What are your Ideas for Adventures?

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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What are your Ideas for Adventures?

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What are your ideas for Adventures?
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Re: What are your Ideas for Adventures?

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Macross Saga (Reconstruction Period)

Hook: Before the 1st war there were a lot of research centers working on various technologies for the UEG and UEDF.. both reverse engineering Alien tech, and figuring out how to reapply Earth tech. The end of the war meant a lot of these were lost, but some may not have been destroyed. UEDF command has found records of a classified research lab in the Ural mountains that was buried deep inside a mountain. it may have survived, and whatever it was working on, while unknown, could well be very important. So the UEDF has assembled a small team of Scientists and engineers to go to the place and explore it and salvage what they can. the Player Characters are the bodyguard team sent to keep the eggheads safe.

Line: The UEG's new Global Military Police agency has suspicions that intel on the location of this site, and its importance, has been leaked to an illegal salvage group. the GMP do know that this group of salvages have made overture to a russian bandit warlord, and forces from both are likely headed to the area already. The rival force is believed to be large, and more interested in any weapons and equipment at the site, but if they get there first the odds are good any research data will be lost.

Sinker: the Research lab was just one part of the Mt. Yamantau complex, and while the Lab was buried deep, the Site was also home to old stockpiles of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.. many of which were breached and scattered to the winds when the upper levels of the complex took damage in Dolza's bombardment. as a result the whole region, for hundreds of miles, is an irradiated zone with pockets of intense radioactive contamination, persistent nerve agents, and damaged unexploded ordinance (mostly conventional, sometime nuclear but damaged enough they classify as radiological weapons only.) the Salvagers are headed there to try and obtain WMD for sale to the independent nation-states, the Bandits just want the guns, vehicles, and other gear the site should have.

GM notes: the science-engineering team is should be about 2-4 NPC's, with an APC or a good truck. the difficulty ofthis can be tweaked by the GM. NBC gear could be assigned before they leave if the Gm wants to minimize the danger to players, or a meaner Gm could just have the NPC's bring some, leaving the players to be much more careful, or stick mainly to their Mecha. if the players are smart they'll have their characters do some basic research (history skill rolls) which would reveal the fact the place used to be a nuclear production and storage site, lettign them figure out on their own that NBC gear would be wise.

for a bit of real world background on why the region is so bad.. Mt. Yamantau is the russian's main place to store its stockpiles of WMD's. it is surrounded by locations with nuclear tipped ICBM's, has three whole (if small) cities nearby devoted to the refinement of Nuclear materials, and the area has a very large number of Nuclear materials storage facilities, most of which are above ground. they are hidden away in rural areas and would not show up as targets from orbit (all the military stuff is hidden underground), so they likely would not have been specificalyl targeted by Dolza's fleet.. but the area would have seen a lot of hits anyway (the whole planet did, by the books) so odds are those sites? blown away and their contents melts, pulverized, and otherwise spread around.

the bandits can be as tough or weak as needed.. they should be mainly guys in trucks and other ground vehicles, armed with rifles, MG's, portable rockets, and the like. odds are the bandits will not have full NBC gear, instead mainly just thick clothing and gasmasks. the salvage group will however likely have full NBC gear, if not sealed space suits and the like. whether mecha appear is up to the GM.. the Bandits and/or salvagers could easily have one or two beat up destroids, or the bandits could be allied with some zentreadi (full sized) that still have some pods or PA. basically mecha showing up should depend on how many players have mecha, and whether you want the main action to occur outside the complex in a big armored vehicle battle, or in the ruins and tunnels of the complex as a cat and mouse game of infantry. or somewhere in between.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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