From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

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From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

It took many ... many years for Robotech fans that spanned atleast almost 15 years to finally have a closure to the elusive VFX-4 / YF-4 within RT-verse.

For a while, back in late 1990s, Dave Dietrich started included the VF-4G Lightning III entry into his Macross / Robotech RPG campaigns at, and followed suit by Pete Walker & his posse added the VF-4G Lightning III entry to their infamous Unofficial Robotech Reference Guide. The very mecha burns into the collective brains of RT fans.

But one still wonders, does VF-4 Lightning is ever part of Robotech-verse, eventhough fans especially the RT RPG community lapped it up for their long running RT RPG gaming for years?

VFX-4 / YF-4:

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

From both the SDF: Macross animation and RT: Macross Saga series, fans do not really taken any notice of the little toy plane that Rick play in his room. It seems, there never seems any continuation for that little toy plane in Robotech-verse in 1980s to 1990s, but that little toy plane is slowly branching out its own line of mecha evolution in Macross franchise.

The VF-X-4 as it is identified in the Macross OSM, became the base model for which the awesome VF-4 Lightning III come into being.

VF-X-4 Fighter mode:

VF-X-4 Gerwalk mode:

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

As Macross Flashback 2012 OAV made its debut in 1987, the Japanese fans had the opportunity of lapping up the gorgeously detailed of VF-4 Lightning, the successor of VF-X-4 escorting the SDF-2 Megaroad journey to the stars.

VF-4 Lightning scene

VF-4 Lightning escorting SDF-2 Megaroad

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

But no one really know how the Battloid and Gerwalk (aka Guardian) modes looks like for the VF-4 Lightning, because at the time in late 1980s, Shoji Kawamori (lead mecha designer in Macross) never did quite designed the aforementioned modes for the mecha, despite stating it is transformable.

At the time, Macross fans only had their imaginations .... based on several linearts of VF-4 from Macross OSM.

VF-4 Lightning illustration on a hobby kit

VF-4 Lightning entry in Macross OSM (no Battloid mode illustration at that time)

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Then in 1992, a turn-based strategy game based on the Macross anime was released only in Japan for the PC Engine Super CD, known as Macross: Eternal Love Song, a sequel to Macross 2036 PC game. The interesting thing is, VF-4 is making an appearance but simply known as VF-4SP/ST Siren.

Yep .... finally we've the elusive VF-4 Siren (yeah, I know) battloid mode design ... unfortunately, it was not part of Macross official continuity ... because the hory-froating-head Kawamori never did designed the battloid modes, and the Super / Strike Pack for the VF-4 Siren.

Actually, no linearts for the VF-4 Siren can be traced whatsoever. What we have are crappy screenshots ... really ..

VF-4 Siren screenshots from Macross Eternal Love Song:

VF-4 Siren

VF-4 Siren with Strike / Super Pack

VF-4 Siren Battloid Mode

Reference: ... _love.html

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Well, this is where Macross fans filled in. In recent years, using scant resources they've on Macross ELS in-game footages and raw creative talent (with sharp eyes too), and sketches of VF-4 linearts from the OSM, the rendering of VF-4 Siren finally come to light. Mind you, they're working with resources such as vague linearts. Then Macross fans filled in the blanks for the elusive VF-4 Siren. Look at how awesome VF-4 Siren as it taken shape.

VF-4 Siren with Super / Strike Pack

VF-4 Siren (Fighter / Gerwalk / Battloid)

And a little help referenced from Mr Shoji Kwamori, who managed to dribble a quick chibi mecha what VF-4 might look like in one of Macross OSM.

Lo and behold!

Chibi VF-4

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Of course, the Chibi VF-4 designed by Kawamori would later become the basis of VF-4G Lightning III. VF-4 Siren would fade from Macross canon as Macross ELS and Macross 2036 were relegated to alternative continuity with Macross II Lovers Again.

By the time Macross Digital Mission VF-X game for PS was released in 1997, Shoji Kawamori would later unveiled the VF-4 Lightning III to the masses. Mannn, Macross fans lapped it up. It was a unique one of a kind design that stuck on many Macross fans heart.

