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VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:22 am
by ShadowLogan
NOTES: This is fan speculation (not canon) for the confines of the 2E RPG universe (not the show, though it does have its influences) and can probably be adapted for 1E RPG universe. GMs have the option of treating individual entries by ignoring them completely, treating them as a "paper study", leave them at the prototype/evaluation stage, or even production units. If anyone wishes to add material in subsequent posts please do.

The VH-X- Eurotas testbed is well known to have directly spawned the light reconnaissance VHT-2 Myrmidon, with the VHT-1 being spun off to create a medium armored fighting vehicle in late 2011. Developers where also looking at additional roles for the Eurotas to be used in either with a new model type or new modules (swap/add). For the purposes of this topic, consider the arm-shields to be modular weapon housings.

LIGHT TRANSPORT Variant(VH-LT, aka Veritech Hover Jeep)
While entire Recon squads of VHT-2s where envisioned, it was also realized that such teams might not require the use of multiple VHT-2s (not to mention cost of out fitting every Recon Squad with a VHT-2), but still required the presence of one such capable unit. Other members of the team could ride in separate vehicles, but the developers where tasked with modifying the VHT-2 standard to allow it to transport a half-squad (4-person). There was no requirement that the "passengers" had to be accommodated in Battloid mode, which made the task of installing additional seating much easier. A "rumble seat" behind the pilot was added that was accommodated in transformation (similar to the VHT-1). The station was setup for sensory monitoring so the pilot could focus more on piloting. Two additional seats where installed externally in a "fold out" style that could not be used outside in Battloid mode, the seats are located near the cockpit and require one to be strapped in (transformation automatically releases the straps and "ejects" the passenger). These two passengers do not have to sit, there where accommodations to allow a passenger to stand and stay in that position due to foot restraints and hand holds. Though this last option is only real practical for short jaunts and low speed work, though it is possible to "overload" an extra person on each side in this manner.

The Sea Squad/Navy was looking for a heavy mecha to complement its Kraken non-transformable Power Armor in the water. Several modified Non-transformable Battloids and Veritechs designs where submitted. One of those Veritech designs was the VHT-AP and is a heavily modified VHT-1. The requirements called for at least full functionality underwater in at least two modes if a Veritech (and it had to dive deeper than a Kraken by at least 10% in both cases).

Due to the design of the VH-X (and its variants), an open cockpit was seen as a necessary compromise to accommodate the transformation. Solutions had been proposed, but had limited functionality and none could be used for the VHT-AP mecha due to the limited functionality. The engineers did come up with a solution though based in part on the Star Goose Shuttle's Passenger Protection System (seen in the show). The Pilot's seat/controls would be encapsulated in a similar manner permanently (a hatch was provided), this shell had to be carefully designed so as not to interfere with the transformation system and resulted in placing limits on the size of the pilot (for comfortable operation). The extra weight though did require a slight upgrade to the transformation system that handled moving the seat due to the extra weight. The Pilot's cocoon was considered by other UEDF users as part of a block upgrade, but they considered the standard approach (ie open cockpit w/body armor) to be more cost effective and was not pursued.

That wasn't the only slight change to the transformation system, a water purging system had to be installed to expel water that flooded in as a result of transformation. Additional changes to the mecha included a ballast system, and adapting the propulsion system (it's 50% faster than a Kraken underwater, and retains 80% of its hoverspeed, run/leap was unaffected) for underwater work and stream lining of the transport mode. The Arm Shield weapons where replaced with a different weapons package, in the right arm a blue-green laser variant (optimized for underwater use as in other PB lines) of the EU-20 Pistol was installed. In the left arm a covered mount for various tools was included (as the Dryad nt-Battloid), though it could also carry a 3-barrel spike launcher (as nt-Battloids) or 4 tube/8shot mini-missile/torpedo launcher. The mecha utilized an enlarged version of the Kraken's TDWS-45 Torpedo Gun (x2 payload, can also fire mini-missiles, the barrel size has also increased) or a regular EU-20 gunpod (an EU-11 is possible, but the EU-20 is preferred as it doesn't tie up both hands).

