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Old Chicago

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 8:29 pm
by Crow Splat
Other than the blurb in RUE, is there any more information about Old Chicago?

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Sun May 24, 2015 10:27 pm
by glitterboy2098
nothing direct.

it's a bunch of ruins the CS patrols frequently. there is a major Ley Line Nexus there so they frequently are dealing with monsters and such.

back before the CS formed, it was the site where the original Federation of magic had it's capitol/HQ.. the CS formed as a result of a war between the city of Chi-town and the FoM back then (a century before the current timeframe)

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 7:26 am
by Crow Splat
Is the part about the FoM in the FoM book?

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 4:17 am
by boxee
I think this would be a great place for all kinds of adventures.

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 10:06 am
by Library Ogre
I consider it to be someplace the CS mines for materials and info. It's mostly done through semi-private corporations, with significant government ownership and a large number of ex-soldiers. Send folks in with vibro-saws or laser cutters, remove huge chunks of megacrete and rebar, and take them back to Chi-town for reprocessing. Valuable data found is sold to the government (at the government's prices, but still worth it).

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 12:36 pm
by Alrik Vas
Did a pretty fun adventure there once, special ops squad has to guard a rift science team and their experimental gizmo that supposedly can close a rift while they test it.

Things get messy, turns out the scientists had been dabbling in magic which is how they had performed this "miracle of technology", bad stuff after that.

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 3:54 pm
by boxee
Sounds like a fun game.

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 5:01 pm
by Alrik Vas
Yeah, funner to play in than run, admittedly. haha

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:17 am
by talmor's, what, a megadungeon?

Huh, magic intense ruins pumping out new monsters on a daily basis. The government has shut it down, and does just enough to contain the threat without ever ending it. Getting in and out is difficult (probably easier in than out), but it is full of both treasure from the ancient fallen empire that everyone wants, as well as the remains of a powerful magic empire.

Yup, that's where you do dungeon crawling in Rifts.


Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:37 am
by eliakon
talmor's, what, a megadungeon?

Huh, magic intense ruins pumping out new monsters on a daily basis. The government has shut it down, and does just enough to contain the threat without ever ending it. Getting in and out is difficult (probably easier in than out), but it is full of both treasure from the ancient fallen empire that everyone wants, as well as the remains of a powerful magic empire.

Yup, that's where you do dungeon crawling in Rifts.

^this^ :bandit:

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 2:17 pm
by Crow Splat
talmor's, what, a megadungeon?

Huh, magic intense ruins pumping out new monsters on a daily basis. The government has shut it down, and does just enough to contain the threat without ever ending it. Getting in and out is difficult (probably easier in than out), but it is full of both treasure from the ancient fallen empire that everyone wants, as well as the remains of a powerful magic empire.

Yup, that's where you do dungeon crawling in Rifts.


After re-reading Federation of Magic, I would think you would be more likely to find pre-rifts tech than magic items. Nostrous Dunscon had his city set up on the ruins for quite a while so I would think they would have worked over the ruins for pre-rifts magic items pretty well.

There might be some stuff left, but I think all the really good stuff would have been hauled off by survivors. One item that comes to mind is the magic katana from Japan. I doubt something like that sat in the ruins of Chicago the whole time the Federation was in town and nobody found it. And surely a pre-rifts rune weapon would be valuable enough to get picked up on the way out by someone.

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 2:27 pm
by Alrik Vas
I think that you could have a rumor about magical artifacts appearing there from the many Rifts and that itself could be the attraction. "yeah, true, them finger-wigglin' boys took all them magi-dos with'm when they left all that long time ago...but I hear tell that a rift plum dropped a better, scarier copy of the same darn treasure right into the ruins! I'ma find it, son, an' you comin' with me."

because Rifts.

Re: Old Chicago

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 5:13 pm
by glitterboy2098
Crow Splat wrote:
talmor's, what, a megadungeon?

Huh, magic intense ruins pumping out new monsters on a daily basis. The government has shut it down, and does just enough to contain the threat without ever ending it. Getting in and out is difficult (probably easier in than out), but it is full of both treasure from the ancient fallen empire that everyone wants, as well as the remains of a powerful magic empire.

Yup, that's where you do dungeon crawling in Rifts.


After re-reading Federation of Magic, I would think you would be more likely to find pre-rifts tech than magic items. Nostrous Dunscon had his city set up on the ruins for quite a while so I would think they would have worked over the ruins for pre-rifts magic items pretty well.

There might be some stuff left, but I think all the really good stuff would have been hauled off by survivors. One item that comes to mind is the magic katana from Japan. I doubt something like that sat in the ruins of Chicago the whole time the Federation was in town and nobody found it. And surely a pre-rifts rune weapon would be valuable enough to get picked up on the way out by someone.

on the other hand, the FoM might have lost some artifacts there during the end of the war, and you might be able to find some early generation TW gear as well. after all, it would make sense the FoM would try to use their magical artifacts and devices to hold off the early CS while they evacuated, and such fighting is likely to have resulted in some of those being lost in the ruins.