VF-4 Lightning III fighter

VF-4 Lightning III Gerwalk

VF-4 Lightning III Battroid

Of course, not forgetting, the custom VF-4G Lightning III Leader Type.

VF-4G Leader Type Battroid head

VF-4G Lightning III Leader Type Battroid
Last edited by Protoculture on Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:59 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

When some Robotech fans, which include Dave Dietrich & Peter Walker started including VF-4 Lightning entries into their respective websites (Macross Mecha Designs and uRRG), Robotech fans who're internet savvy at the time of late 1990s & actively involved in RT roleplaying were caught off guard by the mecha, and interests began in which several RT RPGers started including the mecha into their RT campaigns. Of course, at the time, the link between VF-X-4 development into VF-4 Lightning from Macross-verse was pivotal point in which saw the inclusion of VF-4 into RT-verse, unofficially.

Even Kenneth Olson of couldn't resist to include VF-4 as part of REF mecha lineups in his website.

Generally, the inclusion of this mecha served as a transitional mecha for REF between the classic VF-1 Valkyrie to VFA-6 Alpha. Most of the time, the mecha featured as main mecha for Sentinel role play gaming exclusively used by REF.

At that time, before the advent of, uRRG become the 'semi-official' mecha bible to many RT fans, in which many continue to mistakenly identified VF-4 Lightning as actual mecha fielded by REF. The fact that even RT RPG site the likes of Macross Mecha Designs & Robotech Research also included entries of VF-4 Lightning didn't do much in clearing up such matters.


- VF-4 Lightning entry in uRRG:

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Well, take a last ... long look at VF-4G Lightning III, whose existence in RT-verse was just transitory & proven non-canon, but still leaving long lasting impression to RT fans.

VF-4 Lightning III (all modes)

VF-4G Lightning III Leader Type (all modes)

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Thus YF-4 enters a new chapter in Robotech. Well, if you call a cameo in RT comic miniseries by Wildstorm, an entry in's Infopedia .... that's it. But astute RT fans, still relying on uRRG, still make YF-4 as a prototype that spawned several non-transformable fighters from its sturdy fighter designs.

Using uRRG reasonings, several hardcore RT-purists through logical extrapolations, in RT-verse, YF-4 provided the basic platforms for several fighters in the Robotech. It is basically to provide continuty and mecha lineage as to bridge several mecha designs back to YF-4. From this moment onwards, we will be discussing the YF-4 as per RT-verse perspective.

A snapshot of YF-4 as appeared on the cover of Wildstorm comic series
Last edited by Protoculture on Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:09 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »

Thanks to Robotech RPG Tactics team, YF-4 is now complete with its own distinct transformation began taking shape as opposed to VF-4 as per Macross-verse.

YF-4 3D art development for Robotech Tactics:

YF-4 Fighter

YF-4 Guardian (all modes)

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »



Sensing the need for a replacement for the venerable VF-1, the VF-X-4 Advanced Veritech program was placed on the fast-track for rapid development in 2013.

After promising results with the VF-X-4 experimental airframe demonstrator, several YF-4 Advanced Veritech prototypes were procured for live-fire testing and evaluation in 2015. Despite breathtaking performance due to the latest advances in Robotechnology, its staggering cost and complexity prevented it from entering mass production as the mainstay fighter of the Robotech Expeditionary Force.

Seeking a smaller, more manueverable fighter with increased missile payloads to combat new alien threats, the VF-X-6 program was initiated, eventually leading to the development of the Veritech Alpha Fighter.

Reference: Infopedia

Addendum (my extrapolation, non-canon):

Mass production of YF-4 as a future mainstay fighters for both UEDF (ASC-Charter) and UEEF never materialised due to escalating costs and technical problems associated with the advanced Veritech prototype development in 2015-2017 time period. Complaints over costs overruns as UEDF intensified its force projection to contain Zentraedi malcontents insurgencies throughout Zentraedi Control Zone, while UEEF had begun to encounter remnants of Dolza's surviving Zentraedi fleet while exploring the deepspace.