A variation of the VHT-AP was also proposed to the space corps for a dedicated space fighter (more of an attack unit like the real world A-10/AH-64/AH-1 than an F-15) that traded the underwater systems for optimized space systems. Here an enclosed cockpit was also a requirement as an added layer to prevent the pilot from being knocked free/loose (note in the show this does happen at least twice where someone in the VHT is knocked off in transport mode).

Internal Swappable Arm Shield Modules: These are either Class A (VHT-2 size) or Class B (VHT-1 size). All Class A units can fit in a Class B housing, the only difference is the Class B housing is longer, and Class A units in a Class B housing have increased payload (one set of reloads, which requires a a reload module specific to it). Both the VHT-1 and VHT-2 modules can be configured for a given mission, the book configuration should be treated as standard multi-role configuration.

MIW-20 (Per VHT-1 and VHT-2 in Masters SB)

Mini Missile Launcher (per "Black Widow" IMU in NG SB)

40mm Grenade Launcher (per Unicorn Power Armor in Masters SB), payload is equal to MCR-68A1. A LAR-10 Laser Rifle class weapon is part of the package, it is powered directly by the mecha, and can function in a non-lethal mode (acts as a blinding light). This module was designed for Riot Control, but can be used in lethal combat.

Sonic Weapon (per the Unicorn Power Armor and Golem Robot in the Masters SB). Intended for Riot Control.

Tool Mount (per Dryad Battloid in Masters SB). Intended for combat engineering roles.

Plasma Tri-Cannon (per the VF-8 Logan in the Masters SB)

Laser Cannon. Basically a modified EU-20 (per the VF-8 Logan in the Masters SB in terms of stats). Naval units use a modified version that fires blue-green laser instead of the standard (per Palladium RPG rules in Rifts, Blue Green lasers are optimized for underwater firing).

MCR-68A1 (per VHT-1 in Masters SB)

HPW-125A1 (per VHT-1 in Masters SB)

Modified M-996 (per the Defender Destroid in Macross SB). A modified M-996 with a single shortened telescoping barrel (1/2 range). It carries 70 rounds of 78mm ammo in the
105mm ammo bin. An externally mounted "drum magazine" adds another 200 rounds, this drum magazine is designed to be easily swappable in the field by another Battloid or PA (team). The drum utilizes the arm sheild's external connection point for external mission modules. Typically mounted in pairs (damage in pairs is equal to a single regular M-996, otherwise 1/2 damage and burst size). Intended for Anti-Aircraft roles as the Defender Destroid, but like the Defender has found roles beyond that.

44mm Glaug Rail Cannon. The UEDF was interested in putting Rail gun technology onto mecha even in the Early 2010s, but indigenous systems where projected to be impractical for at least another 15 years. This resulted in the UEDF using "surplus" Rail Cannons off the Zentreadi Glaug Officer's Pod and modifying them to fit into a Class B VH-X housing. About 5% of the guns the UEDF was able to secure for the VHT still use the 44mm ammo (simplicity treat as identical to the base system), with the rest being modified to fire different ammunition size. The system does have one draw back and that is it sucks up a lot of power, only one rail gun can be powered and any other energy weapons can not recharge while the system is operational (the EU-11 can fire, but other systems that draw directly from the mecha are unusable after the first attack). It also takes a full 15 seconds to power up a rail gun system.

30mm Glaug Rail Cannon, modified. Basically a 44mm Glaug Rail Cannon modified to fire 30mm ammo (50% more payload, for simplicity other performance metrics are the same as the 44mm version). Most Common version, and even then not generally available since it is a rebuilt alien system.

105mm Glaug Rail Cannon, modified. Basically a 44mm Glaug Rail Cannon modified to fire 105mm ammo from the MCR-68A1 it has twice the range of the MCR-68A1 and 2/3 of the payload. Kinetic warheads (non-explosive no benefit) do double damage (for simplicity). 5% are this version, and even then not generally available since it is a rebuilt alien system.

