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Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:09 am
by talmor
It's been a while since I've run a Palladium game (last one was a HU2 about a year ago or so), and I've been thinking of picking Rifts for my next game (currently running Pendragon, so I have a bit of time). The last time I started prepping a Rifts game (which fell apart due to real life issues) I was frustrated by the lack of "monsters" or "generic/typical foes." I ended up creating a bunch of generic place holder NPCs, and it's something I'd like to go a bit further with.

Anyway, I would like to put together a website or a PDF (or, heck, just list them here) with what I come up with. I really just want a "quick stat block" type thing--Type, Attributes, HTH style, # of attacks, combat bonuses, weapons (with bonuses, if any) and damage, HP/SDC/MDC, special skills (I doubt it'd be more than 2 or 3 for these characters), and any special abilities or gear.

First off, is this allowed under the Palladium Internet Policy. As I read it, sure seems so--and plenty of people put out their own OCC and gear, but this would be a derived work, so I want to make sure.

Secondly, has this been done? I've seen some packets of full NPC's (like the Megaversial Ambassador), but never a collection of "quick" types. I'm incredibly lazy and would hate to reinvent a wheel already forged.

Finally, It has been a while since I've run Rifts--the only Palladium games I've run in the past 5 years are Heroes Unlimited and Palladium Fantasy. If I post some of my work here, will people be willing to check my math?

Oh, and I apologize in advance if this has already been done or has been discussed to death.

Re: Pre-gens

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 11:29 am
by Bill
My files have been available from the link on my signature for several years. I think you're in the clear as long as you're not reproducing copyrighted material or attempting to profit in some way.

I use a lot of abridged NPCs in combat, but I haven't shared any of them yet. Pretty much all of the characters I've shared are fully realized. I do have a set of NPCs in a format similar to what you're describing that I will be sharing after my convention games, at the end of June, though.

I won't check your math, but I will skim your stuff for glaring errors or omissions.