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Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:30 am
by Sparticus
I am about to the point where the Robotech Wars as seen in the series ends and I am preparing to start more of a galaxy hopping game. I have considered several resources to flush out and add to my settings.
One thing I have considered is using monetary amounts as shown in rifts for purchasing equipment, weaponry, ordinance and so forth.
Another is using some of the world books for more equipment and mecha. One prime candidate is Northern Gun One and Two. I plan to use these two books and much of the equipment and so one in it to introduce a independent manufacturer that produces non-protoculter powered items for those interested in buying such. Other items will be protoculter powered but not the both, power armor, vehicles or weapons just equipment that the UEEF or others could have their own variations of.
Another is potentially expanding the Peyrton Energy Wizard spell list using Rifts book of magic and made give them access to other magic OCCs.
If any of you have suggestions on these topics I am all ears.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:13 am
by ShadowLogan
I would limit what is imported to Rifts for established RT factions to use. Partially due to aesthetic designs don't feel like RT to me, and then there is the game balance issue (and potential questions that can also come from this). Using Rifts to expand the magic/psionic user base is also possible, along with select items and environmental rules.
The various Rifts books though can make a decent resource for aliens and alien equipment. One thing I dislike about the Rifts D-Bees and such is that not a lot of them get fleshed out with equipment and such, so being able to pull CS equipment in for use by D-Bee Y is likely more useful than having NG-ish company made to produce equipment for the open market in RT IMHO.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 12:57 pm
by Sparticus
ShadowLogan wrote:I would limit what is imported to Rifts for established RT factions to use. Partially due to aesthetic designs don't feel like RT to me, and then there is the game balance issue (and potential questions that can also come from this). Using Rifts to expand the magic/psionic user base is also possible, along with select items and environmental rules.
The various Rifts books though can make a decent resource for aliens and alien equipment. One thing I dislike about the Rifts D-Bees and such is that not a lot of them get fleshed out with equipment and such, so being able to pull CS equipment in for use by D-Bee Y is likely more useful than having NG-ish company made to produce equipment for the open market in RT IMHO.
I like this line of thought. Ok so let’s pick a couple aliens and see where we can go. We have the Karberran and the Peyrton for starters.
Ok so the Karberran are a major tech group in the local area and at one time could have rivaled the Masters. In the new Marine Sourcebook, we have a few examples of Karberran tech: a suit of armor, an ion rifle and a war shovel (so awesome) so whith these in mind what could I do to expand upon this industrial giant’s equipment lists. I note that because the Karberran as so strong they could use most borg type weapons with little to know issue.
Next up are the Peyrton. For this group I have been thinking of expanding the spell list of the Energy wizard and adding more magic classes to them. What I would like here is any ideas suggestions on what spells to add to the energy wizard and what magic classes could be acceptable. There are some guidelines for expanding the energy wizard in the Marine Sourcebook but any help would be wonderful. As for equipment well I thing some techno-wizardry is in order hear.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:45 pm
by Kagashi
All the Iron Heart and Wellington Industries equipment from Mercenaries make for good Robotech generic technology to use. I still like the idea of York from the first game. It was a country (in today's Kentucky, I think) and they had like a 1000 tank army. I like the idea of using Iron Heart equipment as those tanks.
Id limit any energy weapons though, and keep it with ramjet technology and explosives for the MD capabilities. These guys are supposed to be behind the UEEF in terms of technology
Other Rifts stuff you can borrow and would fit in with Robotech would be Kittani technology. They have transformable capabilities in two ground units, and a space fighter and the rest of their stuff appears to be based on organic concepts (serpent, crab, centaur, etc...) Likewise, the Naruni Sun Chariot could easily be a prototype Cyclone of sorts. I has CADS for Darwin's sake.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:51 pm
by ShadowLogan
The Kabarens I'm not sure off hand who can help flesh them out. The Perytons yes that can work, though I'd probably add in TW to the mix.
What I was thinking more of was to use Rifts aliens to meet using Rifts equipment, not necessarily to flesh out RT's existing aliens. Though they likely need fleshing out to, but fleshing out aliens isn't something Palladium does very often in Rifts. Though with the various manufacturers and power blocks it should be possible to plug in some Rifts races with someone else’s equipment, even if it was human in Rifts it doesn't have to be when ported into 2E RT.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:56 pm
by flatline
The Noro from phase world might be a good fit as is or with slight modifications
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 5:46 pm
by tobefrnk
This is what I like about the Megaverse system, Palladium offers a huge range of genres that require only slight retooling (if any) to bring something from one game into another.
For other alien references (or to add custom depth to the existing Sentinels aliens), you could find inspiration in the Aliens Unlimited book (also available in PDF from RPGDriveThru). I've tapped the Humanoid Mineral Races to "flesh" out some Spherian history/politic/cousin races. I also found the crystal technology of the Strata in the Three Galaxies Phase World Sourcebook, in particular the melee weapons useful too.
If you want to give your Praxians a little more punch, the melee weapons in the Shemarrian Nation source book carryover well. I've also used some of the flavor text to beef up Praxian Culture.