30mm Tri-Laser Gatling. Basically a tri-barrel version of the EU-11 (high level of parts interchangeability with the EU-11, but this is not a gunpod, but an internal version). Can fires 3, 5, 10, and 15 round bursts (adjust damage accordingly from the EU-11), all take one attack (the fire rate is pre-selected, and it does take an attack/action to switch burst size). Note: it only has one energy magazine, with twice the EU-11's capacity (not interchangeable with the EU-11). If the magazine is depleted it can draw from the VHT directly, but can only fire 3 round bursts once every 15 seconds under those conditions.

MISSION EXPANSION PACKS (In Addition to the systems the VHTs have access to in the Masters Saga SB)
As requirements crept into the the VH-X program that ultimately resulted in the programing spinning off multiple designs, some of the requirements where more flexible and allowed for the use of expansion packs like the VF-1 used (Armored Veritech and Armored Battloid) as they where not seen as needing to be available all the time (ie built-in). Space and Jump packs (as described in the Masters Saga SB I'm not going to list them here) where two such expansions developed for the VH-X family. Standardized connection points where installed in both the upper and lower leg, the arm shields, the mecha's back, cockpit area, and even the forward nose of the VHT-1 (VHT-2 has no analog point so can't use the hardware for this location).

Lower Leg Pod Location
MM-60OL is directly taken from the VF-X-6 program's MM-60 launch system. It mounts one of the 4 shot lower leg launchers from the MM-60 to each of the lower leg stations of the VHT (1 per side). The system can not fire in transport mode (safely). The Pod attaches to the folding hoverjet.

Upper Leg Pod Location
MM-60OL is directly taken from the VF-X-6 program's MM-60 launch system. It mounts one of the 4 shot lower leg launchers from the MM-60 to each of the upper leg stations of the VHT (1 per side). The system can only fire in Battloid mode.

SCOUT DRONE. This non-transformable unit connects to the upper leg when not in use (does not effect transformation and can deploy at any time), and disconnects when deployed. The Drone is remotely operated (1 mile range), it has no AI (at best it has a dumb autopilot), and sent ahead as a scout. This scout is packed with various sensors to determine what is ahead instead of sending someone ahead on foot or with a larger and noisier VHT. Several other branches of the UEDF: ASC have also adapted the drone to assist them in search and rescue type roles, but to use their preferred mecha over the VHT.

Nose Pod Location (this is the standard EU-11 station, when in use an EU-11 can still be used, but connects to a new location typically).
PLUG-IN-TURRET (VHT-1 series). This gives the VHT the ability to traverse the EU-11 gunpod to increase its field of fire coverage (instead of being fixed it is mobile) in Transport and Gladiator Modes. The weapon still retains functionality in Gladiator mode as it includes a basic scissors lift type mechanism to increase the weapon's height above the tank's upper hull (even with a reasonably tall pilot in the seat the weapon is lifted high enough to not be a danger to the pilot) when necessary, but is unavailable in Battloid mode.

X2 6Shot SRM launcher, modeled after the type found in the Tomahawk and Gladiator Destroids in concept. The two modules are split down the middle to allow the pilot to still see forward and for the EU-11 gunpod. The module will be ejected with transformation to Battloid mode. Mini Missile (comes with 3 reloads) and Medium Range Missile (1/4 payload, round down) types also exist.

MINE SWEEPER. The VH-X family of vehicles where expected to have some immunity to anti-tank/mecha land mines due to their hover capacity, but the developers and UEDF where under no illusion that an anti-hovercraft mine could not be developed. The use of this expansion pack requires a secondary operator seat to be installed (see cockpit expansions) who focuses on sensory readouts from the various extra sensors mounted in the nose on telescoping poles (limiting it to transport mode only). These sensors look for chemical signatures, the use of ground penetrating radar, and other sensors useful for detecting explosives. Range of the sensors is adequate, though limited. Minesweepers also typically also carry a CLASS A 40mm Grenade Launcher in the Arm Shield.

Arm Shield Pod Location (note all modules here are hinged for transformation, in Hovercraft and Gladiator Modes they are dorsally positioned, but in Battloid they rotate behind the shields). These attach to the Arm shields and do not otherwise influence the built-in weapons in them.

