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crazy Beautiful

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 7:25 am
by Tor
2nd edition pages 132-133 indicate an inherited "max 30" on the dice for humans...

then page 184-185 if you choose 'Entertainer' as your occupation you can get another +2 to reach 32.

Then there are 2 options to get it higher:

page 67 via "Ordinary Person" spending on PPE bonus options, it appears possible to buy up to 4 upgrades to PB, with max rolls giving a +16, for a total of 48 PB.

page 48 via "Natural Athlete" a max +6 by default bringing you to 38. Assuming the maximum starting PPE of 30, you spend all of it on PB, bringing you to 68.

Is this the new maximum possible beauty for humans in Palladium Books? Dem goddesses be jealous.

Heck even with absolute minimum rolls, someone taking this natural athlete are guaranteed 3+2+1+20=26 PB minimum. Course they're not good for much else in that case =/

Re: crazy Beautiful

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:10 pm
by say652
Since bonuses stop at 30, perhaps adding in a followers attracted affect should be added for pb over 30.

With the above example its quite reasonable to assume 38 people are madly in love with the character and would do anything for him/her.

Re: crazy Beautiful

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 12:31 pm
by Bill
say652 wrote:Since bonuses stop at 30, perhaps adding in a followers attracted affect should be added for pb over 30.

With the above example its quite reasonable to assume 38 people are madly in love with the character and would do anything for him/her.

Bonuses do not stop at 30. See BtS2 p.133-134; Attributes Beyond 30. The bonuses are not progressive, but there are couple additional benefits for exceeding 30. There's no functional difference between 31 and 68 though, unless you can work out something with the GM. I'd be amenable to granting the character an Awe Factor and possibly non-psionic mind control against species that may be attracted to he or she. Of course it's also something that can't necessarily be turned off, so they'd get stalkers and targeted by supernatural predators more frequently too.

Re: crazy Beautiful

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 4:27 pm
by Tor
Couldn't you hide PB by wearing a mask?

Re: crazy Beautiful

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 5:22 pm
by say652
I use the charm impress percentage a lot. A pb38 comes in handy for a super hero.

Halt villain!!
Flexes super muscles, bad guy surrenders.