few (or all) of the Notes lines from Page 1 is something I think is workable.

To clarify, by "need," what I mean is that my design of the Character Sheet is to fit on one to two pages (two to four if you're using Magic/Psionics). Basically, the front and back of a page. I generally consider Page 2 of the main Character Sheet as "Optional." Now, I did realize that on a different computer the pages are off alignment as well, so I'm not sure how it appears on yours, nor am I sure how to make this consistent for everyone.

For additional equipment (beyond the Primary Combat Equipment), I'd (as an individual) just include it in the Equipment section on Page 2. I contemplated making a "Combat" worksheet, where things like W.P., Primary Equipment, extra weapons and extra armor, special combat moves, etc. could all be found. Because including everything for combat actually takes up a lot of room. I had decided against it, but do you think that's something worth reconsidering? Or do you think one of the above solutions (or even a new one) will work better?

Whiskeyjack wrote:All in all, I think you did an incredible job on the sheet. None of the issues I ran into would be a deal breaker for me to not use it, as they are easy enough to work around with the note sections.

I'm glad you're enjoying and that none of the issues are deal breakers. With that said, I'm still giving thought to how to make everything work. If some of my reasoning has flaws or other problems, please let me know. Again, I'm looking for open discussion. Thank you for your time and input, please have a nice day. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 11:19 am
by Whiskeyjack
I finally had a chance to look over the sheets again. I somehow screwed up the ISP field in one of the characters. It calculates correctly in the others and the original sheet.
I'm going to go over the other points you made, but my wife is dragging me out to clean up the yard and do a dump run right now. :(

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:54 pm
by Prysus
Recent Changes
August 10, 2018

Greetings and Salutations once again. I haven't updated in three months and a half months. As some of you may know, I had a small conflict with Palladium regarding some of my recent content (mainly the Character and NPC Sheets). I took a small break afterwards to allow time for futher discussion as well as I just needed a break after that. Even during the intermission though, I still worked on a few Palladium files. So I'm uploading the NPC Sheets for Orcs (Mercenary, Assassin, and Vagabond/Farmer O.C.C. options), Dwarves (Soldier, Warrior Monk, and Blacksmith O.C.C. options), and Vampires (Master, Secondary, and Wild options). For the Orc Farmer, I decided to allow Botany as an O.C.C. Related skill since it's the skill Palladium describes as the ability to farm. With the Vampires, I also had to make quite a few judgment calls (and not a project I'd care to repeat).

During that downtime I also worked on some non-Palladium projects, including a D&D 3.5 monster sheet for a friend that included hundreds of monsters, multiple classes, and multiple feats in a similar manner to the NPC sheets (only not limited by the concerns of copyright since it was for his personal use only). I must say, it was a lot of fun and I was able to flex and test my Excel skills in a way I'm not allowed to do with Palladium. However, I have realized something I can do differently. So I'm going to ask you, the fans, on how you'd like me to proceed.

Option 1: I can continue making NPC sheets as I have been doing. So one for Orcs, one for Goblins, one for various other races. Each sheet will have 3 O.C.C. options. This will be quick and easy to navigate. I can put out one or two of these a month without much difficulty.

Option 2: I can put a pause on the NPC sheets and rework the file. This would allow me to put multiple races in one file, as well as many more O.C.C. For the time being, options will remain limited to non-magic and non-psychic classes. However, this would allow you to select an Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Goblin, Ogre, Troll, Wolfen, etc. from a drop down list, and then select an O.C.C. (primarily Men at Arms, as well as some "Optional" classes), then your special abilities, similar to how it's done now. Basically, similar to what I've done now, but a lot more options all in one file. The problem is, this will take some time to set up, and I'm sure I'll run into complications along the way. We're talking probably another couple of months (or more) just setting up the framework. Also, by increasing the options, the drop down menus will become longer and there some of the other customizations may become slightly clunkier as well (not super complicated, but more than just a few mouse clicks that it is now).