MM-60FA is directly taken from the VF-X-6 program's MM-60 launch system. It mounts one of the 5 shot forearm launchers from the MM-60 to the arm shield of the VHT. This system can fire in any mode.

MRM Launch Tube. A single launch tube containing a single Medium Range Missile. A "double barrel" (over-under) version also exists. Similar restrictions as the Arm Shield weapons, but in vehicle mode can be fired at a target in the rear (unguided from the launch mecha, though target designation from another mecha is possible with a Radio Scrambler, Sensory Instrument, and Weapon System skill checks by both parties).

Cockpit Location
In the early years of the program, managers looked at creating a drone variant of the VHT to act as a force multiplier. Accommodating the Drone control system was certainly possible and easily done by using the pilot's station, but the hardware was to exposed to be considered viable, this saw the inclusion of an armored maintenance hatch being placed over the cockpit. Much to the complaint of operators of the manned version, even though this hatch could not be used on a manned version at it sat too low in the cockpit space to allow a pilot to sit. The drone AI software was a modified version of the AI on the Ghost Drone Fighter, modifications to the software where mostly in relation to the differences between the VH-X series and non-transformable fighter. Some of the new computer technology going into drones in the 2010s also required some changes to the older software so it could make more efficient use of the technology. The AI proved effective in controlled conditions in many ways, but to full take advantage of the Veritech's abilities required a man (or woman) in the loop to direct the AI when/where to change modes (which was how the planners expected them to be used, commanded by the J/S versions w/n a given unit). Getting traction within the UEDF and UEEF when interest in drones suddenly dried up was difficult.

RETRACTABLE ROOF (aka as the Convertible option)
Technically this connects to separate sockets in the arm shields (not standard shield expansions as above) and not any place in the defined cockpit section like other Mission Expansion Packs. While the VHTs was an all environment vehicle, one of the biggest complaints was the open cockpit. A variety of solutions where known to have been developed, one of those was a "Retractable Roof" that helped provide additional level of concealment, though it was still open cockpit. Utilizing the basic folding tail technology of the Veritech Fighters, the VH-X program was able to provide a retractable roof, basically a simple (armored) tent that is opened at two ends that covers the cockpit. When transforming into Battloid mode (or by pilot command), the roof separates and pulls to either side, folding up against the arm shield. The system is designed for the VHT-1 type layout only, it also adds a foot to the overall height in non-battloid modes when deployed.

Under normal conditions a VHT had room for a "passenger", and could even accommodate them during transformation (seen in numerous episodes). This space was generally not used, and when it was that person was more of a bystander, even when it was expected for a mission. The workload on the pilot was intense, but manageable with automation. Still the UEDF recognized that there would be times where that "passenger" should be able to act in a more active role. Consequently the engineers on the VH-X program created a drop in seat with limited controls in the arm rests (in any case the VHT's built in controls can over ride any action from these controls). Most of the time the operator was limited to sensors and communications, though in Gladiator Mode they could also fire the rear facing EU-11 (or another system mounted there).

Similar to the Secondary Operator Seat, but instead in Transport and Gladiator Modes, the person could stand up and use a pair of stock (fire lined) energy rifles (usually chosen by the gunner, they are tied into the mecha's power system and not EClip, and are limited to rifle/carbines, nothing else). The guns can be traversed a full 360deg with a 90deg arc of fire, though are practically limited to about 180deg unless the gunner wants to stand on the pilot. When transforming to Battloid mode the Coupla "folds" up into a storage position behind the pilot seat. The light weapons are more for anti-infantry defense, though UEDF: ASC energy rifles are potent in anti-mecha role if they can get a lucky shot in ("Half-Moon").

