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Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:43 pm
by magictiger
Hi Everyone,
I have a question about the number of spells the Energy Wizard starts with. How many spells do they start with? I know the non-wizard starts with 4 spells, but the wizard doesn't state a number other than he can use spells equal to or less than his PPE number.
Thank you for your help guys.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 7:23 pm
by silvermoon383
I imagine you still start with 4 spells at level 1, the main difference between the Energy Wizards and the "average" Perytonians is that the Wizards have a much larger PPE pool (2d6x10+20 (40-140) as opposed to the average 6d6 (6-36))
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:41 pm
by Kagashi
the flavor text says they start with much more. Comparing the PPE differences between the normal Peryton to an Energy Wizard, Id give them 15 spells to start.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:08 am
by Lt Gargoyle
I started them with having ten. and was gonna treat them like that Rifts mystics.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:19 am
by Kagashi
But there are no levels of spells, just a list of spells. So you would have to modify the Rifts Mystic somehow. Additionally, are you giving them an extra magic spell per level over the Rifts Mystic since Energy Wizards do not have psionics? Like the Dewtani in Dbees of North America?
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 11:07 pm
by silvermoon383
Kagashi wrote:the flavor text says they start with much more. Comparing the PPE differences between the normal Peryton to an Energy Wizard, Id give them 15 spells to start.
I can find no reference to an Energy Wizard having more spells at Level 1, either in the rules or the flavor text. All I've found is references to the Wizards having
access to more spells because of the greater PPE pool.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:01 am
by Lt Gargoyle
silvermoon383 wrote:Kagashi wrote:the flavor text says they start with much more. Comparing the PPE differences between the normal Peryton to an Energy Wizard, Id give them 15 spells to start.
I can find no reference to an Energy Wizard having more spells at Level 1, either in the rules or the flavor text. All I've found is references to the Wizards having
access to more spells because of the greater PPE pool.
the preytonian energy wizard has dedicated his life to mastering the secrets of what the Preytonians call magic. he has attuned his body to the mystical world, turning himsheld into a living battery of life energy, known as portential psychic energy.
Kagashi wrote:But there are no levels of spells, just a list of spells. So you would have to modify the Rifts Mystic somehow. Additionally, are you giving them an extra magic spell per level over the Rifts Mystic since Energy Wizards do not have psionics? Like the Dewtani in Dbees of North America?
well i was simply thinking of letting them have X amount of new spells per level. I have not decided the full amount of the details yet as i was hoping to get some type of errata.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:14 am
by Kagashi
silvermoon383 wrote:Kagashi wrote:the flavor text says they start with much more. Comparing the PPE differences between the normal Peryton to an Energy Wizard, Id give them 15 spells to start.
I can find no reference to an Energy Wizard having more spells at Level 1, either in the rules or the flavor text. All I've found is references to the Wizards having
access to more spells because of the greater PPE pool.
page 44: Perytonian RCC: PPE: 6D6 to start + 2D4 per each level of experience, starting at level 1, for the average Perytonian.
Energy Wizzards start with much more. (21 average to start)
Page 44: Perytonian RCC: Energy Magic: untrained average Pertonian selects four spells from the list below during character creation...
Page 45: Perytonian Energy Wizard OCC: Energy Magic:
the Energy Wizard excels at this and has much greater ability than the average Perytonian citizen.Page 45: Perytonian Energy Wizard OCC: PPE: 2D6x10+20 to start (90 average...428% more than a regular citizen)
Unknown reference: there is no starting magic value given for the Energy Wizard, other than the fact that, like PPE which we DO have a value for, the Energy Wizard has much greater ability than the average citizen on page 45.
So using the same ratio for PPE (428%), an Energy Wizard actually start with 17 spells. But using the
Palladium Law of Diminishing Power (an object twice the size of a like object is only 50% more powerful), you can justify starting with somewhere around 10. I chose to stick with 15 because I elected to use Space Magic and a few other Rifts invocations (like Frequency Jamming) to add to the potential list.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 1:26 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
How many 'Energy' spells are there in the marines book?