VF-1R SLEP midlife extension programme to upgrade surviving VF-1s to continually served both UEDF and UEEF well into 2020s also provided a death knell to the development of YF-4 programme. A reasoning amongst UEG policy makers that it was politically and economically feasible to upgrade VF-1 rather than investing the already problematical YF-4 prototype.

By 2018, only 1 squadron of YF-4 are produced with a full complement of 12 fighters, mostly served as technology demonstrator. UEEF by this time had fully adopted VF-1R as its mainstay fighters and moved on with the development of YF-6 Genia, while UEDF (ASC-Charter) had relegated most of its VF-1s to reserve units due to the introduction of VF-8 Logan.

After YF-4 programme was cancelled, all YF-4 units were transferred aboard SDF-3 Pioneer and activated as full combat squadron under the famed VF-84 Skull squadron with SDF-3 CAG, Lt Commander Maximillian Sterling.

YF-4 saw much service with Skull squadron during the liberation of Tyrol, and later became the first UEEF Veritech squadron to be inducted into Sentinel Armed Forces to fight the Regent's Invid forces in deep space. YF-4 is fondly remembered in many alien worlds throughout the Sentinel campaign, and finally retired in 2044 as Skull squadron adopted VFA-6X Alpha Shadow Veritech fighters in the following months before the Final Earth reclaimation mission.

Surviving units were transferred to Robotech Factory Satellite and currently all of its combat data and airframe performance is used in the development of YF-13 Gamma Veritech programme.

YF-4 Advanced Veritech Prototype

YF-4 Fighter Mode

YF-4 Guardian Mode

YF-4 Battloid Mode (CAG variant)

YF-4 Battloid Mode (standard variant)
Last edited by Protoculture on Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:43 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »


YF-4 Legacy with UEEF

Despite YF-4 Advanced Veritech programme was discontinued by Robotech Research Group, the fighter designs influenced several development of non transformable fighters, both in use by UEEF & UEDF (ASC Charter).

Most notably, the SVR / T-1 series trainer / recon aircraft, codenamed VTOL which is used by UEEF during its Pioneer Mission in deep space. YF-4 fighter design elements would later shown unmistakably in another fighter heavily used by UEEF in its deep space mission against the Invid, the SFA-5 Conbat Strike Fighter.

SVR / T-1 VTOL 2-mode Veritech Trainer

SFA-5 Conbat Strike Fighter

SFA-5 Conbat alongside YF-4
Last edited by Protoculture on Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:44 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »


YF-4 Legacy with UEDF (ASC Charter)

The UEDF (ASC Charter) would later use the YF-4 fighter design as a platform upon which being developed into its mainstay fighter for the Tactical Air Force, most notably, the F-109 Sylphid. YF-4 fighter design elements becomes the principle influence for next generation Century series fighters as developed by UEDF.

The SFA-2 Pluto Aerospace Fighter was developed from the YF-4 programme as stop gap measure by UEG in order to supplement its allies notably in Far East Sector with adequate air power projection. However, the fighter also proved popular enough with UEG client states as an export fighter with cheaper price tag as compared to FA-206 Falcon & FA-109 Sylphid fielded by UEDF.

F-109 Sylphid Air Superiority Fighter

The SFA-2 Pluto Aerospace Fighter

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »


As Pioneer Mission discover Tyrol in late 2020s and immediately get embroiled with the hostile Invid forces entrenched within Local Group worlds, UEEF formed an alliance with anti-Regent resistance movement known as the Sentinels, which consisted of several alien races whose homeworlds were enslaved by the Invid Regent.

As UEEF liberated the most technologically advanced Sentinel worlds from Regent's grip using "UEEF in Air and Space, Sentinels on the surface" tactics, notably Karbarra, shortages of fighting mechas suitable for the myriad alien races seems apparent. However, UEEF High Council was reluctant to handover its surviving VF-1Rs stationed on various colony worlds and the VFA-6 Alphas were at time re-shuffled along active UEEF units mopping up Regents' forces elsewhere in deep space.