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 2:39 pm
by Arnie100
Very excellent work! With this stuff, I fell in love with the Spartas all over again! Your MM-60 pods give it the extra punch the originals were sorely lacking in transport mode. Your upgrades make the Spartas even more viable especially with the Marines book coming out.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:26 pm
by taalismn
Works for me, and squashes any Marine Sourcebook cravings for the time being.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:12 pm
by jedi078
Nice work! I worked up a Logan SDV (Swimmer Deliver Vehicle) variant a few years ago. It's not meant to deliver power armor but commando teams.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:41 pm
by ShadowLogan
Thank you for the compliments guys. The project grew out of two other separate ideas that looked at other roles the VH-X could have spun off into and how external expansion packs (like the VF-1 FAST and GBP-1S) might operate with the VHT-1. What I found for the roles in the VH-X was that many of them came down to simple swaps to the VHT arm shields, so I pushed them into the expansion area. I have no doubt that there are other options/missions are possible that I did not consider.

Yeah I remember the Logan Swimmer. The Aquatic unit is not used to transport PA, but to work with it in a mixed team or to go where it can't with better survivability. Sort of the ASC/Sea Squad equivalent of the UEEF's Silverback and Cyclone we see in the 2040s.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:06 pm
by Arnie100
GU-11s in the arm shields would be VERY interesting...

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:10 pm
by taalismn
It's a logical step from the destroid and battloid spin-offs of the old 1st ed Strike Force and the much-bemoaned Veritech Car.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:18 pm
by Arnie100
Kill the Veritech Car...PLEASE

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 9:28 pm
by taalismn
Arnie100 wrote:Kill the Veritech Car...PLEASE

Nah, that was already done by Patrick Steward and Homer Simpson.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:30 pm
by Alpha 11
Cool info!

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:17 am
by rem1093
It makes sense that the shield pods should be modular, since you would have to take them off to do any work on the shoulders. Since you have the Tanks here, you care if I put down my Marine spec. VHT and Myrmidon?

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:29 am
by Arnie100
DO IT. I'd like to see it.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:25 am
by ShadowLogan
Arnie100 wrote:GU-11s in the arm shields would be VERY interesting...

Yes they would be, though I think the tri-barrel EU-11 feature can give it a run for it's money in the long run since it can regenerate ammunition and the GU-11 could not. I'm also not sure how many rounds actually hit in the GU-11 burst since single round damage is absent, but the EU-11 is firing 5 rounds with the entire burst hitting based on assigned dice IIRC.

Most likely the GU-11 will need to be modified to fit on a VHT-1, per the size comparison chart (if it ever returns, I saved the individual images) the GU-11 is basically the same length as the arm-shield with its presented BFG extended. It is something I noted with the M-996 off the Defender, most of the BFG Macross guns need to be modified (size wise) to fit. The 30mm and 20mm aircraft guns likely can fit without issue in either the Class A or Class B slot though. Damage wise they are not as impressive either (here the ASC energy weapons are noticeably more efficient).

rem1093 wrote:It makes sense that the shield pods should be modular, since you would have to take them off to do any work on the shoulders. Since you have the Tanks here, you care if I put down my Marine spec. VHT and Myrmidon?

To answer your question
"If anyone wishes to add material in subsequent posts please do."- in the OP.

re: the modular nature of the shields. Yes, but I am also thinking for ease certification they would use a standardized module casing given the variable nature of the mecha.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:27 pm
by rem1093
ShadowLogan wrote:
Arnie100 wrote:GU-11s in the arm shields would be VERY interesting...

Yes they would be, though I think the tri-barrel EU-11 feature can give it a run for it's money in the long run since it can regenerate ammunition and the GU-11 could not. I'm also not sure how many rounds actually hit in the GU-11 burst since single round damage is absent, but the EU-11 is firing 5 rounds with the entire burst hitting based on assigned dice IIRC.

Most likely the GU-11 will need to be modified to fit on a VHT-1, per the size comparison chart (if it ever returns, I saved the individual images) the GU-11 is basically the same length as the arm-shield with its presented BFG extended. It is something I noted with the M-996 off the Defender, most of the BFG Macross guns need to be modified (size wise) to fit. The 30mm and 20mm aircraft guns likely can fit without issue in either the Class A or Class B slot though. Damage wise they are not as impressive either (here the ASC energy weapons are noticeably more efficient).

rem1093 wrote:It makes sense that the shield pods should be modular, since you would have to take them off to do any work on the shoulders. Since you have the Tanks here, you care if I put down my Marine spec. VHT and Myrmidon?