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 4:57 pm
by kaid
I am not sure the exact count but its a pretty healthy mix of spells. One thing that I found interesting is all their spells are single action casts even their big combat spells which actually makes them one of the more powerful if limited spell wise casters in the palladium system.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 7:29 pm
by Kagashi
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:How many 'Energy' spells are there in the marines book?
34 random Rifts/Palladium Fantasy Invocations with slight renamings (okay, only one renaming..."Magic Armor" is Armor of Ithan). Very little spells that actually have to do with energy. Luckily we have Dispel Magic Barriers and Negate Magic to pick from; never mind the fact you will never use Dispel Magic Barriers or Negate Magic unless you are going up against another Energy Wizard or try to dispel a talisman, amulet, zombie, or golems which have no way to exist in the Robotech setting (seriously, the copy/paste hack job of spells references Robotech...).
There are no Robotech specific spells that one might assume would be included like "Sense Protoculture" and very little spells that would make sense in a high tech environment like Frequency Jamming, Negate Mechanics, or tech-like effects like Space Magic type spells like Sticky Feet to prevent space faring Perterions from floating away from hulls of ships or even Breathe without Air. Seriously.
Like the rest of the book, very little actual thought was put into this to make an usable product and the players are left to finish the work after spending $20 for the RAW edition and $21 for the final book. But don't worry, your Energy Wizards can always cast Thunderclap on that wave of Invid Shocktroopers (assuming you know how many spells he starts out with).
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:00 pm
by Kagashi
I would add the following spells to the existing 34 spells in Marines:
Combat Magic:
Infraed Vision
TK Bullet Attack
Laser Blast
Force Bolt
Syphon PPE (Protoculture) from Object (aka, drain Protoculture cells/eclips)
Blast Shield
Electromagnetic Attack
Space Magic:
All spells level 1-12 (nothing with a PPE cost of more than 280, which is the absolute max PPE base of an Energy Wizard at level 15)
Manipulate Objects
Breath w/o Air
Energy Field
Frequency Jamming
Sub Particle Acceleration (can charge Protoculture batteries, but with the same 15% chance of exploding)
Energy Sphere
Negate Mechanics
Null Sphere
New Invocations specifically for Robotech:
Sense Protoculture
Mask Protoculture emissions
All these spells either have value in a high tech, space faring game (which is the main setting for Robotech as a whole), or have to do with energy. You can add in any flame or fire spell as they can be considered energy too. Id stay clear of any fantasy style spells like turning dead, talismans, creating scrolls, summoning, and so on because to me, it goes against the feel of Robotech. I would also stay clear of any empowerment or bodily enhancing spells like Superhuman Strength since it really doenst have to do with being high tech or energy based, but they could easily be justified as simply being part of the society and I could see it making sense in a society which uses magic to enhance their abilities. After all, Giant is a spell in the 34 canon spells. That one makes sense since the majority of enemies an Energy Wizard would go up against are piloting giant mecha.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:35 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
why would they think to mask protoculture? It not till after the 21st mars division arrives that they discover the Invid can sense protoculture. same with sense it. Unless they are trying to tap the energy from them.
I do like the other spells. you may have just made my preyton energy wizard day.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 5:38 pm
by glitterboy2098
Kagashi wrote:There are no Robotech specific spells that one might assume would be included like "Sense Protoculture" and very little spells that would make sense in a high tech environment like Frequency Jamming, Negate Mechanics, or tech-like effects like Space Magic type spells like Sticky Feet to prevent space faring Perterions from floating away from hulls of ships or even Breathe without Air. Seriously.
the pertyonians are a largely medieval level society with limited exposure to technology even under the master's and invid's rule. nor did they travel into space much before the UEEF arrived and liberated their world.
so why would they have spells that negate technology or help them in space travel? their spells were developed to fight other pertyonians in the many conflicts on their own planet. exposure to technology and spacefaring is a very recent thing for them. them having magic developed specifically to fight the invid and help in space would be like a roman legion of 100 AD having plans in place to counter Cruise Missiles and airstrikes.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 6:47 pm
by Kagashi
Lt Gargoyle wrote:why would they think to mask protoculture? It not till after the 21st mars division arrives that they discover the Invid can sense protoculture. same with sense it. Unless they are trying to tap the energy from them.
