Rifts Ammo Costs

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Rifts Ammo Costs

Unread post by RFC17s »

Hi guys, can anyone point me to the best list of Rifts weapons ammo cost? I've had an especially hard time finding the cost of ammo for some of the vehicle weapons (e.g., W.I. Catapult Cannon on the Road Boss Chopper (Juicer Uprising). Any help is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Rifts Ammo Costs

Unread post by Jorick »

RFC17s wrote:Hi guys, can anyone point me to the best list of Rifts weapons ammo cost? I've had an especially hard time finding the cost of ammo for some of the vehicle weapons (e.g., W.I. Catapult Cannon on the Road Boss Chopper (Juicer Uprising). Any help is greatly appreciated!

You probably want to ask in the Rifts forum. I imagine either the Game Masters Guide or one of the Mercenary books would be you best bet, but I can't rifle (haha!) through them right now for page numbers. Someone in the Rifts forum has your answer at the top of his/her head and is probably looking at that forum right now. This forum, though similarly named, is about the quarterly Palladium magazine (also a pun?).
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Re: Rifts Ammo Costs

Unread post by Jorick »

I unfortunately got curious and spent some time trying to find what you're looking for. Hey, it's Friday.

I don't think I've seen that particular ammo anywhere else in the books (like rail gun ammunition cost, it's up to you!). It's closest to "armor piercing" grenades from the WI grenade launcher in Rifts Mercenaries, except they do 1d4X10, and your gun does 1d6X10 (also shoots 1000 ft farther).

There does not seem to be a price list for these kinds of grenades (which, again, are less powerful than the ammo you're looking for). They are bulkier than normal grenades, which cost 400 credits (or 3800/dozen). Mini-missiles (armor piercing 1d4X10, and Plasma 1d6X10) are 2400 credits (or 2200 depending on what you're reading--range: 1 mile/5280 ft). So the cost could be somewhere in between. Maybe 2k?
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Re: Rifts Ammo Costs

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

the rifts books do tend to be a bit sparse on the prices of things like ammo. i suspect that this is because many writers forget about it, and many more tend to assume people will mostly be looting ammo of enemies and thus don't worry about it.

but the GMG does have a few guides to the ammo for various projectile weapons. and i recently combed through books trying to find prices too.

Box of 48 rounds: 20-50 credits (bigger calibre's cost more)
Armor piercing/Hollow point rounds: ~150 credits per box (increase damage by 1D6 per round)
Silver Rounds (damage were's and vamps): 150 credits a box.
Explosive cartridges: (add 1D6x10sd to the damage) ? (no price is given)
WI-10 Ramjets: 3D6x10sd per round or 1MD, 5-10 credits per Round.
WI-20 Ramjets: 1D4md each (.50cal and bigger), 10-15 credits per round.
WI-2E Explosive rounds: triple normal damage, 2 credits per round for pistol, 4 credits per round for Rifle, 6 credits per round for heavy machine gun
(note: i'd suggest making the AP/hollow point ammo only 2x normal, 40-100 credits, since there Is little reason it should be as pricy as silver ammo. Also silver ammo at that cost is merely silver plated.)
12 gauge Shotgun (buckshot): 1 credit
12 gauge Shotgun (slug): 2 credits
12 gauge Shotgun (Fragmentation): 2D6md to a 5ft radius, 130 credits each
12 gauge Shotgun (plasma): 3D6md to a 3ft radius, 170 credits each
12 gauge Shotgun (APRJ): 2D6md, 20 credits each
12 gauge Shotgun (APRJ): 3D6md, 200 credits each (WB10:Juicer Uprisings)
25mm Grenade Cartridge (HE): 2D6md, 550 credits each
25mm Grenade Cartridge (CS microfusion): 6d6md, 2000-3000 credits (rare)
(Shotgun rounds are typically sold in boxes of 25)
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