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Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:39 pm
by Cyber-Knight
Ok, let's say you were trying to create the most powerful Demigod (from Conversion Book 2: Pantheons of the Megaverse) with the Immortal (Godling) Power Category (from Powers Unlimited 2) that you could dream up. What powers would you give that character? Your options are:

- 1 Godling power
- 1 Mega-Hero power OR 1 Major power
- 3 Major powers
- 1 Minor power

What would you choose for each of those slots and why?

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:06 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
My 1st thought is that they are incompatible, and uncombine-able. In other words it is a binary solution set, ether one or the other.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:13 pm
by Cyber-Knight
Demigods can choose a Heroes Unlimited Power Category, unless it's a Full conversion cyborg, robot, alien, magic, or mutant animal, so there's nothing explicitly preventing the combo.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:30 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
Rifts DG's can not take bionics nor cybernetics. Their Bio-regen would eject said items.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 8:38 pm
by Cyber-Knight
Are there any Major or Minor powers which assume bionics or cybernetics? :?: I'm talking about the super powers on pages 228-296 of Heroes Unlimited, Conversion Book 1, and so on.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:17 pm
by Tor
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Rifts DG's can not take bionics nor cybernetics. Their Bio-regen would eject said items.

They heal faster than Brodkl so I have no issue with that balance or concept-wise, but am curious if we can find a being with equivalent or slower healing who explicitly can't take them.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:19 pm
by eliakon
Cyber-Knight wrote:Demigods can choose a Heroes Unlimited Power Category, unless it's a Full conversion cyborg, robot, alien, magic, or mutant animal, so there's nothing explicitly preventing the combo.

I would say that the "No Aliens or Mutant Animals" restrictions sets the precedent that you can not take a Power Category that requires you to take a race (like Immortal (Godling))
You are free of course to do things differently in your game if you like of course.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:46 pm
by Cyber-Knight
It's not an explicit limit. And personally, I view that Power Category as a perfect fit, as it can serve as an evolution of the Demigod race. Not all Demigods, after all, are equal. Just look at Greek myth, where some demigods are just exceptional human beings, while others are like Hercules. Some Demigods are more exceptional than others, and the Immortal Power Category is a great way to illustrate that, particularly if the non-god parent is something other than a god or human, so you can represent a god mating with some other kind of being.

The thread isn't about whether it's a valid combination or not under the rules, though, but my curiosity in seeing what kind of power combos people can come up with it to make it as nasty as possible. I've already posted my ideas for a character I've come up with elsewhere which are suboptimal because I chose them for story reasons (Ectoplasmic Armor rather than Invulnerability, Mega-Wings rather than Sonic Flight, etc.), but I wanted to see how people could optimize such a character if they set their minds to it.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:51 pm
by eliakon
Cyber-Knight wrote:It's not an explicit limit. And personally, I view that Power Category as a perfect fit, as it can serve as an evolution of the Demigod race. Not all Demigods, after all, are equal. Just look at Greek myth, where some demigods are just exceptional human beings, while others are like Hercules. Some Demigods are more exceptional than others, and the Immortal Power Category is a great way to illustrate that, particularly if the non-god parent is something other than a god or human, so you can represent a god mating with some other kind of being.

The thread isn't about whether it's a valid combination or not under the rules, though, but my curiosity in seeing what kind of power combos people can come up with it to make it as nasty as possible. I've already posted my ideas for a character I've come up with elsewhere which are suboptimal because I chose them for story reasons (Ectoplasmic Armor rather than Invulnerability, Mega-Wings rather than Sonic Flight, etc.), but I wanted to see how people could optimize such a character if they set their minds to it.

You want crazy powerful combos...
Karmic Power, Zombie Flesh, Invulnerability, Heightened Sense of Awareness
Mega Power of Immortality
You are immune to virtually all damage, have insanely high saves, autododge, and get to ignore all bonuses.
Sure you have to be good but that's a small price to pay for deific level power.
For your 'gift' take magic (because all normal spells of your level is insanely powerful)

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:59 pm
by Tor
and then a CS guy with Negate Super Powers shows up

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:01 pm
by say652
using heroes unlimited 2.

Major powers.
Multiple lives.
Natural combat Ability.
Sonic speed.

Minor Power.
Extraordinary Physical Prowess.

A Teleporting speedster that can use any weapon has supernatural strength and comes back from the dead.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:41 pm
by flatline
What kind of campaign?

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:17 pm
by Cyber-Knight
None, as I'm not playing in one currently. I was just curious to see what kind of potentially powerful combinations of powers people could come up with, as I'm sure there're a lot of people here who're much more creative than me and could come up with pretty powerful combos that I probably wouldn't think of.

Oh, and Mega-Hero Immortality comes standard. They have the choice of one OTHER Mega-Hero Power in addition or a Major Power.

Re: Most powerful power combo for Demigod Immortal (Godling)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:12 am
by say652
Demi Gods out of the pantheon book.

Demigod Phase Mystic
Pantheon Power Earth& Fire Warlock.

With no super powers this thing can get crazy powerful after 8th level.
With the vague rules on Transfer essence you could Technically with proper preparation become a Battle Ram, so a giant space traveling Robot with Phase powers and awesome elemental magic on top of the Giant Robot body with weapon systems, add in a few techno wizard upgrades and maybe a couple gizmos for those psionics you lack and Boom.
One of the nastiest power houses in the megaverse. Also it would be fun to roleplay the inanities as you fail the checks. Lol