I do like the other spells. you may have just made my preyton energy wizard day.
Just trying to make things a bit less Rifts/Palladium Fantasy and more Robotech. Kinda like how there are Nightbane specific spells in Nightbane.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:06 pm
by Kagashi
glitterboy2098 wrote:Kagashi wrote:There are no Robotech specific spells that one might assume would be included like "Sense Protoculture" and very little spells that would make sense in a high tech environment like Frequency Jamming, Negate Mechanics, or tech-like effects like Space Magic type spells like Sticky Feet to prevent space faring Perterions from floating away from hulls of ships or even Breathe without Air. Seriously.
the pertyonians are a largely medieval level society with limited exposure to technology even under the master's and invid's rule. nor did they travel into space much before the UEEF arrived and liberated their world.
so why would they have spells that negate technology or help them in space travel? their spells were developed to fight other pertyonians in the many conflicts on their own planet. exposure to technology and spacefaring is a very recent thing for them. them having magic developed specifically to fight the invid and help in space would be like a roman legion of 100 AD having plans in place to counter Cruise Missiles and airstrikes.
Never really read the comic or novels beyond thumbing through, but I'm basing this off of the older write up that their technology is equivalent to 2020, which means space faring, MDC, FLT capabilities. But as both the old Sentinels write up, and the modern Marines write up describes, this "Magic" might be just an unexplained science. Regardless, their ships were capable, even if not doing it regularly, able to achieve space flight. Thats not very 'medieval' technologically, although their society may be patterned after a medieval one (Feudalism with a clear hierarchy of power) . I see it a lot like Thor Dark World where the Asguardians call it magic, but Jane Foster can explain the devices they use scientifically.
Magic, like technology, evolves with need. With the Masters, then the Invid occupation, their magic would evolve as their opposition to the conquering entities would continue. Thus the ability to cause an Invid Shocktroopers arm to stop functioning, or jam a bioroid's ability to use radar would be extremely useful and makes sense when considering the evolution of warfare during occupation.
Anyway, thats my thought process.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:34 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Kagashi wrote:glitterboy2098 wrote:Kagashi wrote:There are no Robotech specific spells that one might assume would be included like "Sense Protoculture" and very little spells that would make sense in a high tech environment like Frequency Jamming, Negate Mechanics, or tech-like effects like Space Magic type spells like Sticky Feet to prevent space faring Perterions from floating away from hulls of ships or even Breathe without Air. Seriously.
the pertyonians are a largely medieval level society with limited exposure to technology even under the master's and invid's rule. nor did they travel into space much before the UEEF arrived and liberated their world.
so why would they have spells that negate technology or help them in space travel? their spells were developed to fight other pertyonians in the many conflicts on their own planet. exposure to technology and spacefaring is a very recent thing for them. them having magic developed specifically to fight the invid and help in space would be like a roman legion of 100 AD having plans in place to counter Cruise Missiles and airstrikes.
Never really read the comic or novels beyond thumbing through, but I'm basing this off of the older write up that their technology is equivalent to 2020, which means space faring, MDC, FLT capabilities. But as both the old Sentinels write up, and the modern Marines write up describes, this "Magic" might be just an unexplained science. Regardless, their ships were capable, even if not doing it regularly, able to achieve space flight. Thats not very 'medieval' technologically, although their society may be patterned after a medieval one (Feudalism with a clear hierarchy of power) . I see it a lot like Thor Dark World where the Asguardians call it magic, but Jane Foster can explain the devices they use scientifically.
Magic, like technology, evolves with need. With the Masters, then the Invid occupation, their magic would evolve as their opposition to the conquering entities would continue. Thus the ability to cause an Invid Shocktroopers arm to stop functioning, or jam a bioroid's ability to use radar would be extremely useful and makes sense when considering the evolution of warfare during occupation.
Anyway, thats my thought process.