To answer your question
"If anyone wishes to add material in subsequent posts please do."- in the OP.

re: the modular nature of the shields. Yes, but I am also thinking for ease certification they would use a standardized module casing given the variable nature of the mecha.

I agree with the standardized size for the shields, went with 10' by 2'.

Sorry this is rough because of time:
Marines need a Fast strike ground mecha that could work on any planet at a moments notice. to suit this need, they chose both the VHT and Myrmidon because of there hover capability. The systems were upgraded with new more powerful multi gear engines and anti grav tech allowing the mecha to easy work in any type of atmosphere or gravity. These upgrades also gave the mecha the added bonus of blue water capabilities, and can perform unassisted controlled high altitude descent.

The Marine VHT has the following modification.
A helmet hud that is tide to a 360' sight system, allowing for a lower, smaller armored covering. instead of the larger canopy that is used by the Army.
Weapon system wise there are two versions.
one is the main tank witch consisted of a heavy Disruptor cannon as the main gun. A Gun cluster is used in the second shield sleeve. that consists of striped down versions of the LLR-8, LPW-3S, and the AGL-12.
The second one is an artillery model, it has a Multi stage Coil gun, that fires multi fuse high-explosive warhead. tide to a new long range targeting sensor. mounted in the second shield.

The Myrmidons design and shield placement made it better suited multi weapon packages. The Marine version has an optical camouflage system. Also it can use different shield pods on each arm.
A troop transport, open bed with three seats on the outsides. The two shield halves can reattach in battliod mode and the and be used a shield wall.
It can use the fallowing Gun shields, a Flac Cannon, A partial beam cannon, a heavy plasma stream cannon.
A missile pod that raps down the outside of the arm. In mini,short and Medium ranges, can fire in all three modes.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:53 am
by ShadowLogan
Additional Expansion Options
MCR-68A1 Additional 105mm Shells:
-MARK I LASER SHELL: owing to the limited firing options and factors for directed energy weapons, the UEDF experimented with creating a disposable energy weapon that would be fired from conventional cannons. While they had the Plasma warheads, they where omni-directional, and the UEDF wanted a more precise strike like with the APFSDS round. When fired a proximity sensor would trigger when the energy weapon would be discharged (within 300ft at most in front is the default, it can be reprogrammed with a smaller detection cone the shorter range has allows the laser to be more potent) and would hit just as hard as the APFSDS round (based damage off the New West .45cal/11.4mm CTF round being scaled up by a factor of 10 for simplicity, depending on what variant portable weapon one uses as a base it could be more or less in RT) and due to the use of a conventional projectile stage could be fired at indirect targets. This round was pretty standard in some VHT units (note in the show the cannon is said to be a laser at least once, this is an attempt to rectify the discrepancy between the show and RPG).
-MARK II LASER SHELL: Similar to the MARK I, but designed to deliver a series of simultaneous laser blasts to spray an area. See Rifts New West "Laser Bee-Hive Grenade" for specs and rules (which follow their own set of rules different from explosives), due to the larger size increase damage by a factor of 3 from that in the book. Not readily available as conventional explosives are more cost effective and the proliferation of laser resistant materials on the battlefield has cut into its effectiveness.

