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Going to try one more time...

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 2:48 am
by Summersnow
From the latest update of the kickstarter

"Let’s face it, we all got what (we thought) we wanted: “highly detailed, 1/285th scale (6mm) game pieces.” That’s what everyone wanted and was shouting from the rafters. Us included!"

No sir we did not all get what we have wanted as I have exhaustively explained to you here, on the kickstarter site and in my dozen or so requests for a refund for NOT in fact giving me what I wanted or what I feel you advertised in the kickstarter.

You also claim to have worked with fans and backers and know what they want. With all due respect sir that is a falsehood.

You will NEVER know what your backers think as long as you have you're lackeys like NMI censoring and deleting ANYTHING that can not be interpreted as "KEVIN IS A GOD! EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES IS GOLDEN" but let me assure you, you aren't and RT isn't.

At one point you mention the high part count as a detriment to the game. Let me be blunt Mr Siembieda, the high part hasn't just been detrimental to the game, it has killed it. Dead, done, stick a fork in it killed it.

I have tried for 6 months to get someone, anyone interested in this game and the result is ALWAYS the same. They take one look at the models and shake there head and walk away after giving me a 15 minute lecture on just how screwed up, incompetently done and messed up they are.

Do you have any idea how it feels to try and push a game when the experts in the field, they guys who work with mini games day in day out, who've built everything from warhammer to 40K to malefaux day in day out who actually know what they are talking about tell you the models are **** and not worth the time and effort to bother with?

Your entire 19 page update amounts to

We were Incompetent
ND was Incompetent
our shippers were incompetent


and just to show us all how much you've learned, you tell us you're going to do the same overly complicated, insanely high part count **** models for wave 2...

If you think you're game is so great and doing so well why haven't you offered a refund for backers who did not get what they feel you were advertising?

I realize NMI & company do everything they can to shield you from the truth, but surely with all of the methods and requests I've made you must have heard something?

If you haven't figured out that not all of us are happy with this disgusting mess you call RT with all of the comments, criticisms, feedback, e-mails, posts and kickstarter messages by now then you need to fire replace some people with people that will tell you the truth and not censor and delete ANYTHING that can not be interpreted as "KEVIN IS A GOD! EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES IS GOLDEN"

Warning: For trolling Palladium Books staff and fans. For trolling the moderation team.