I can see them developing spells to combat the Invid and masters by manipulating the power or energy of their mecha. I would like to see more on each of the sentinel worlds, a source book for just them would be nice. but i can imagine it would be hard with the ultra limited resources for information.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 6:17 am
by Kagashi
I'm sure their hands were tied with certain aspects. For example, the word "Sentinels" is nowhere to be found in the book, and the word still appearing in Prelude. Somewhere down the line, HG lost the rights to the word? Perhaps this is why the world info is so vague.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:14 am
by ShadowLogan
Kagashi wrote:I'm sure their hands were tied with certain aspects. For example, the word "Sentinels" is nowhere to be found in the book, and the word still appearing in Prelude. Somewhere down the line, HG lost the rights to the word? Perhaps this is why the world info is so vague.
Or they just don't want to paint themselves into a corner so to speak, like we haven't seen anything on the Super Shadow systems, or the Haydonites, etc. I doubt they lost the rights to use the word as a title.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:05 pm
by Kagashi
I just realized the Perytion tech from 1st edition was not included in 2d edition...luckily we got reprints from the core book instead. But it would have been a good opportunity to introduce some of their tech into 2d edition, then give them PPE power systems (similar to, but not calling it Techno Wizardry). Then Negate Magic and Dispel Magic Barriers might be a little more useful.
I think the conversions are simple enough. Bump up the damages of the lasers by a D6 and double the MDC of each craft. Add in some sort of Ley Line power system (infinite on ley lines, limited off ley lines and/or powered by the Peryton's internal reserve of PPE like a TW device).
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:04 pm
by glitterboy2098
in 2nd ed the antigravity tech and such was moved to the Praxians.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:23 am
by Lt Gargoyle
Kagashi wrote:I just realized the Perytion tech from 1st edition was not included in 2d edition...luckily we got reprints from the core book instead. But it would have been a good opportunity to introduce some of their tech into 2d edition, then give them PPE power systems (similar to, but not calling it Techno Wizardry). Then Negate Magic and Dispel Magic Barriers might be a little more useful.
I think the conversions are simple enough. Bump up the damages of the lasers by a D6 and double the MDC of each craft. Add in some sort of Ley Line power system (infinite on ley lines, limited off ley lines and/or powered by the Peryton's internal reserve of PPE like a TW device).
I can fully see them as techno style wizards and would likely allow them to be kinda like that.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:05 am
by Kagashi
Lt Gargoyle wrote:Kagashi wrote:I just realized the Perytion tech from 1st edition was not included in 2d edition...luckily we got reprints from the core book instead. But it would have been a good opportunity to introduce some of their tech into 2d edition, then give them PPE power systems (similar to, but not calling it Techno Wizardry). Then Negate Magic and Dispel Magic Barriers might be a little more useful.
I think the conversions are simple enough. Bump up the damages of the lasers by a D6 and double the MDC of each craft. Add in some sort of Ley Line power system (infinite on ley lines, limited off ley lines and/or powered by the Peryton's internal reserve of PPE like a TW device).
I can fully see them as techno style wizards and would likely allow them to be kinda like that.
We need to game again.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:38 pm
by Lt Gargoyle
Kagashi wrote:Lt Gargoyle wrote:Kagashi wrote:I just realized the Perytion tech from 1st edition was not included in 2d edition...luckily we got reprints from the core book instead. But it would have been a good opportunity to introduce some of their tech into 2d edition, then give them PPE power systems (similar to, but not calling it Techno Wizardry). Then Negate Magic and Dispel Magic Barriers might be a little more useful.
I think the conversions are simple enough. Bump up the damages of the lasers by a D6 and double the MDC of each craft. Add in some sort of Ley Line power system (infinite on ley lines, limited off ley lines and/or powered by the Peryton's internal reserve of PPE like a TW device).
I can fully see them as techno style wizards and would likely allow them to be kinda like that.
We need to game again.
Any time, though i still do not plan on returning to EU. Tiree has a couple cool Campaign ideas.