105mm X-RAY LASER: Basically a heavily modified MCR-68A1 that turns into a cartridge based 105mm laser cannon, utilizing the X-Ray part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The change to X-Rays from standard lasers increases he damage (go with MARK I Laser Shell) by a factor of x10 (based on Mutants in Orbit comparison of an X-Ray laser to a standard laser, though technically the ratio is higher), the X-Ray laser also has decent range (x5 that of the EU-11 in atmosphere, in space range is even greater). At the heart of the 105mm X-Ray laser cannon is a "cartridge" that explodes to provide a source of X-Rays (that will be put through the lasing process) and is disposable, these cartridges contain radioactive material (they are essentially miniature nuclear bombs) and require additional shielding in the ammo bin and in the gun itself (this is to minimize radioactive contamination and speed up decontamination procedures), this has reduced the payload to 2/3 of the MCR-68A1 version. This weapon system is designed and deployed for anti-starship and anti-fortification roles only, or for missions where the high command deems it necessary (which is unlikely outside the 2 mentioned roles). Even during the Invid Occupation it saw little use, mostly due to availability and avoiding them due to the radioactive markings on their storage containers when encountered. The basic technology of this weapon system was re-purposed into the MARK I laser shell (initially for more cost effective training purposes, but later adapted for deployment). The system can fire modified MARK I laser shells, the laser is emitted inside the cannon and then rebroadcast (as it where), reduce damage by 1 die level (range is x3 of the EU-11 in atmosphere), since the propellant stage has nearly non-existent use in this cannon when carrying these shells the payload is twice that of the standard MCR-68A1 (if it wasn't for the radiation shielding it would be even more), these shells are not directly compatible with the MCR-68A1 (and vise versa).

-ADVANCED OPTICS PACKAGE. Features three 20mm diameter camera lenses, with recording capability, each camera is designed for a different part of the specturm (IR/FLIR, UV, and Visible Light w/passive night vision capability) and each has telescopic capacity. Includes a laser designator. It also has the capability of being used for optical interferometry, typically this is done with a second separate unit instead of sacrificing both Arm Shield bays (though that can be done). The end effect is that the optical system will have an effective diameter equal to the distance between the two cameras, this translates into increased performance (visible distance and resolution), but requires coordination (they have to be imaging the same thing). The technique can also be used to create 3-D images.
-GUNPOD STORAGE: the shield bay is left empty. As a Class A Arm Shield it can only contain EU-20 sized gunpod. The gunpod must be removed (to hand-held position) to fire it, and it can be replaced. Note that neither of these actions are taken over by transformation system, and the bay has no recharge capacity. It is the lack of recharge capacity that hinders use of this pod (and the Class B version) on the VHT-1 and VHT-2 family. It can also be used for storage (while a person can probably fit, it wouldn't be comfortable).

-GUNPOD STORAGE: the shield bay is left empty. As a Class B Arm Shield it can only contain EU-11 sized gunpod. The gunpod must be removed (to hand-held position) to fire it, and it can be replaced. Note that neither of these actions are taken over by transformation system, and the bay has no recharge capacity. It can also be used for storage (while a person can probably fit, it wouldn't be comfortable though not likely as bad as the Class A version).
-MICROWAVE CANNON. An experimental system that is a bit oversized and has yet to be miniaturized (only available for Class B shields). Like the MCR-68A1 and its HPW-125A1, this weapon's "barrel" is fully retracted into the shield housing in Transport and Battloid mode, it can only function in Gladiator mode. When deployed (automatically deploys just like the main Class B weapons everyone is familiar with), it appears as a round dish mounted to the front of the arm shield housing (it is about twice the width). Against organic targets it can bypass no-metal armor to inflict damage direct to the wearer (as it burns the skin). Against targets with electronics (such as mecha) it can damage systems via radio (and radar) antennas (and not just those connected to the antenna directly). Range in both cases is limited, and the ASC is still evaluating if the system is worth further development and in which direction. The Civil Defense Corps is interested in the system as a potential alternative to the Sonic Weapon it uses on the Unicorn (to fit on the PA it will need to be miniaturized).

-COLLAPSE ABLE RADAR SYSTEM (VHT-1 Gladiator Mode Only). This replaces the nose mounted gunpod with a collapsible radar mast, reserved for dedicated Anti-Aircraft units, and typically it coordinate with other AA-VHTs in the unit. The gunpod option is lost, unless a gunpod is carried in an arm shield or by other means (such as the VHT-2 uses to carry a EU-11).

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 9:54 pm
by Arnie100

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:23 am
by taalismn
X-Ray lasers...always fun with applied amplified sun.... 8)

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:13 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
ShadowLogan wrote:NOTES: This is fan speculation (not canon) for the confines of the 2E RPG universe (not the show, though it does have its influences) and can probably be adapted for 1E RPG universe. GMs have the option of treating individual entries by ignoring them completely, treating them as a "paper study", leave them at the prototype/evaluation stage, or even production units. If anyone wishes to add material in subsequent posts please do.