As Karbarra is liberated, the Karbarran Hegemony pressed UEEF to provide more robotech mecha to the Sentinels forces and thus Sentinels Fighter Aircraft programme was initiated. At first, Robotech Research Group - Base Tiresia simply recommended that Sentinels forces to be provided with SFA-5 Conbat Fighters, however Sentinels forces pressed for the newly minted VFA-6 Alphas. A counter offer was made by UEEF to manufacture the combat version of T-1 VTOL trainers, but again Sentinels forces were adamant in requesting a three mode Veritechs as fielded by UEEF forces. This time around, Karbarran Hegemony would provide the necessary funding for the developmeny

As liberation campaigns againsts Invid Regent intensified, RRG Base Tiresia under Dr Emil Lang was tasked to develop a low-cost and low-tech 3 mode Veritech light fighter for the Sentinels forces funded by Karbarran Hegemony. Using T-1 VTOL Veritech Trainer as its development base tech, DELTA Veritech prototype was developed under Sentinels Veritech Project, with watered down 1st generation Robotechnology. From 2 mode Veritech with Fighter and Guardian configuration, the RRG Base Tiresia introduced a Battloid mode to the T-1 base design.

Once the prototype satisfactorily passed the necessary performance and combat evaluations, Karbarran Hegemony acquired the licensing and manufacturing rights to the DELTA Veritech. Locally produced in massive quantities on Karbarra, DELTA Veritechs soon found the way to the frontlines against Invid forces. DELTA Veritech was adopted as the mainstay fighters for Karbarran forces and the rest of Sentinels aliens by early 2030s onwards.

Several improved variants of DELTA Veritech were developed by Karbarra as Sentinels forces began to take more active roles in liberating their homeworlds, thus relieving UEEF forces to concentrate on mopped-up missions against Invid forces outside Local Group, strengthening defences of UEEF colony worlds and prepping up for upcoming Earth Reclaimation missions long overdue.

As DELTA Veritech programmes branched out from T-1 VTOL Veritech Trainer, one can surmised that DELTA Veritech programme is another extension of YF-4 developmental legacy. It is interesting to note that DELTA Veritechs fielded by Sentinels aliens flew and fought alongside the infamous Skull squadron equipped with its predecessor, YF-4 Advanced Veritech.

DELTA Veritech Fighter & Guardian modes

DELTA Veritech battloid mode

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »


By mid 2020s, UEDF aerospace force like TASC had operated VF-8 Logan fighters for several years while TAF had already operated the seasoned F-109 Sylphid conventional fighter aircraft. As VF-1s were phased out of service by UEDF, both branches found that a common next generation Veritech programme must be initiated. Rather than fall back to the YF-4 and YF-6 Genia developmental programmes, UEDF High Command decided on a common new Veritech fighter platform to serve the needs for TAF and TASC.

As plans to transform TAF from purely conventional aerial force into a Robotech-centric aerial warfare as per TASC combat doctrine took form, Robotech Research Group - Monument City would ultimately proposed a Veritech fighter design using F-109 aesthetics with YF-4 design philosophies in regards to both Guardian and Battloid modes.

Once the first prototype was unveiled in 2026, the programme suffered the same problems plaguing with YF-4 project, namely cost overruns and technical glitches. Eventhough subsequent prototypes rectified the tech glitches to advancement in latest robotechnology, UEDF High Command had a change of heart in regards of TAF mission priority, as equipping the entire TAF with new Veritechs and retraining its conventional aircrafts pilots with Veritech aerial combat warfare doctrine proved to be costlier than projected. By this time too, in 2027, RRG had developed a 3 mode Veritech Air Cavalry prototype mecha design for Tactical Corp known as AGAC Veritech programme, and TASC had slowly exited the YF-5 to immediately latch onto the bandwagon with TC.

By the time UEG policy makers pulled the plug from YF-5 development project, only five prototypes were operational. Surviving units were later put to storage at UEDF Fokker Aerospace base. All of the protoypes were destroyed in the attack by Masters forces during the early phase of 2nd Robotech War.