Space Pirates: Any of the "Junkier" or box style ships are perfect for that cliche space pirate look. All the smaller tech (like jet packs and tech tools) work well with the necessary use of the Burning Ring for boarding found in the Fleets of the Three Galaxies book.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 10:54 pm
by Chronicler
If you can get them I suggest the Macross 2 books to use as a basest for new tech/offshoot. Might take some fleshing out and balance twikes.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:36 pm
by Sparticus
Ok Iv kitted out the Praxians with the melee weapons in the Shemarrian Nation source book and expanded on the armors they have available as well. I’ve also pimped out the Karberran, Spherian and added to the Tirolians.
I've also slotted some sweet aliens from the Rifts books to populate my universe so now I need only focus on three groups. These are the Haydonites, Garudans and Peyrtons.
I do not know where to start with the Haydonites but as far as the other two here are my thoughts. For the Garudans I have seriously considered visiting Psyscape. Any suggestions on classes and so one to kit them would be awesome. As for the Peyrtons this is where I will probably need the most help. I do not even know where to start so any help in this area would be appreciated.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:06 am
by Jefffar
Golden Age Weaponsmiths provides a good basis for a lot of conventional MDC combat vehicles, especially from the Global Civil War period prior to the integration of technology from the SDF-1. There is need for some slight adjustments here and there of course (is using machine guns and autocannons from Robotech in place of some of the weapons).
Towards the future, the new NG stuff offers some interesting capabilities. I'd be tempted to take a specific 'family' of weapons, mecha, etc from them to use as something belonging to a specific group of aliens or specific faction of humans or similar. Then Robotech them up with Protoculture/SLMH and adjusted stats.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 10:49 pm
by Sparticus
I just had a pretty wicked idea. In my alternate universe the Haydonites are not bad guys. In fact, Shadow Technology and Synchro Cannons are not compromised mainly because they were purely human innovations, first crated by Edwards for an advantage over Hunter and the Expedition and later reversed engineered by the Expedition to put their forces on a level playing field with Edwards and to counter the Invid. Even if the Haydonites helped in mine the fact remains that because they are good and trying to help tech technical assistance they provided is not a Trojan Horse maneuver on that’re part. In fact, what they are doing is arming and preparing humanity against their psychotic cousins the Mechanoids.
It is the Mechanoids that are the “Children of Shadow” that the Invid Regis was talking about and the Haydonites know about the Mechanoids because they have the same origin. The Haydonites used to be the AbM mutations and have evolved into what they are now. The Awareness and Haydon IV are there overlord and mothership respectively. The Mechanoids were the ancient enemy of the Invid and were once halted in their genocidal war long ago by the Robotech Masters and there Zentradi armies They know that because the Masters empire has fallen, the Zentradi armies are devastated and the Invid have moved on that humanity will need to be prepared to face the oncoming storm.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:36 am
by tobefrnk
Mechanoids is a good inspiration source for the Haydonites. I've used them as part of my template mix for the Haydonites for the two different universe timelines I maintain for Robotech (one based on Shadow Chronicles and one that ignored the story of Shadow Chonicles)
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:10 am
by Peacebringer
Sparticus wrote:I am about to the point where the Robotech Wars as seen in the series ends and I am preparing to start more of a galaxy hopping game. I have considered several resources to flush out and add to my settings.
That's not a good idea; there are things far worse than the Invid in other galaxies.
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:20 am
by Nautica
If you want to utilize any of the old secondary cannon stuff from Sentinels ( im still lost in the updates as to what is and isn't cannon so bare with me )
Kaabaran used a lot of pneumatic rifles and old word weaponry. And Sekton(?), I probably misspelled that, as a fuel source for their ships and equipment. ( not sure if any of that changed in the updates. )
I was in a game once where the GM gave them mecha similar to that of the zentraedi. They had their own Pods and Power armors. All be it inferior in tech/firepower than that which the Masters created. A lot of it was Fan made.
As for the Praxians they favored a lot of the non mecha weaponry used by the UEEF. Bela made go boom. lol ^_^ Praxians were always my fav.
As Chronicler mentioned if you can get your hands on the Macross II stuff theres a lot of neat tech in there you can use as a leap forward from what you see in TSC.
I recall playing a game once where we used the Marduke as an enemy we encountered after freeing the sentinel worlds of the invid regent ( this was prior to TSC ever being a thing IRL )
Heh, Robotech on a Macross scale. That would be epic. ^_^
Re: Adding more to my Robotech Games
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:07 am
by Sparticus
So I have the Peyrton and I have pretty much figured out most of what I can do to improve them. I am defiantly adding TW Weapons to their arsenal as well as a few TW Vehicles. As for casting classes I thought the Techno-Wizard OCC would be a good one as Stone Master OCC. Others in consideration include Ley Line Walker OCC, Shifter OCC, Temporal Wizard OCC and Temporal Warrior OCC.
If anyone has ideas or have had experience modifying the Peyrton to be comparable to Robotech factions, please let me know.