The VH-X- Eurotas testbed is well known to have directly spawned the light reconnaissance VHT-2 Myrmidon, with the VHT-1 being spun off to create a medium armored fighting vehicle in late 2011. Developers where also looking at additional roles for the Eurotas to be used in either with a new model type or new modules (swap/add). For the purposes of this topic, consider the arm-shields to be modular weapon housings.


nice work
I wrote up some Augmentation packs for the Conbat fighter from RT SC shortly after the RT2 MB came out. Along with those I wrote up some augmentation pods, both combat and industrial, for the Horizon-t's. Along with a Horizon-t variant.

The thing with x-ray lasers, along with grasers, is that they pass right through the defenses meant to counter optical lasers. Mirrors, alumina, sand all have zero effect on x-rays.
But you can get an x-ray laser if you are using a free-electron laser as the emitter. And there is less handwavium about the Nuke being miconized to something that can be contained as a power source.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 5:06 am
by yuiyuasa
Ammonites studio designated the manufacturer by yui1107 on DeviantArt.htm

Old original S.D.C. Southern Cross designer's group "Ammonites studio" designated the Development & manufacturer is "McDonnell (aircraft) Corporation planet Grorie branch", and the leader of the designers are responsible for Mr.Georges Sullivan.

I agree with "Georges Sullivan" is the leader of the designer groups.

But "VHT-2 Spartus" manufacturer is more rational, MBR-07 Spartan manufacturer Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co KG, KMW.

If I recycle the original Anmmonites’ settings about "McDonnell Corporation planet Grorie branch", initially paper-planning start by "McDonnell Corporation" but the next, the Corporation ruined because of Zentraedi bombardment, and KMW succeed that real development.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 9:55 am
by ShadowLogan
As a user of both the VHT-1 and VHT-2 series Veritech Hovertanks, the UEEF sought to optimize their weapon packages with off-the-shelf options from other programs into the 2030s and 40s to keep the mecha relevant and improved logistics support by promoting a more common base. This does not mean the other VHT options aren't used, just as time has gone on they might be de-emphasized.

AAT-40's Rotary Laser Cannon (Genesis Pits pg104). Procured as an early replacement for the MIW-20 for improved range without loss of power. (NOTE: this might qualify as a Class A Arm shield depending on how much of the "passenger" seat contents in the AAT-40 need to be carried over. GM's choice)

HLC-90 Retractable Laser Cannon (from the UEEF's Bioroid Interceptor). Procured as a replacement to the MIW-20 for its increase in range without loss of stopping power. Some even thought it might make a good replacement for the HPW-125 Particle Cannon due to its (RAW) rate of fire, even though only has 75% the range and not even 1/2 the power.

AAC-11 Flack Cannon (from the Silverback). While not as long ranged as some of the UEDF weapons, this 20mm weapon was more powerful compared to the HLC-90. Its main drawback being a payload based weapon. It also found a home replacing the HPW-125 and MCR-68A1 in some roles where the loss of range would not be a negative factor, and its rate of fire could counter its slightly under powered weapons compared to the primary big guns housed in the Class B arm shield.

HRG-140 Dual Railguns (from the Silverback). Procured to replace the dwindling supply of 30mm and 44mm Glaug based Railguns the weapon found little love as it represented a step back in capabilities in many aspects as it lacked the range and power of these Glaug system, and most of the VHTs alternate combat systems out performed it. This lead to low adoption rates among UEEF VHT units.

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:22 pm
by taalismn
And despite its rocky start(open cockpit, nearly non-existent mobility in main armament mode) the Spartus shows that it can still be a badass with the right accessories... :bandit:

Re: VHT-1 & 2 Expansion Packs (Fan Fiction)

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 7:43 pm
by Zer0 Kay
Was a replace Mai cannon with another tri-barrel or replace tri-barrel with another cannon done?