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:04 am
by drewkitty ~..~
Kagashi wrote:I would add the following spells to the existing 34 spells in Marines:
Combat Magic:
Infrared Vision
TK Bullet Attack
Laser Blast
Force Bolt
Syphon PPE (Protoculture) from Object (aka, drain Protoculture cells/e-clips)
Blast Shield
Electromagnetic Attack
Space Magic:
All spells level 1-12 (nothing with a PPE cost of more than 280, which is the absolute max PPE base of an Energy Wizard at level 15)
Manipulate Objects
Breath w/o Air
Energy Field
Frequency Jamming
Sub Particle Acceleration (can charge Protoculture batteries, but with the same 15% chance of exploding)
Energy Sphere
Negate Mechanics
Null Sphere
New Invocations specifically for Robotech:
Sense Protoculture
Mask Protoculture emissions
All these spells either have value in a high tech, space faring game (which is the main setting for Robotech as a whole), or have to do with energy. You can add in any flame or fire spell as they can be considered energy too. I'd stay clear of any fantasy style spells like turning dead, talismans, creating scrolls, summoning, and so on because to me, it goes against the feel of Robotech. I would also stay clear of any empowerment or bodily enhancing spells like Superhuman Strength since it really doesn't have to do with being high tech or energy based, but they could easily be justified as simply being part of the society and I could see it making sense in a society which uses magic to enhance their abilities. After all, Giant is a spell in the 34 canon spells. That one makes sense since the majority of enemies an Energy Wizard would go up against are piloting giant mecha.
Space Magic...when you say All do you mean just the SM in F3G or Do you mean ALL the SM from the F3G, the rifters, and from AU and AUGG?
How would you modify the F3G space magic to reflect that it is being cast in a harder sci-fi setting where the ion storms and other 'natural space phenomena' are more spread out and don't have the same effects as in the 3G?
SPA, nah..they would not charge PC e-clips in my opinion. That would make the spell a PC producing spell.
How would you write the text for the new RT spells you purposed?
Would the 'Sense PC' really be 'sense PC emissions'? (would think sensing emissions would be 1 mile per level.)
Would there be a 'Sense IFOL' spell? (I would think this one would be long ranges like 10 miles per level.)
Re: Peryton Energy Wizard Spells ??
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:25 am
by Kagashi
drewkitty ~..~ wrote:Space Magic...when you say All do you mean just the SM in F3G or Do you mean ALL the SM from the F3G, the rifters, and from AU and AUGG?
How would you modify the F3G space magic to reflect that it is being cast in a harder sci-fi setting where the ion storms and other 'natural space phenomena' are more spread out and don't have the same effects as in the 3G?
SPA, nah..they would not charge PC e-clips in my opinion. That would make the spell a PC producing spell.
How would you write the text for the new RT spells you purposed?
Would the 'Sense PC' really be 'sense PC emissions'? (would think sensing emissions would be 1 mile per level.)
Would there be a 'Sense IFOL' spell? (I would think this one would be long ranges like 10 miles per level.)
I was specifically looking at Fleets of the 3G when I was thinking of space magic, but the stuff from AU and AUGG would work too, not sure about the cold based attacks, but I guess they could be considered the lack of energy, thus be applicable to an energy wizard. If thats the case, regular invocations like Orb of Cold could be included as well. There are some other energy spells in those books, and none of them are outside the PPE cost for a PEW, so they fit too.
I personally would never allow anything from the Rifter though, as they are sometimes broken and unregulated. Anyway, a number of them ended up in F3G in some form, so they are kinda included already.
I do think SPA could as per the standard spell description. It doesnt say Protoculture specifically, but its clear it can still charge other types of energy. Clearly, it would still have a 15% chance of a 2D4x10 MD explosion though...for only 6 blasts. Try filling a Valiant PE Clip though. Mathematically, you are going to take at least 20 MD trying to fill that thing up though. So its still very risky...but in a world where the Invid left only 1 years supply on Earth in 2044, this might be a risk worth taking. Certainly SPA would be very useful for things like the FAL-2 which does not use Protoculture as a power source.
For Sense PC (emissions), i was thinking of copy and paste the Dog Boy ability to sense PPE and Magic use. Control F PPE with Protoculture.
Sense Invid Flower of Life is a good one too. Nice and Robotech specific. I concur that the range could be like 10 miles.