Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

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Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

Unread post by Glistam »

I was thinking about trying to create an Ancestral Mage character. This class is presented in Rifter #55, starting on page 30. In review of the class I have some questions that I hope either the author, or someone who has either had experience with the class or feels comfortable reviewing it and providing their own interpretations, could answer:

  1. Is the first spirit chosen, or is it always random until later levels?
  2. If the Ancestral Mystic already possesses a skill that the Ancestor Spirit grants, does the existing skill increase by the percentage noted, or is it replaced and supplanted with the skill's new bonus?
  3. The Conjurer Ancestor Spirit only provides the ability to See/Use Ley Lines, and no Conjuring ability or Creation magic?? That doesn't seem right when compared to the other magic and psionic Ancestral Spirits.
  4. Can the Diabolist and Summoner Ancestral Spirits create/activate Wards or Circles, or only deal with existing ones?
  5. Can the Warlock Ancestral Spirit have had two life signs?
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Re: Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

Unread post by Prysus »

Glistam wrote:I was thinking about trying to create an Ancestral Mage character. This class is presented in Rifter #55, starting on page 30. In review of the class I have some questions that I hope either the author...

Greetings and Salutations. The author of that article is The Dark Elf. I'm sure he'll be happy to answer questions about his article. He might stop by this section, though I know him mostly from the PF section, or you can try to PM him to bring his attention to this thread. Best of luck with answers. Farewell and safe journeys.
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Re: Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

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Hi Glistam,

I'm the author's brother, and played an Ancestral Mystic in one of his campaigns for a couple of years. Ill try to answer some of your questions, but he might get back to you anyway with an 'official' answer.

1. the first ancestor is random, like the others, but I would think that a nice GM might let you pick your first one if you had a specific character concept in mind and weren't just looking for the most powerful one.
2. I believe you get the greater of the two bonuses.
3. Yeah, I noticed that myself and personally I would totally allow a conjurer ancestor to provide some conjuring abilities. Perhaps simple items only and none of the extra spells. Make the change if your GM agrees.
4. I'm pretty sure they can only deal with existing ones, but I believe that would extend to a summoner ancestor reactivating an existing circle.
5. I think that's one for the Dark Elf to answer, but I don't see why not - but with fewer spells granted to the mystic just like a two life sign warlock.
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Re: Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

Unread post by Glistam »

Makes a sort of sense, thanks for the feedback on the questions.
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Re: Questions about the Ancestral Mage from Rifter 55

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

Soldier of Od wrote:Hi Glistam,

I'm the author's brother, and played an Ancestral Mystic in one of his campaigns for a couple of years. Ill try to answer some of your questions, but he might get back to you anyway with an 'official' answer.

1. the first ancestor is random, like the others, but I would think that a nice GM might let you pick your first one if you had a specific character concept in mind and weren't just looking for the most powerful one.
2. I believe you get the greater of the two bonuses.
3. Yeah, I noticed that myself and personally I would totally allow a conjurer ancestor to provide some conjuring abilities. Perhaps simple items only and none of the extra spells. Make the change if your GM agrees.
4. I'm pretty sure they can only deal with existing ones, but I believe that would extend to a summoner ancestor reactivating an existing circle.
5. I think that's one for the Dark Elf to answer, but I don't see why not - but with fewer spells granted to the mystic just like a two life sign warlock.

Merry Xmas glistam.

My bro is right on 1, 2 & 4.
#3 was deliberate but indeed market research proves unfavourable. I would indeed suggest allowing singular simple items under a certain weight or size limit (10 lbs? 1 foot) etc etc. but its up to u and ur GM. Or you could allow a handful of the conjurers spell list to be chosen (but not both conjuring & spells IMHO).
#5 - sure! But indeed limit the spells to follow the continuity of 2 elemental signs that the warlock gets!

Let me know the feedback (good or bad) - I always enjoy seeing how others play my creations! HF! :mrgreen:
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