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The long weekend

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:44 pm
by Kevin
The long weekend

It has been a somewhat strange holiday weekend for me.

In the days immediately after the Open House, Wayne and I had what seemed like a zillion things to address before he left on vacation Friday afternoon, and would be out of contact for the following week. I’m looking at the list of things that needed to get done, and there were 21 of them. We checked off 20. Wow. And not just simple things either. We had to add 19 new products that debuted at the Open House into the store, write their descriptions, write the Weekly Update, create a couple of advertisements, take care of some Gen Con things, and a bunch of other stuff. It was crazy.

I must have been riding on an adrenaline high, because I was putting in 14-16 hours a day, Tuesday through Friday and feeling strong. But boy did I crash this weekend. I was really dragging at times and felt completely wiped out on Sunday. Slept in and even fell asleep a few times while watching TV. Hope Wayne fared better. I'd hate for him to sleep through the first couple days of his vacation.

That said, my creative juices have been flowing. So much so, that I put aside some of my planned workload to spend time writing creatively. I did some work on Rifts®, Robotech® and Beyond the Supernatural that I’m very happy with. That meant working more hours than I intended (put in a full day today), but it feels worthwhile.

Like I said at the Open House, all the energy and warm regards at the POH recharge my batteries and inspires me like crazy. So thank you for that. I’m sure seeing Mad Max: Fury Road didn’t hurt either. What an adrenaline ride of a movie. And so well done. I think it beats out Marvel’s The Avengers: Age of Ultron as my favorite film of the year, so far. If you are a fan of The Road Warrior like I am, you will love Fury Road. Go see it. You won’t be sorry. The friend I saw it with feels the same way.

I hope those of you in the USA enjoyed a pleasant Memorial Day, long weekend. And found mostly fond memories of the military servicemen we have lost in our lives.

Now it's back to the 'ol grind. I’ll be writing up and posting my Open House Report in a number of Murmurs from the Megaverse® every day. My thanks to everyone who came to the Open House and made it such a wonderful experience. We love you guys.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

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