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First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:01 am
by GMScotch
Greetings and Hope there's people still alive on here : D

I've had the 2nd edition in soft cover sitting on my bookcase for a long time, I finally have gotten off my duff and decided to run a long term campaign of the game. I have the 1st edition, skills book etc. Question wise I am not sure how number of attacks per melee is determined and I would really love to run a couple of test combats over Skype with someone who knows this game well. Get the flow of it before I get 4 people in front of me and get bogged down.

Anyways, my Skype name is tfgm1972 Add me with the message BTS if your interested

Thank ye :D

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 11:49 pm
by auyl
I'd do this unfortunately time is an issue. If I remember correctly the number of attacks is determined in the hth section of the rules. Basically you always get 2 attacks and get two more at level one with a hth combat option ie basic, expert, martial art etc.

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 8:56 pm
by Holister
As far as I can remember everyone starts with one attack per round, plus what ever their Hand to hand combat skill grants. As a friendly bit of advice, only stick with Basic and Expert.....the othe rhand to hand types are simply not appropriate for a "horror" campaign setting and only encourage power gaming.

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 2:20 pm
by GMScotch
Thanks for the information, and no worries. The play test can happen with the players, they can gripe lol

I agree on the basic and expert.

Cheers and Thanks

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:49 pm
by Holister
No problem. Happy to help out a fellow GM.

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:14 am
by mrloucifer
Page 161 has the notes on HTH attacks, but basically you start with 4 unless you do not have a HTH attack. If you don't, you start with 1 attack and two NON-combat actions per round (I house rule that the players start with 2 attacks and 2 non-combat).

Any if your still needing help and want to skype, I'd be down for that.

Re: First Run as GM - Some Questions

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:04 pm
by GMScotch
Thanks for the further explination, and yes would love to Skype with someone who runs this and knows it. My name to add is TFGM1972 on there.