YF-5 Veritech Prototype
Last edited by Protoculture on Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Protoculture »


As VFA-6 Alphas inducted into UEEF service and served faithfully from 2022 - 2044 in various variants, UEEF High Command had initiated a fourth generation Veritech developement project. Codenamed Gamma, the project's design philosophies would be a combination of both YF-4 and VFA-6 aesthetics and technology. Thus YF-13 Gamma Advanced Veritech prototype was born.

However, by early 2043, a competing programme namely the new generation of highly advanced stealth Alpha fighters, VFA-6X Shadow Alpha programme and its accompanied VQ-6X Shadow Drone were approved and fastracked by UEEF High Command in the anticipation of the Final Earth Reclaimation Mission scheduled in 2044. Thus YF-13 Gamma programme were put on backburner.

With the conclusion of 3rd Robotech War and subsequent compromised Shadow-technology by the treacherous Haydonites, YF-13 programme was greenlighted once again. Instead of dependent to the ever decreasing protoculture supplies as fuel as opposed to the VFA-6 Alphas, YF-13 Gamma prototype was to be powered by SLMH based fuel, using the latest HBT power cells adapted from PC cells technology.

By mid 2044 - 2046, UEEF had to rely on older retroffited VFA-6 Alphas, powered by with HBT power cells and armed with FAST Pack (aka Super Alpha) to combat the Haydonite warmachines. By estimate, YF-13 Gamma would be mas-procured by the earliest end of 2047 or early 2048.

YF-13 Gamma Advanced Veritech prototype
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Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by taalismn »

Not quite as elegant (especially the early versions, with the squarish protruding chest) as the VF-1, but zipping with potential.
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Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Chris0013 »

Lot of good work there. Me likey.
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Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Okay, some corrections...

Protoculture wrote:But no one really know how the Battloid and Gerwalk (aka Guardian) modes looks like for the VF-4 Lightning, because at the time in late 1980s, Shoji Kawamori (lead mecha designer in Macross) never did quite designed the aforementioned modes for the mecha, despite stating it is transformable.

Er... actually, there are some rough sketches of the VF-X-4's transformation that date to the mid-80's that bear a strong resemblance to the final form of the VF-4's GERWALK and Battroid modes. They just don't seem to have been published until ~2001, likely as the result of being extremely rough.

Protoculture wrote:Yep .... finally we've the elusive VF-4 Siren (yeah, I know) battloid mode design ... unfortunately, it was not part of Macross official continuity ... because the hory-froating-head Kawamori never did designed the battloid modes, and the Super / Strike Pack for the VF-4 Siren.

Kawamori and co. apparently liked it well enough to include an acknowledgement of it... more than one source asserts that "Siren" was one of two in-universe nicknames for the VF-4 Lightning III. (The other is "Arrow".)

Protoculture wrote:Of course, not forgetting, the custom VF-4G Lightning III Leader Type.

VF-4G Leader Type Battroid head

VF-4G Lightning III Leader Type Battroid

The VF-4G is neither a custom nor a "leader" variant... it's a modernized (Service Life Extension Program) variant in use circa 2047, which was equipped with new, enhanced engines and boasted improved space warfare capability. The VF-4G is, chronologically, the last of six known production variants of VF-4. (None of which are a "leader" variant.) - Home of the Macross Mecha Manual

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Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by jedi078 »

I include both the VF-4 and VA-3 in my games so player shave more to chose from then just the VF-1.
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Re: From VFX-4 to YF-4 Veritech Prototype ... the evolution

Unread post by TheElf »

Great summary Protoculture! I appreciate the effort it takes to put something like this together. I have always loved the design of the VF-4G, ever since I saw it in the late 80s.

My take on it is it should have been left out of the RT universe, though I can see why it happened. When it first appeared, the VF-4 was the first legitimate new material from the macross universe, something that RT fans had been desperate for since the end of the Macek series. We lived on 3rd rate American anime newsletters and the internet wasn't even a thing. Then bootleg copies of Flashback began to find their way to VHS and wow! Look at this beauty! No one at the time had any idea there was this big rift in the RT/Macross world so naturally everyone glommed onto the new fighter and the imagery that came from 2012.

Now with hindsight being 20/20, I wish it had never happened as it gives RT haters more ammo.
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