CVR-3/Cyclone thought

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CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Chronicler »

A thought hit me why I was walking to my LGS today. We all know that a cyclone can not transition to battloid mode without the CVR-3 armor because the armor has the connection points (and the boots act as power assisted legs for it) for it. In all the art I've seen everyone in CVR-3 armor also wears that leotard (if you can call it?) with the armor connection points. But is it possible in a given situation just to slap on the boots, chest piece, forearm guard, and crotch piece without anything else? Like the person is just wearing a tee shirts, shorts and flipflops, sees Invid gunning to his position and only has time to suit up with the above armor pieces. Will it still work?
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Tiree »

I'm going to say no.

I break the suit down to have a Unisuit and Exterior Armor. The unisuit has sensors for the Power Armor to be as responsive as it is. Then of course you can have massive amounts of chafing without the unisuit.
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Seto Kaiba »

Chronicler wrote:We all know that a cyclone can not transition to battloid mode without the CVR-3 armor because the armor has the connection points (and the boots act as power assisted legs for it) for it. In all the art I've seen everyone in CVR-3 armor also wears that leotard (if you can call it?) with the armor connection points.

Little confused here... by "leotard" I'm guessing you mean that skintight uniform in Shadow Chronicles with the weird backpack thing? That's not a thing in the series.

The production art for the "Riding Suit" in Genesis Climber MOSPEADA shows that the armored sections are worn over a plain cloth padding layer like a conventional motorcycle suit with some attached pads. The pieces of the riding suit just sit on top of that cloth layer and connect to each other or to themselves to stay positioned.

Chronicler wrote:But is it possible in a given situation just to slap on the boots, chest piece, forearm guard, and crotch piece without anything else? Like the person is just wearing a tee shirts, shorts and flipflops, sees Invid gunning to his position and only has time to suit up with the above armor pieces. Will it still work?

It's probably not advisable... but I wouldn't say it's out and out impossible.

The big risk I would foresee would be that ditching the cloth under-layer would enable the hard-armor segments of the riding suit to shift around, which could cause problems in transformation. I suppose there might also be an injury risk associated with having the loose items of clothing get caught in one of the various moving parts during transformation (most likely the shirt).

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Zer0 Kay wrote:Damn you for anticipating my question. I've really got to unfoe you, your information is far more valuable than my sanity when dealing with your blunt callousness. :)
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Lt Gargoyle »

I would say without the Under suit is the environmental protection, and offers protection for SDC cut resistance like this

I also imagine is has smart circuits which allow the cyclone to actually communicate with all the of the parts while in Battloid modes.
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by jedi078 »

Well in looking at the armor from a realistic point of view YES you CAN wear CVR-3 with JUST the armor. But if you want to protect yourself from NBC attacks, or are planning to go EVA your going to need an under suit that provides the aforementioned protection. Also you then end up factoring AR into the combat equation.

Basically CVR-## armor is only a true EVA if the proper under suit is worn. We know that from an RPG precedence thar there are EBA and non-EBA armors.
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Chris0013 »

Aside from the main pieces mentioned buy the OP...I think all that is left is the thigh pieces and helmet...and IIRC Lancer did not put on a bodysuit in Metamorphisis...he put on a long sleeve shirt and then his armor.
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by Kagashi »

Ive always assumed the unisuit acts as the network for the suit as a whole. When in battloid mode, it helps power the legs which provides the stability to carry a motorcycle on your back. Additionally, how would the boots know how to compensate the users physical limitations if it were not connected to the rest of the unit? The unisuit is needed, otherwise you are laying on your back helpless.
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Re: CVR-3/Cyclone thought

Unread post by ShadowLogan »

Kagashi wrote:Ive always assumed the unisuit acts as the network for the suit as a whole. When in battloid mode, it helps power the legs which provides the stability to carry a motorcycle on your back. Additionally, how would the boots know how to compensate the users physical limitations if it were not connected to the rest of the unit? The unisuit is needed, otherwise you are laying on your back helpless.

Not necessary for the legs. The boots actually connect with what in battloid mode is the upper/outer leg shield. It does work for the arms though, which seem to have no real connection being depicted in the animation.

Chronicler wrote:A thought hit me why I was walking to my LGS today. We all know that a cyclone can not transition to battloid mode without the CVR-3 armor because the armor has the connection points (and the boots act as power assisted legs for it) for it. In all the art I've seen everyone in CVR-3 armor also wears that leotard (if you can call it?) with the armor connection points. But is it possible in a given situation just to slap on the boots, chest piece, forearm guard, and crotch piece without anything else? Like the person is just wearing a tee shirts, shorts and flipflops, sees Invid gunning to his position and only has time to suit up with the above armor pieces. Will it still work?

Leotard is not the proper term. It's more of a "shirt".

No it will not work without it, or a suitable standin (as the UEEF seems to use in TSC) at least going off the show from multiple instances:
-Scott, Rand, Rook still took the time to put the shirt on during the first PC raid (Lancer having suited up enroute) while the authorities and Invid where approaching
-Lancer arriving late in "Metamorphosis" still took the time to put the shirt on. Granted he was going up in a Beta and not a Cyclone
-Rand still put the shirt on in "Birthday Blues" while the fliers covered him on the ground to get suited up
-the team still wore the "shirts" when they where in a hurry to catchup with Annie's new caretakers who had recently purchased the map from Maxwell when using the Cyclones
-Scott and Rand in the Genesis Pit didn't take shortcuts when they where hurried
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