So I'm asking your opinions. I will take no response as a lack of interest, and if there's little interest I will stop doing the NPC sheets. So if you find them useful, please let me know your thoughts. Thank you. Farewell and safe journeys for now.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:54 pm
by kiralon
I think having the whole kit in one sheet would be best. Setup NPC, copy/paste npc into encounter booklet. Would make for quick setup of npc group encounters without having to use multiple sheets looking through things, which is pretty much what we have now with having to look through multiple books for stuff. Would be a lot of work though.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:03 pm
by Whiskeyjack
Personally I would prefer option 2. It would make it easier from a game perspective.
I'm still loving your character sheet. I've found it helpful in eliminating errors and It's also fun to use.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:45 am
by Father Goose
I'm in favor of Option #2, personally, as I feel it will ultimately be of the greatest value.
As an aside, your site was one of the first resources I found when I began to investigate and invest in Palladium games a few months ago and I have greatly appreciated being able to reference it for a variety of purposes. So thank you for all that you do to support the game and the fans.

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:55 pm
by Prysus
kiralon wrote:I think having the whole kit in one sheet would be best. Setup NPC, copy/paste npc into encounter booklet.
Whiskeyjack wrote:Personally I would prefer option 2. It would make it easier from a game perspective.

Greetings and Salutations. I've noted both of your preferences. I haven't received any other replies yet, so I'm wondering how useful the NPC sheets are, but I'm likely to work on the sheets anyways because I like having a project.

kiralon wrote:Would make for quick setup of npc group encounters without having to use multiple sheets looking through things, which is pretty much what we have now with having to look through multiple books for stuff.

That was ... kind of profound. Comparing it to the current Palladium system is good, because making it more streamlined than the current system was my initial intent. I hadn't thought of it like that before, but I'm glad you pointed it out.

kiralon wrote:Would be a lot of work though.

Yes, but I wouldn't do it all at once. My intent, if I go that route (and right now with 2 votes for and none the other way, likely what I'll do), is to setup the format. This will require some modifications to my current setup, but I can still use the same basic setup. So I figure a month or two (maybe more, maybe less, all depending on my motivation). Then I'd just carry over the races I've already done (so Orc, Goblin, Dwarf), and the O.C.C. (Mercenary, Soldier, Thief, Assassin, Warrior Monk, Blacksmith ... maybe the Witch, I'll have to see how I have it setup). Then release it. This wouldn't be complete, but still usable. Because I've already done that work, it wouldn't be hard to just transfer it over.

Then every month after I could add to it. So next month I'd add in Elf and Trolls, as well as Knights and Rangers (as examples). The month after that Kobolds and Wolfen, as well as Long Bowman and Scholar. People can use what I've already done, but they can always download the new version (replacing the old one) to get the added content. So a lot of work, but can be spread out over time while still letting people benefit from the work I've already done.

Whiskeyjack wrote:I'm still loving your character sheet. I've found it helpful in eliminating errors and It's also fun to use.

Glad you're enjoying it. I've still been debating about adding in a Combat Sheet (optional). I did some preliminary work on it already. The sheet would focus on combat, and let you do a lot more of your gear and special moves. However, because I'd want it to be optional, it'll still be tied to the main sheet so if you want the more basics you don't have to use it. The main delay is that I haven't been very motivated to work on Palladium projects as of late.

I've also been debating whether or not I should do this update BEFORE working more on the NPC Sheet. The Combat Sheet may have benefits to the NPC Sheet depending on how I work it. Mainly, factoring in things like punch/unarmed strike. I have to give the logistics a bit more thought. I'm not likely to work on either sheet until closer to September, but have been brainstorming. I'm also still open to ideas, which is why I share my current thoughts. Anyways, that's all for now. Thanks for your time and interest. Farewell and safe journeys to all. :)

Re: Living the Fantasy (fan site)

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2018 8:04 pm
by Whiskeyjack
The combat sheet would be awesome.
I thought my excell skills were pretty decent, but your grasp of the program is phenomenal.